Smash Master
A good Fox/Falco will also hold down and behind as they try to jump so they'll be able to escape if the Marth uses an u-tilt in those cases.Anyway, a good marth will do an uptilt in those cases.
Having hitlag does not necessarily mean it can be smash DI'd. While Jiggs' f-throw can be, I don't think Falco's d-throw when used against Fox is smash DI'able (the final hit of the throw may very well be smash DI'able by every other character in the game, though it doesn't matter since they can tech) as it hits him when he's on the ground (see forbidden smash DI) which makes him bounce up unable to tech.So it appears Falco's dthrow and Jiggly's fthrow both have hitlag (can be smash DI'd, and fox can shine immediately out of them).
Speaking of Falco's d-throw vs Fox, I'm nearly certain the reason Fox is the only character unable to tech his throw is due to his immense fall speed acceleration. Every other character in the game is able to tech immediately following the 2nd laser hit which sends them straight down as they haven't reached the ground from the previous hit and hit the floor, whereas Fox lands on that frame it connects and is bounced upwards unable to tech. After getting popped up from the 2nd laser he again makes it to the ground as the 3rd laser connects and again is unable to tech. This 3rd laser hit is the one that sends him into the air. Every other character that fails to tech the 2nd laser hit will get hit by the 3rd laser, but will be hit by it while still in the air again and smack into the ground without being sent away.
However, though the 3rd hit most likely can't be smash DI'd by Fox, it can be ASDI'd like all moves with hitlag. You can't shine "immediately" out of either of the throws either. Well, I guess possibly with Jiggs' throw if you can manage to get multiple smash DIs in the few frames of hitlag and stay grounded, but that's not really going to happen in matches. Then again, if Jiggs throws you with more than 12-15 damage you'll be tumbling and fall to the ground anyway. Both moves will make you airborne, so you will incur landing lag. With Falco's throw the soonest you can act is 6 frames after Falco is able to by holding down and away plus down on the c-stick. At around 40, unless their timing is flawless, there's a good chance you can get out by holding down-away on the control stick and away on the c-stick and buffering a roll, and you should almost always be able to get a sidestep off which is slightly faster, but not as safe.