You know what, yeah I was wrong both in calling you presumptous ( though there's a good reason for that, which I'll get to later) and the proper use of the word, unless.
Both of these are just that, grammatical errors and poor use of said words, nothing less, nothing more.
So, when I said/used unless in said sentence, what I actually meant to say is:" he
could have posted

999 and then edited the screenshot later!" So with that cleared up I hope you also understand, what I was refferring to, when I said it was "thinking aloud", that was me showing/expressing just how I was formulating/explaining/justifying my mostly over-creative thought process, not me stating that's what he actually DID. And don't you dare put or twist any more words in my mouth! Bc at that point you'd actually be what you thought/
assumed I was calling you; arrogant, snotty, overbearing, condescending etc, etc.
So the adjective presumptuous comes from the word presume, which generally means, falls under the same meaning as the verbs assume, guess, believe, hypothesize and suppose, for a couple of examples, none of which have any negative connotation by themselves for the most part, but when you take the word presume and make it into an adjective, it's the other way around! ( I guess the English language is just that fickle of a Mistress to non-native speakers =/ )
The way I saw it ( or wrongly assumed in this case), presume was just another more suitable word for assume just sorta like this ------>pre(maturely) +(as)sume = presume. You have to forgive me on that front, that's just how a lot of german words work. ( you can basically give any verb about a 20 vastly different meanings by simply adding a preposition in front like; her, vor, an, nach,hin, zu, ab, and so on and so forth).
Basically I was just saying, that you tend to assume certain things way too quick and rashly, before giving it more thought or looking at it from another, multiple, from different angles or other person's point of view, than your own, but in this case I was guilty of the same thing. "You know what they say about assuming don't you", was prob never more applicable than in this scenario/debate.
So I hope we can stop argueing about semantics now, as most people will agree, that it is one of the most boring, fruitless reasons for quarrel/bickering.
As for the not reading between the lines deal/comment, there are a few instances, where this claim is more warranted than right here, but rest assured, I'll explain myself in another post (which I was in the middle of writing of, but then interrupted for this), but it's 3 am where I live and I have neither the energy nor will/presence of mind right now to properly formulate that one, as it's going to be much more of a pain to finish than this one.