*wonders if dark hart knows that cam challenged ryan...and decides that lucas has no idea what's going on, and is just trying to start *****
as for m@ vs ryan, both of yall should chill, and gboro just needs to hit another waffle house. For serious. Ryan, you do reference tristate a lot, and matt, if you're going to know frame data, impress us with the application as well, if you don't mind. I'd actually like to see it in work. That's the only disappointing thing about you to me. And you know that. So we cool.
I have pretty low loyalty to NC to be honest. I've never felt really all that close to many of you. And the ones I thought I was close to, **** talk me on the boards so much that it ceases to matter (smith, moo, snap, and although rarely, kevin). Ryans been real from the start. But there's such a difference between the boards and real life it becomes bull****.
basically, **** NC. Cam and ryan are the only real people in NC. Only reason we finally got a spark in this place is we FINALLY got two ppl with balls in this state with a decent amount of skill.