It won't work. Good players don't just sit there waiting for someone to engage them. They make reads and if you are trying to go around them, they can and will stop you. This happens ALL the time in doubles when 1 person on a team is at high percents. The other team is hunting for him, but the other guy plays some defense on his behalf.
Yeah, good players make reads, but they can't always read every option. They mess up. Especially considering that theoretically here, they're fighting other good players. So you have somebody (let's say P1) trying to trap a player (let's say P2) trying to get away and hunt the little guy (let's say P3). P1 can read, but so can P2, and it's more difficult for P1 to keep P2 away from P3 than it is for P2 to get away from P1, especially when you consider the size of the stages these fights have to happen on. Even if it's just chip damage, it's easy for P2 to hit P3, and that means that eventually, P3's getting off'd. It's all well and good that P1 can pursue, but unless everyone who tries for this "Just hit the little guy" tactic plays Ganon, it won't put a solid stop to it.
And at what point does P2 become just a wild goose chase? If you need the good player to chase down someone and trap them just to prevent a gang-up, doesn't that in turn leave the weak player more open?
Bring in more players if you want; (evens are on one team, odds on the other for the purposes of this) If P1 can't stop P2 on his own, say P5 jumps in to help stop P1. Well great, now nobody's stopping P6 from attacking P3. And if both P4 and P6 are attacking P3, now it's prioritizing. Does the odd team go over and help P3? Or do they keep trying to keep P2 away? If one leaves to help P3, won't P2 be able to escape again? Even if they keep between P2 and P3, P2 will keep dragging the fight toward P3 to rack up chip damage and try for a kill, all while P4 and P6 are engaging P3. And what if P5 keeps on P6? Isn't P6 just going to do the same thing P2 has been doing?And all the while that P1 and P5 are trying to prevent a gang-up, isn't P3 fighting an uphill battle against P4? I mean, even if the better players, P1 and P5, do manage to keep P2 and P6, respectively, away, then P4 is free to fight the worse player alone anyway, and then all P2 and P6 have to do is keep P3 and P4 alone. In fact, maybe it shifts to keeping P1 and P5 away. Maybe now they're the one's trying to get to P3, but can they? Will it work? Because then the player they were keeping busy can go fight P3.
And then you have a match that centers around the worst player. And that will not be a fun match to play or to watch.
And if it works, if they manage to score points like that, won't it seem dull? Won't it seem cheap or boring that a team just tries to score kills by going after the weaker player?
All I really mean to say is that in time, and easy point becomes the focus. Of everything. If the easy point is the weakest player, the weakest player is the focus. If the easy point is camping, camping is the focus. Stock persuades players to interact more, and in more diverse and interesting ways.