You are most notably forgetting Gheb, lol. I miss that guy.So, this is going to be my last post on the CCI thread.
Sadly, I don't have anything good to contribute, no massive grand post or anything like you're used to.
I was gonna go back through and talk about all of the opinions that I've had over the years and how they've held up over time, but looks like Krysco's got that covered, so instead you just get this.
This is mostly a throwaway post and adds no value to the topic but this is the only thread in smashboards that I've ever really posted in since I joined, so I want to give a special thank you to the following people (and others whom I've missed, I can't even call you out Gheb because of your new username):
@Shaya @Radical Larry @Thinkaman @Lavani @san. @DjentTDK @Luco @Vyrnx @Dabuz @Emblem Lord
@Das KoopaKofu @Berserker. @A2ZOMG @Locke 06 and others who've been cool and added real value to the thread over the years, I'm sure I'm forgetting tons of people
y'all are good folks, keep at it
p.s. pikachu is still secretly top tier guys, just give it another 40 years or so
Not a whole lot of people who will care, but this will probably be my last post here too.
Outside of the loyal Greninja player base I’ve rolled with for the bast three years, I find very little reason to keep caring about this game. This college search has made me realize that I have something to offer to this world, and it’s not dropping sick Greninja knowledge on fools. Nothing against you guys though, had a blast.