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4/19 Gigabits - The Melee exploded into a Brawl

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Jun 24, 2001
Orlando, FL
Switch FC
Dude. Rx is awesome.

BTW, when is this ****ing tournament going to end and does anyone have updates? I heard pools ended at freakin' MIDNIGHT.
I left with my Wii (with some resistance from some players still doing their pool) around 11:40PM and I still think they had four more matches to go.

I missed meeting OTRU, QDVS, and Rx, who I was really looking forward to playing. I never got around to playing Manko because I needed to leave and I pretty much lost the pool.

Rx-'s girlfriend was hot, but Marin would pwn her.

btw, chicks get in free at Manko's tourney.
Actually, a majority of the females there were cute. Would have been glad to play some good female players. Especially the female Pit player that was there. Too bad I didn't get her name.


Smash Apprentice
May 29, 2007
Down the street from Gigs
Rx-'s girlfriend was hot, but Marin would pwn her.

btw, chicks get in free at Manko's tourney.
need to get Noishe, Keyboard, Bossmagnet, and Marin to fight each other.


Actually a majority of the females there were cute. Would have been glad to play some good female players.
Yeah I get told by non-gamers all the time that they're really surprised to see that girl gamers almost all seem to be good looking (and not bulimic in the process). Then again these guys are also surprised that we actually eat real food instead of just fritos for the whole tournament so I guess that's what I get for talking with something about as smart as a spoon of yeast.


Smash Champion
Feb 26, 2008
Orlando (UCF)
Dude. Rx is awesome.

BTW, when is this ****ing tournament going to end and does anyone have updates? I heard pools ended at freakin' MIDNIGHT.
He truly is, he congratulates you on your skills. Rather than most people that rub it in when the win or get POed when they lose. And yeah Midnight was outrageous, I figured I lost the pool so left at the ripe hour of 11:30

Gindler!!.....I challenge thee to an.......


(Even though it might be laggy)

P.S. Let's do this tomorrow. ^_^
Curses, my router sucks now. I'm getting my mom's old one next week but then the Wii may not be available do to school being out and returning home for a few weeks (roomie owns the wii). Think you'll be going to any smashfests sir? Playing with lag can be a pain do to my horrible adaption speeds.

Rx-'s girlfriend was hot, but Marin would pwn her.

btw, chicks get in free at Manko's tourney.
Heck, I think marin could pwn me.

Manko? tourney? Open to the public by chance?

Afaik it's still going while i'm typing this. Personally I think that it's all bad luck brought on by angering the smash gods for not having a team c0ck and balls this time.

P.s. #@&$ DDD! always that **** ball of spikes right when i trip.
Ha, you truly did anger the smash gods. Don't be too upset though, I did the same thing.


Jun 24, 2001
Orlando, FL
Switch FC
Curses, my router sucks now. I'm getting my mom's old one next week but then the Wii may not be available do to school being out and returning home for a few weeks (roomie owns the wii). Think you'll be going to any smashfests sir? Playing with lag can be a pain do to my horrible adaption speeds.
I'm throwing a SmashFest next Saturday(04/26) at my place for all those who want to come, PM me so I can get you directions. And that goes for all our regions gamers. It would be nice to see more female gamers (who probably know to bathe and where deodorant) here. :ohwell:


Smash Apprentice
Mar 10, 2008
Central Florida
I'm throwing a SmashFest next Saturday(04/26) at my place for all those who want to come, PM me so I can get you directions. And that goes for all our regions gamers. It would be nice to see more female gamers (who probably know to bathe and where deodorant) here. :ohwell:
i would go...but every time i go to these meets i always win...its actually getting redundant....was at mardigras 2day instead of gigabits

I had to balance this equation


yeah....it sucks being the best...not really tho


Jun 24, 2001
Orlando, FL
Switch FC
i would go...but every time i go to these meets i always win...its actually getting redundant....was at mardigras 2day instead of gigabits

I had to balance this equation


yeah....it sucks being the best...not really tho
Not that I'm calling you cocky but.... well, not sure how to finish that sentence. If you're available come join us.


Jun 24, 2001
Orlando, FL
Switch FC
yeah but saturday i wanna hit a tourny...r u available for 1 on 1s during the week bro?
Not til' Next Monday (04/28) and even then its iffy with the recent surge of computer repair work I've gotten in.

Ike is too good
You, me, your bro and a few others (invite other Smash friends) next weekend. You must be there. ;)


Smash Champion
Feb 26, 2008
Orlando (UCF)
I'm throwing a SmashFest next Saturday(04/26) at my place for all those who want to come, PM me so I can get you directions. And that goes for all our regions gamers. It would be nice to see more female gamers (who probably know to bathe and where deodorant) here. :ohwell:
Oooo Awesome. Yeah, I wish the girls that are interested in me like VG's but they never seem to that'd be awesome. Do most gamer girls stink? I never really smelled on before but I'll take your word for it sir.

i would go...but every time i go to these meets i always win...its actually getting redundant....was at mardigras 2day instead of gigabits

I had to balance this equation


yeah....it sucks being the best...not really tho
How can you win at a smashfest? Aren't they just for fun? But you should go to one sometime.

I think this is a much more accurate equation

some girls>brawl>most girls

I just can't stand hearing, awwww Toon Link's so cute

This is probably just the lack of sleep talking.


Smash Ace
Nov 21, 2005
Florida, Ocala
So I think I headed home with my friend at around 12 and that's when pools finally finished, crazy stuff. Met some really cool people though and hoping to play some future matches though.


Smash Hero
Oct 10, 2004
Rylai the Crystal Maiden's Igloo
need to get Noishe, Keyboard, Bossmagnet, and Marin to fight each other.


Yeah I get told by non-gamers all the time that they're really surprised to see that girl gamers almost all seem to be good looking (and not bulimic in the process). Then again these guys are also surprised that we actually eat real food instead of just fritos for the whole tournament so I guess that's what I get for talking with something about as smart as a spoon of yeast.
Are you kidding me dude? Going to a smash tournament is the absolute LAST place you should look to pick up girls. Seriously. Smash will not get you girls.
Especially brawl, since you can't even show off in this game. You just look ******** doing it since it does'nt look very impressive at all and a 5 year old can master this game.

Pretty much, you'll have better luck picking up girls at a g-ay bar than at a smash tournament.

Fenrir VII

Smash Master
Sep 9, 2005
Haha...certain SFL people need to learn how to talk trash intelligently...oh well, they'll learn.

and yeah, I was with my girl for a while...forgive me. hehe my girl >>>>>>>>> Smash

So, the tourney is STILL going...no lie. I just got knocked out in the best possible way and am back home. It's wrapping up, but daaang. I just am not sure how you deal with that many people, doing two tournaments, in less time. : / idk if it's possible...this tourney seemed to move along pretty well, actually.

Doubles started late because of the huge influx of "I want to register!!!" people at like 12...

I just want to say Mwarhead is the man...absolutely... he's still there working. that's just nuts.

Grats to fearless for an epic match.

And no, I don't have any real updates. I was helping to run doubles until late, but then I got some food, so no idea who won that...and singles is still going on...no idea.


Smash Champion
Nov 24, 2006
Orlando, FL(UCF) truuuu
top 5 Doubles:
1. chaz and dani (pit-marth)
2. xyz and otru (G&W-metatru)
3. Qdvs and Rx (snake-metatru)
4. Hiroshi and Hbox (kirby-ddd)
5. colbol and sheer (toon link-kirby)

singles is still going, props to my boy skrach who knocked out chaz in a marth ditto and icekid.

People who are still in are galeon riot dani rx reno... dont remember the rest

Good **** will, mad fun teaming, gotta run that back, tru?

good matches to everyone i played


Smash Journeyman
Oct 22, 2005
Lakeland, FL
RX- vs. CDoc in the finals going on rigth now.

Galeon takes 3rd place.

Today Gigabits gave out a total of $2009 in prizing.

All I can say is thanks to the community for being the best out there.

Special props to Fenir for giving me a hand.

For everyones knowledge we had 49 teams enter Doubles

and 126 final entrants to Singles.

There were over 160 total people in the store today. I refunded over 30 because of they couldn't playout the tourney.

Also Happy Birthday Cecil. Next tourney is yours! Muhahahahaha!


Jun 24, 2001
Orlando, FL
Switch FC
Oooo Awesome. Yeah, I wish the girls that are interested in me like VG's but they never seem to that'd be awesome. Do most gamer girls stink? I never really smelled on before but I'll take your word for it sir.

How can you win at a smashfest? Aren't they just for fun? But you should go to one sometime.

I think this is a much more accurate equation

some girls>brawl>most girls

I just can't stand hearing, awwww Toon Link's so cute

This is probably just the lack of sleep talking.
I meant in comparison to some of the males who come to my SmashFests who don't bathe often enough.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 4, 2005
Fort Lauderdale, FL
Just got home a few minutes ago, was great seeing all my smash peoples that I havent seen in WAY too long now for some. Although next time its going to be a like 18 hour tournament, I think everyone should sleep a little more before hand, I know everyone I went with was tired as **** from either getting like 3 hours of sleep, or none at all.

Brawls a fun game :)
Its funny how many people this game is bringing to the community, just some of them need to keep their **** in check.

And Id like to thank Dguy for blowing my mind in my first time ever playing a Lucario. Same goes to the first time I played Olimar, still dont know wtf that little guy did :D

Crooooooom lets go to dennys some time, it will be romantic, peace...

And to my amazing smash family/lovers, i love you guys :)


Smash Rookie
Mar 29, 2008
Incredible tourney, I had a lot of fun. Great, great matches. It's a bummer my parents were being *******s and made me leave early. But what can you do? Everyone in my pool was awesome, I had the best time fighting all of you and can't wait to fight more in the future.

I know my post count is funny, but for some reason smashboards wouldn't let me login to my old account. Not like that one was much better, though :p

Also, thank god for the fan near the front of gigabits! I think several people would've passed out if it wasn't there.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 20, 2008
Orange Park, Fl
Do any of those guys play online? I have never seen anything like what I saw at that tournament over Wifi.

I just want to have acess to that kind of skill without driving almost three hours.

I could swear a R.O.B./Game and watch team was thee other fifth place slot. I thought they would take the tournament because I had yet to see chaz team yet. That Pit was amazing.

I could not even try to stay through the 1v1 portion. RX Metaknight is beast however.


Smash Champion
Jul 9, 2005
Orlando, FL
did you go dk? i bet u didnt >( lol
im messin

man this was a fun tournament i must say
I wish i could have stayed for the rest i had to be home by 2
parent johns

im actually surprised they let me stay till 2 because usually i have to be home by 10:30
"arnt you in college bro.."-
...shut up

anyway i got out of my pool..somehow
and i gave my spot to colbol

I love gigs tourneys
next time lets find a way to make things go quicker.
More setups? Start earlier? 2 day tourneys???
not everyone can stay till 5 am so that isnt fair some people that made it out of pools other than me had to leave.


Hiroshi needs to play a gay character
Vericz plays semi gay with meta but his poke is nasteee!
Hungry almost made it outa pools sorry gah
Al didnt join
Action LIES hes not in wato lol i love this guy tho
Kyon was nastee in teams shoudl have joined singles
fermin dissapeared
Rx is the funniest kid! and hes **** in brawl AND GAY IN TEAMS lolol
Angry lobster ***** me
xyz is too good
linguini has a very good donkey kong and inspired me to use him the rest of the tourney
that guy....D...with falco..is very good justneeds to be more consistent but still good player
Cloud Strife needs to roll less but still has a good lucario keep it up gah
Mankosuki knows how to play everyone his rob is too good
Colbol kills himself every five seconds thats the only reason he loses. HES SO GOOD IN MELEE!
Queen is funny and fun to be around
Sheermadness has a sick *** kirby!
Skrach has a sick *** marth / sonic!
gindler good yoshi
ted still pwnin with that ike i see
dguy is nastee!
vijin didnt get to see you play!
Amber why didnt you enter? you cool
Loto?- you are sort of a **** but watever also learn the game already. HALBERD IS A COUNTER PICK! ITS ON THE FIRST PAGE! your kirby is good tho. Olimar kid not so much
his trash talking is amazing however.


Pokemon Stadium 1
Luigi's Mansion
Delfino Plaza
Castle Siege
Pirate Ship
Frigate Orpheon
Rainbow Cruise

Kei??- the peach gah- you have a good peach..peach is one of those characters i cant john about so yeah good games.

There were sooo many people i played and talked to sorry i didnt list like 80% of them
just know that all my matches were good and it was a lot of fun chillin with everyone.
Veryyy fun tournament.

Sensei Seibrik

Smash Hero
Jan 19, 2006
My Mind's Eye
Just got home, didn't sleep.

Well while I didn't get to play Rx in a 1v1,
holy ***** **** fuks

he's the most consistantly gay meta i've ever seen. Very good approach, but it depresses me you did as well as you did with basically just up-b and b... Good **** tho, we will find a way around it eventually, without forcing us all to second snake.

Danny: Good **** as always, keep owning!
Chaz: Same to you, we'll play soon enough
Galeon: We'll get 'em next time, we need more character exp lol
Tommy G: You G!! You had a **** bracket and u pretended like u didn't care! Barrel through them! See ya round: P.S. i left my iPod charger in ur car, thanks again for the ride man, appreciate it :D
Linguini: your welcome, thats all im sayin
Loto: loved chillin with u, ur kirbie's gettin up there, for seriousees
Sighrax: good set, great set, crazy ****. Stupid sheild :p
Those in my pool: Sorry.... GG's

While im happy with my performance in general, im depressed in my results, while im not sure exactly what I got, I know it was nothing spectacular :/

If there's anyone im missin out, im sorry, im tired as HELL.

And Fenrir/Mwarhead: THANK YOU
Great tourny, too big/late tho
Oh well, watchya gonna do?

Everyone come to Brawl Bash 3, there will be fans!!!! :):):)

Colbol/QDVS: F|_|CK MELEE!!!


Smash Journeyman
Dec 22, 2007
Brandon, Florida
Boy that was a really long tournament. Had a lot of fun though, just wish I could have got into some more friendly matches. Didn't make it out of my pool, might have finished 5th but what's the point? I got decimated by three metaknights. Specifically otru and reno. YOu two are amazing. I won't get discouraged though, I will keep coming to tournaments even though my Luigi can hardly touch a metaknight. Perhaps I need a counterpick...


Smash Hero
Jan 6, 2005
Orlando, FL
I dont even care that I was there for over 13 hours. this was an awesome tournament. A shame i end up stumbling upon a glitch that eventually caused my demise during my losers bracket game (the one where you will sometimes downB instead of upB if you have tap jump off)

Im still disappointed in my placing. Its probably 42nd or some BS like that. A gigs tourney really is much different than other tourneys. Maybe its the aura or something, i dunno. Ill be coming to every brawl tourney at gigs no matter what. It was my first gigs tourney though, and at least i can say i made it out of pools.

Ted Boosely: **** you. **** you and your smash attacks. Keep the good ike up
Garbanzo: Thanks for letting me and force stay at your place friday. Your Fox is indeed sick
xyz: wtf happened to my game and watch practice?
Equi: Wolf is amazing
Gindler: I was looking for you all day for a match. guess it'll have to wait until the next tourney
Seibrik: You have a game and watch problem, and i have a kirby problem. We need to work together to solve our problems simultaneously.
Loto: Kirby's feet are still top tier, while kirby himself is mid. oh, and WHAT DOES NESS MOVES EVEN DO?!?!
Fearless: Thanks for letting us use your car for the TV setup. Next time we'll bring a much better TV.
Female peach player in my pool: wow...you are really good. you keep that up
Riot: Your play trash talking of Ted made my pool experience all the more entertaining.
Raef: Some really fun G&W dittos. Good luck learning Wolf. Just dont suicide as much as i did with him. And abuse the *** out of that turtle more.
Law: We had the most amazing G&W/Snake fight i've ever seen in my life. If i could've recorded it, i'd watch the ending of that fight everyday before i leave the house.
Fenrir: Thanks for letting me know that downB i did in our fight was indeed a glitch and not me just messing up terribly.

As the self proclaimed best diddy in CFL, i feel ashamed of my outcome. Oh well, no use QQing over spilled losses. See you guys at Raef's Darkside Comics @ Sarasota tourney


Smash Lord
Mar 18, 2006
Winter Park, FL
how much money was given out?

Also, no need to ban MK, just have to figure out how to beat him. If you ban him Snake would probably be next...in the end all that would be left is Yoshi dittos. (jk yoshi mains, i'm sure he's good)


Smash Lord
Jan 6, 2007
Orlando, FL
had alot of fun in the tourney, I was sooo tired around 1am, I didn't really care to play in the tourney. sleepy johnz

everyone is too good in this game.... really.
we busted out the melee, to show peeps how tru skills is displayed in smash.

Props to noob testament.
xyz,otru,queen,rx-,colbol,sheer for getting top 5 in teams

and rx for tieing in first with dannypit

a tournament is not official with nexus.

"jack a ****, then take a sip.."

melee falcon dittos are epic.

mwarhead ownz.

shout out to everyone who attended!!


A.K.A. Disafter
Jul 7, 2007
Dallas, Tx
Edit for Rohins: Lets Yoshi ditto!!! jk
Doubles: I'm not sure of the exact number for 1st.
First $400
Second $150
Third $50

Singles: Since me and Danny split, we each got $614
First $945
Second $283
Third $97

I don't even know what to say about this tournament.

I played.....gay? I didn't camp, I didn't talk ****, I just played as best as I could to win, and some people weren't too happy about it.

Galeon is one of the most talented Brawl players I've ever seen.

Doubles Results:
1st: Chaz and Danny
2nd: Otru and xYz
3rd: Rx- and QDVS
4th: Seibrik and Galeon?

QDVS posted singles results a few posts back.

I have a huge amount of respect for the FIU guys, and I don't want to ever get on their bad side, same goes for HBox/Hiroshi and also Sighrax.

I just hope everyone knows that if I didn't do everything I could each round, I would have felt like I was sandbagging, and I hate sandbagging. I also just want people to know that everyone has the opportunity to main or second Meta Knight, and it's not as easy as people made it sound to get that far in the bracket with him.

But I believe that I got a good bracket, and I never had to play some of the kids that I worry about the most. QDVS reads me like and open book and beats me every time. Bane just ***** me.

Speaking of Bane: He plays G&W, and I spammed the fvck out of him, and he two stocked me both matches in pools.

So Snake, G&W, and Falco are all good counterpicks vs spammy Meta Knights. Equi's Wolf also countered all my moves.

And Kirby has one move to counter each of Meta Knight's spammy moves, and I got ***** by Loto at Seibrik's tournament.

And Galeon's Lucas knew just how to handle my Meta Knight.

So if you're worried about losing to a Meta Knight who plays like I do, either
A) Pick up Snake, G&W, Falco, Wolf, Kirby, or Lucas. OR
B) Quit johning when you lose.

I <3 everyone who doesn't hate me.
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