:D thanks.
You that Yoshi player?
But I doubt I'm any better than you.
Still learning names here XD
Yeah that's me. It may look like I'm really tech with Yoshi but that is because I know most of the ins and outs of him and I am really comfortable with him. I can't transfer that tech skill with Marth and Falcon, who I plan to use more often once I become ready for tournies. But then again, YOSHI IS SO MUCH FUN!!!
can't wait till wato6...
which wato will help me with o_________0
I may not be a Wato member but I'll help you out if I can. I want to help.
1. hungry - Thanks again for hosting, good **** winning singles.
2. QDVS - I enjoyed the whooping you gave me XD, JK but playing you was fun. I enjoy playing good players.
3. col bol - COLIN BE BALLIN, nice job winning dubs with Dop
4. the law - You should've won so I could scream YOU FOUGHT THE LAW, AND THE LAW WON!!! Nice Falco.
5. dop - Nice job winning dubs as well, nastee Peach
5. uuaa - don't think you did bad, that's my job. Your nastee like I always say
7. dark sonic - nice Marth, you do what I can only try to do with Marth
7. rx - - You're are always chill, I hope I can take those piano lessons this summer,
Kyon - I wish you could've stayed longer,
Fearless - Your Fox is getting real good, learn the ways of uuaa and Colbol
F-Zero - my inspiration to play falcon, i must learn the ways
Pengie - We had some good friendlies, nice Falco
Scidadle - Keep playing good players and results will show, and yeah you are a better player than me XD
Action/StrawHat/Bison - We will team eventually, PROFESSIONAL SOMBREROS
Sprinkles - You and Rx on the piano was gold, hope you had fun at the prom
Hiroshi - why you had to work today??? I hope I can earn your respect one day
Legion - you have to enter singles next time, I believe you'll do good
Fearless, I think my problem is that I feel intimidated by all you good players because I respect you guys so much. I honestly feel like I don't belong. It's ironic because I'm like the biggest guy in the room XD. I'd rather play against everyone and let them say "Hey, you're pretty good" and earn your guys respect first. Maybe I'm thinking too much. I don't know. I'll be more open next time.
I had fun at this. I was bummed out for a while, but I'm over that. Thanks guys.