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Smash Apprentice
Aug 19, 2009
hey can someone tell me what I would do if I wanted to replace wolfs final smash with his up taunt and for there to be a big fire explosion


PM Support
May 27, 2008
sounds epic=)... but i think it would be kinda difficult... cause you would have to change every single detail about it...


Smash Apprentice
Aug 19, 2009
sounds epic=)... but i think it would be kinda difficult... cause you would have to change every single detail about it...
well actually I already know how to replace it with his up taunt but I dont know how to make an explosion appear,how to make it bigger and how to make so that the land master doesn't come down


PM Support
May 27, 2008
then i have some graphic effects:
12 Small Explosion w/ Smoke
18 explosion
19 Small Fire Explosion with Smoke
23 Medium Size Fire Explosion with Smoke (1)
2A White Explosion thing
33 Smoke
3A fire Explosion
3B Better fire explosion
41 Fire explosion (non smoke)
4D Bomb-omb explosion
4B Dust Smoke Cloud things
64 Dark Red Explosion
7D Small White Blast

...for the actual hitting... make fire hitboxes(5)... and change their size/placement to match where you put the graphic effect... i don't really know how at the moment but i'll find out eventually...


Smash Cadet
Aug 29, 2007
Ok here are a few questions about Ganondorf.

Ok well I replaced his Side-B with his Jab animation. I was wondering how I could make it so his momentum did not stop in the air when he used it (as in he keeps on falling). Also I'd like to make it so he doesn't go into his special fall animation afterward. Any advice?


Smash Champion
May 12, 2008
Baltimore, MD
Ah, problem solved. Animation End(s) must be at the beginning of the special's cooldown; all else is okay to change.

That makes everything so much better.

Now why are hitboxes ****ing up...;_;

EDIT: As the guy above me said, E is the regular air end animation, and 0 is the regular ground end animation. I think 10 is the falling animation.


Smash Lord
Jan 16, 2009
In space
Shanus, what is in the grab animation with extra endlag?

A ghetto fix would be transferring to another animation of some sort, but that would look dumb.

You could use the animation engine to slow down the endlag of the new grab subaction.


Smash Ace
Oct 4, 2007
Ugh, well working on my elemental Mario, I encountered a problem. I removed the "Generate Article:1" from his Special N, and added four hit boxes (attached to bone 25 at first, then 0) and four graphics, as well as an Asynchronous timer set to ten frames and a Terminate Collisions command. The hit box never happens, and the graphics stay in one place (I set the X Offset different amount away from the character, yet it never shows up where I set it, just on Mario). What I want to happen is to have a attack that when Mario puts his hand out like he's going to shoot his FireBall, he instead shoots out a line of electricity roughly the size of half of Final Destination, but the hitboxes don't appear, and neither does the graphics show up where they are supposed to. Also, I changed Mario's F-Smash to have four explosions and hitboxes (three in the current download), but it no longer has the hitboxes for the 3 ones I added, and it worked once with the current download, but when I went back to it, it didn't have the ones I added work either. The graphics show up, but not the hitboxes.


PM Support
May 27, 2008
Ugh, well working on my elemental Mario, I encountered a problem. I removed the "Generate Article:1" from his Special N, and added four hit boxes (attached to bone 25 at first, then 0) and four graphics, as well as an Asynchronous timer set to ten frames and a Terminate Collisions command. The hit box never happens, and the graphics stay in one place (I set the X Offset different amount away from the character, yet it never shows up where I set it, just on Mario). What I want to happen is to have a attack that when Mario puts his hand out like he's going to shoot his FireBall, he instead shoots out a line of electricity roughly the size of half of Final Destination, but the hitboxes don't appear, and neither does the graphics show up where they are supposed to. Also, I changed Mario's F-Smash to have four explosions and hitboxes (three in the current download), but it no longer has the hitboxes for the 3 ones I added, and it worked once with the current download, but when I went back to it, it didn't have the ones I added work either. The graphics show up, but not the hitboxes.
...you have a asynchronous timer set at 10 and some hitboxes and then, whith nothing in between, a terminate collisions... is that right? if so... ad a synchronous timer whith the amount of frames you want the hitboxes to be there... cause what you've been doing is killing them the frame you make them...


Smash Champion
May 12, 2008
Baltimore, MD
Ugh, well working on my elemental Mario, I encountered a problem. I removed the "Generate Article:1" from his Special N, and added four hit boxes (attached to bone 25 at first, then 0) and four graphics, as well as an Asynchronous timer set to ten frames and a Terminate Collisions command. The hit box never happens, and the graphics stay in one place (I set the X Offset different amount away from the character, yet it never shows up where I set it, just on Mario). What I want to happen is to have a attack that when Mario puts his hand out like he's going to shoot his FireBall, he instead shoots out a line of electricity roughly the size of half of Final Destination, but the hitboxes don't appear, and neither does the graphics show up where they are supposed to. Also, I changed Mario's F-Smash to have four explosions and hitboxes (three in the current download), but it no longer has the hitboxes for the 3 ones I added, and it worked once with the current download, but when I went back to it, it didn't have the ones I added work either. The graphics show up, but not the hitboxes.
You have the same problem I did.

To fix non-moving GFX, change the Undefined option to true. I have no idea why hitboxes aren't working; they're doing that for me too.

Max: I'll try that too.



Smash Ace
Oct 4, 2007
...you have a asynchronous timer set at 10 and some hitboxes and then, whith nothing in between, a terminate collisions... is that right? if so... ad a synchronous timer whith the amount of frames you want the hitboxes to be there... cause what you've been doing is killing them the frame you make them...

No wonder, I changed the ones in the current download's f-smash to asynchronous as well because I had them as asynchronous on another move, no wonder it stopped working.


Smash Hero
Nov 17, 2005
Shanus, what is in the grab animation with extra endlag?

A ghetto fix would be transferring to another animation of some sort, but that would look dumb.

You could use the animation engine to slow down the endlag of the new grab subaction.
Can't slow down a subaction, only an actionID.


Smash Master
Dec 13, 2003
Close to Trenton, NJ Posts: 4,071
What? The sub action IDs are just the 'animation' IDs. 806C would be standing grab. You couldn't add an IASA 5 frames before the normal animation ends (slow down before this point to add 5 frames to balance it out), and slow it down to 0.200x speed on that frame so the JC one doesnt get the IASA and as a result has 20 extra lag?


Smash Apprentice
Feb 20, 2008
How do you make someone dissapear, then reappear in a different place? kinda like zeldas, shieks, and mewtwos (yeah remember him?) up B's ?

btw - new icon, check it out. feedback?


Smash Journeyman
Oct 1, 2006
2) I don't believe so.
It is not possible the way you are trying to do it, but I think this is how they made fox's shine cancelable with a jump:

If input is 02 (02 = jump button (X, Y and Up by default))
Change action 00B (which is jump)

Can be made in other variations.


Smash Hero
Nov 17, 2005
What? The sub action IDs are just the 'animation' IDs. 806C would be standing grab. You couldn't add an IASA 5 frames before the normal animation ends (slow down before this point to add 5 frames to balance it out), and slow it down to 0.200x speed on that frame so the JC one doesnt get the IASA and as a result has 20 extra lag?
The issue is placing the conditional to begin with. So there is no point in slowing down the subaction since I just need to make a new one entirely.


Smash Rookie
Jun 20, 2009
Atlanta, Georgia
I'm trying to turn Zelda into a time mage. What I want to do is have her side B inflict "Slow" on her opponent if it hits them. I'm guessing I can't since that would be a prop, right? If that is the case, is it possible to add it to, say, her neutral A for instance?

I also want her to be able to cast 'Haste" upon herself. Is it possible to do that without generating a Bunny Hood?

I've been messing with the Time Manipulation and it seems that it always effects the whole screen or doesn't have an effect at all. I'm assuming TM would be the key to doing this, but it seems like I can't set it to activate only if they get hit.


Smash Lord
Jan 8, 2008
I'm trying to turn Zelda into a time mage. What I want to do is have her side B inflict "Slow" on her opponent if it hits them. I'm guessing I can't since that would be a prop, right? If that is the case, is it possible to add it to, say, her neutral A for instance?

I also want her to be able to cast 'Haste" upon herself. Is it possible to do that without generating a Bunny Hood?

I've been messing with the Time Manipulation and it seems that it always effects the whole screen or doesn't have an effect at all. I'm assuming TM would be the key to doing this, but it seems like I can't set it to activate only if they get hit.
For Haste, you could set a bit variable when it's cast. And then, for certain moves, have an If (Haste Variable Set) : Allow Interrupt. The end result would be that you can cancel out of moves faster when hasted. Alternately, to cause Haste to make the character move faster, you could do a little If (Haste Variable Set) : Character Momentum on the Walk/Run commands. That's how I would do it at least.

Note: the above depicts only psuedocode.

By the way, I tried out your guy over on Kittycorp (assuming there aren't two different people making Time Mages out of Zelda) and it was pretty cool.


Smash Rookie
Jun 20, 2009
Atlanta, Georgia
For Haste, you could set a bit variable when it's cast. And then, for certain moves, have an If (Haste Variable Set) : Allow Interrupt. The end result would be that you can cancel out of moves faster when hasted. Alternately, to cause Haste to make the character move faster, you could do a little If (Haste Variable Set) : Character Momentum on the Walk/Run commands. That's how I would do it at least.

Note: the above depicts only psuedocode.

By the way, I tried out your guy over on Kittycorp (assuming there aren't two different people making Time Mages out of Zelda) and it was pretty cool.
Oh ok I see what you're saying, but I still don't know how to speed her up. Messing with time manipulation, it only effects the opponent and it only slows them.

Btw, that's someone else. That sucks, sorta don't wanna do it now that somebody else is doing it.


Smash Lord
Jan 16, 2009
In space
The issue is placing the conditional to begin with. So there is no point in slowing down the subaction since I just need to make a new one entirely.
Well then use an empty subaction using the Catch animation, then reference that subaction using the appropriate ID to do the JC grab, then slow it down after the grabbox goes away in the frame speed mod.

If the subaction you were using was 3C, you'd reference 803C in the frame speed mod. It should work, in theory.


Smash Apprentice
Aug 14, 2009
care to explain a little more?
for example after the opponent is thrown he/she freezes, as in turns into ice, i tried looking into the grab collision but grab collisions are done using variables, and i dont really know which one does what


Smash Ace
Mar 3, 2009
Any help guys? I'm trying to make Kirby's Down-B spawn a franklin badge but he keeps freezing after the animation ends.


Smash Champion
Dec 19, 2007
Does anyone know how to make a Button Press of only Z and not Z, L, or R?
Since you want it to react to a "grab" see if you can set the requirement to be L/R + A, and see if Z is included in that.

Otherwise, the only way to make it exclusive to Z/ L&R+A is to change the jump action.

I'm trying to turn Zelda into a time mage. What I want to do is have her side B inflict "Slow" on her opponent if it hits them. I'm guessing I can't since that would be a prop, right? If that is the case, is it possible to add it to, say, her neutral A for instance?

I also want her to be able to cast 'Haste" upon herself. Is it possible to do that without generating a Bunny Hood?

I've been messing with the Time Manipulation and it seems that it always effects the whole screen or doesn't have an effect at all. I'm assuming TM would be the key to doing this, but it seems like I can't set it to activate only if they get hit.
The slow might have something to do with time manipulation? not sure.

You could generate and use a bunny hood from an attack, or you could set a variable as true for the speed, and set another as a number that would be reduced with every action until it reaches 0 and sets the first variable as false, and have each potentially sped up action check to see if that variable is true, and if it is true add momentum/IASA frames to the move/action and subtract 1 from the timer.

>_> Yes, it is complicated.

Awesome Turtwig

Smash Journeyman
Apr 3, 2009
Hey guys. So I mad my character invisible... but there are some parts of my character that I still want visible. I want to generate an article that can still be visible. But sadly it's invisible too. Is there any way around this?


Smash Lord
Jan 8, 2008
Hey guys. So I mad my character invisible... but there are some parts of my character that I still want visible. I want to generate an article that can still be visible. But sadly it's invisible too. Is there any way around this?
I'm afraid not. Otherwise, I would have Wisp be able to hold items. (Items held are also invisible.)

You could experiment with removing parts of the model though -- I believe there was a thread on that a while ago. It should be 2 or 3 pages deep in this board by now.


PM Support
May 27, 2008
for example after the opponent is thrown he/she freezes, as in turns into ice, i tried looking into the grab collision but grab collisions are done using variables, and i dont really know which one does what
...i dont really know... maybe if you looked at ness to find out what gives him a fire effect on his down throw... that may give you a clue...

Awesome Turtwig

Smash Journeyman
Apr 3, 2009
I'm afraid not. Otherwise, I would have Wisp be able to hold items. (Items held are also invisible.)

You could experiment with removing parts of the model though -- I believe there was a thread on that a while ago. It should be 2 or 3 pages deep in this board by now.
Hmm, alright. Thanks.

Awesome Turtwig

Smash Journeyman
Apr 3, 2009
I'm afraid not. Otherwise, I would have Wisp be able to hold items. (Items held are also invisible.)

You could experiment with removing parts of the model though -- I believe there was a thread on that a while ago. It should be 2 or 3 pages deep in this board by now.
I went 5 pages back and couldn't find it. If it's not too much trouble... could you give me a link? Thanks :D


Smash Rookie
Jun 20, 2009
Atlanta, Georgia
The slow might have something to do with time manipulation? not sure.

You could generate and use a bunny hood from an attack, or you could set a variable as true for the speed, and set another as a number that would be reduced with every action until it reaches 0 and sets the first variable as false, and have each potentially sped up action check to see if that variable is true, and if it is true add momentum/IASA frames to the move/action and subtract 1 from the timer.

>_> Yes, it is complicated.
Wow that does sound kinda complicated. I might just go the cheap route and spawn a bunny hood since I don't really understand how to fully use the variables and whatnot. The other way sounds soo much better though!

On a side note, how do implement some attacks from Ike's FS without getting the complete sequence?


Smash Cadet
Aug 3, 2009
i tried to increase the hitbox size with the new PSA,which makes them all 5.5. but it still didn't change;;
should i create a new hitbox?


Smash Lord
Jan 8, 2008
i tried to increase the hitbox size with the new PSA,which makes them all 5.5. but it still didn't change;;
should i create a new hitbox?
Random troubleshooting question:
Doooo you have a "Terminate Collisions" command in the subaction? If so, is there a Synchronous Timer between that and the hitbox?


Smash Lord
Jan 8, 2008
I just have it normally setup,all i did was try to change the size of the move.so should i add terminate collisions?
It isn't necessary, it's just that sometimes people put it too soon and cancel out the hitbox. So, you can hit with the hitbox, but can't make it any larger? Changing the size has no effect?


Smash Cadet
Aug 3, 2009
yeah no matter how large i make it,it never changes.i even tryed detaching it from the bone but it still hasn't changed...
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