Def. SFL even though i hate you guys so much, jk but not really, you can house here. I only ask that you guys pay me 20 dollars each. No thats a lie too. I just need to know how many people are staying, when you guys think you'll be arriving, and when you guys are leaving.
And XIF there was a comment I posted in response to something you said. See the wierd thing is i dont know who posted it, cuz it sure as hell wasnt me.
And to whoever does stay at my place. Dont **** the fridge, thats not cool. I housed some douches for a particular tourny and they thought it was funny to go into my stuff and eat my things. NOOOOOTTTTT COOOOOLLLL.
But yeah you are welcome to stay at the house of Louis.
And law the next time you do that, i will beat you like you were my little red headed step child.