Smash Apprentice
Good games, nice seein every1. Nice meetin new smashers. Hope to see u all again real soon
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I think he got 5th actually.Anyone know how rice did???
Hey DoH, thanks for volunteering to run this tournament and not attempt to take a cut out of the pot for personal profit. You're amazing!Are we running this on tio?
Zaft, I'm glad DOH (check the first post for your shout out) didn't decide to get all internets on me and try to make me look the bad guy out here on the board (although he did voice his opinion). You on the other hand.....Over $300 dollars from the singles pot and $65 from the crews pot were stolen by Kyle. Congratulations on stealing from the smash community, Manaclou--er, Mosquito.
I'll come to the next one.Houston- Good **** you guys OH WAIT YOU DIDN'T SHOW UP
LMAO What happened to kal????yeah tourney was ****ing amazing i get pwnd in singles though lol i guess we need to make a sos's revenge? lolz good teaming with you doh we *****.
the pics are to gooood lolz
my fave part of the tourney is when i took off 16 stock in crew's raaaaape lollololol
i should of just made a sos crew me with 20 stock lol
but naw best times ever. ill do more shout outs later. because im kind of hung over. the after party was raaape kal got pwnd lolz
lets just say that due to a few people he woke up with multiple peni$'es on his face lol (from a sharpee lol) me and bear are chillin in the patio and he comes out ok who ever did this im ****ing pissed its not funny lol it was greatLMAO What happened to kal????
epic fail.Fact is this, man. First, there was the venue fee. That was split between me and the owner.
11/17/07-11/18/07 Final Smash: S.O.S.'S Final ****: Results!
To everyone who came: I'm amazed that I had such an amazing turnout. When I got there at 11 am the first day and only saw 3 people, I was only expecting 40 to 50 max. But all 3 states showed up, there was 72 entrants for singles, 28 teams and 9 crews, and I couldn't have been happier. This is far and away the biggest player ran Smash tournament in Texas since MOAST 3. I hope this restores San Antonio's status as a great place to have tournaments. But enough about this, here's what everyone wants to see:
1: Caveman
2: Xelic
3: DoH
4: Broly
5: Kyle
5: Rob$
7: Rice
7: Ram
9: Hylian
9: Mr. C
9: Smiles
9: Cyphus
13: XLR8
13: Lee
13: Save The Queen
13: Boomstick
17: Bear
17: Pneuma
17: bluezaft
17: Raki
17: SOS
17: Taylor
17: Vash
17: Flarefox
25: Rok
25: Break
25: Fear
25: Ragnarock
25: Mr.P
25: Drumma Boi
25: Swift
25: Kite
33: Rage
33: Mosquito
33: Zach
33: Vlad
33: Santi
33: Puffball
33: haha
33: Sethlon
33: Galt
33: F4L
33: LG
33: teh pope
33: Jared
33: DV8
33: Majin
33: Lep
49: Varuna
49: forkgirl
49: Buh?
49: Gus
49: Wombat
49: SHYG
49: Box
49: LAM
49: RAWR
49: DJG
49: EHA
49: AGA
49: EDDY
49: Klown
49: tac0
65: APOC
65: FC
65: Dojo
65: Carlie
65: MEAN
65: Jay
65: Cake
65: Naon
1: Campy McBackair (bluezaft/Smiles)
2: Legally Blonde (SOS/DoH)
3: ********* (Forkgirl/Xelic)
4: ISAIII!!! (Hylian/Espy)
5: Thin Chicks Need Lovin' Too (Kite/Mr C)
5: I herd u liek Mudkips (Reqy, JF)
7: Magical Unicorns (Cyphus/Lee)
7: The Coheed Empire (haha/Darkrillin)
9: Taylor/Kyle (Taylor/Kyle)
9: Team Never Dies (Majin/Mosquito)
9: Team Blaba (Lep/Zero)
9: Turbo Fudge (Ram/Drumma)
13: Blue Magic Sponsored by Chris Chu (Fyre/XLR8)
13: Swift Gangastas (Swift/LG)
13: No Johns (Dyse/Carlie)
13: Strawberry Kiwi (teh pope/Kal)
17: Big Hot & Karl (Rice/Boomstick)
17: Who Needs Mario? (Pneuma/Naon)
17: RBF (Knives & Broly)
17: PAGS (Ragnarock/Mr. P)
17: Jellyfish Pirates (Bear/Sethlon)
17: Angry Taco (RAWR/tac0)
17: RockIV (Gus/DJG)
17: URFUK'D (Flarefox/Varuna)
25: Handicap (Vash, Apoc)
25: Team ***** (AGA/Break)
25: Boondocks (F4L/Rok)
25: Herbavores (Jared/Poot)
Crews (due to time constraints, we had to leave out grand finals, and thus no true 3rd place.)
1: Team Magnolia
2: The Romosexuals
Tied for 3rd: Team Dat and Half of our crew is wasted. Guess who!
5: Xelic is Gay!!!
5: Magical Unicorns
7: I'll throw a Ness ditto at you!
7: San **** Antonio
9: Pues a la verga
NOTE: SOS set the record for most stock taken in a single crew battle, 16!
And Sethlon is too good. He definitely carried Magnolia's victory, right down to the last fight between him and Bluezaft (truly an epic match).
My Shout Outs:
First to the people that helped me:
DOH: thanks for simply busting out your lap top when Smiles screwed up royally. Also your understanding of Tio helped out a lot. We would have been horribly delayed if you didn't do that. Thank you. Seriously, I really appreciate it. I can't say it enough.
Forkgirl, Bear, UglyWombat: thanks for helping me call out matches and manning the station when I was up. The host can't simply sit down the entire time (and I have the sore legs to prove it.)
SOS, UglyWombat, and Kite: thanks for housing people (since I couldn't do it anymore)
And Smiles: Well, I guess you made a banner..... less than a week before the tournament, and one I had to finish myself. And you totally bogged us down by saying "oh, my bracket program is great! I've used it before. It'll be fine." Shoulda stayed in school! So why are you getting a shout out in this section? So I can call you a NOOOOOOOOOOOOB lol
Now, on to the players:
SOS: You will have your revenge. But next time, you're going to have to do more than show up late with a hangover and play friendlies the whole time.
AustinRC: Boo you beat SOSoh well, it just goes to show how you improved from when I first played you WAY back at WTYM 2. Thanks for the show of support. It's nice to know you're appreciated.
Caveman: Well, I guess you managed to disprove the rumors that you stop caring and wouldn't be able to win. Good stuff.
Rob$: Shoulda gone Falco
Smiles: From thisto
oh how cruel it is to be beaten twice. Don't drink and drive son.
Lep: Johnny Quest ftw lolz. Good job in crews.
Sethlon: Still too good. I saw your Roy beasting in crews, even against Peaches(!) and it's a shame that we couldn't have gotten most of it recorded. Plus, thanks for all the Guilty Gear we played at SOS's apartment. I learned a few things, and finally ***** your Johnny. Robo Ky dittos are too much fun. You have to come to my GG tournament. You'll be the first smasher to know the date.
Bear: Still of the greatest smashers to ever party with. Can't wait for you to come down again just to hang.
To the rest of Magnolia who DIDN'T COME: you guys missed out.
Xelic: Must you and DOH be in the finals AGAIN? Peach dittos hurt my eyes because they take so **** long. Maybe if you learned another character you can stop losing to SheikThanks for coming Jordan.
Hylian: I really do want to rematch you. I just won't pick Dreamland anymore against Fox.
Taco: We had a great match. But my Gannon is amazing at comebacks >.> Chainthrow to dsmash to fair just wrecks too much.
Cyphus and the rest of LA: I'm actually amazed I went stock for stock with your Doc in crews. I usually choke under such pressure. However, I really should have just restarted the whole. But I didn't know that Lee wasn't supposed to be Mario until he took out 2 people. If I wasn't so concerned about the time, we would have done that. I look forward to a rematch in future. I sure you do as well.
Drumma Boi and the rest of FL: thanks for being cool about the second day. Your crew definitely made quite the comeback against San Antonio. Of course, I think I will be banning Poke floats next time aroundI saw a lot of interesting techniques from you guys. Each state seems to have their own unique tactics. I hope you all made it home safely and can come again in the future.
Bluezaft: come to think of it, we totally forgot about the Peach ditto we were supposed to play. But that's both of our faults. I really wanted to see if I could beat you (I was playing so horrible last time at Trader's Planet). As for the money thing...... go check page 65 for my response to the matter.
Kal, Galt, Dojo, Santi, numerous others I played in friendlies: gg everyone. Especially Kal for getting way better in such a short period of time.
LG:your smack talk is too good. I can't wait to get a link up in this thread to what Austin RC recorded (it was at least most of your match against Bluezaft, maybe more than that).
Waco: While you were a big part of the inspiration to hold this, I'm sad not a single one of you came, especially since you showed up to the BETTY tournament and didn't even post you were coming.
If I think of anyone else I forget, I'll try to add them.
In conclusion:
I really do apologize for anything that went wrong with this event. I thought the first day was stupendous, but I know the second day could have gone much smoother if people arrived sooner and we did not try to run crews alongside teams. Plus we didn't get to do random or the low tier events either. And since the delay on Brawl wasn't announced when I first put this up, I want to try to get it done bigger and better, so......
Keep an eye for the sequel: Final Smash 2: SOS's Revenge! Date: TBA
<3 to all the smashers that thanked me for holding the tournament.
Boo on Forkgirl and Smiles for getting up everyone's hope for a tournament that they didn't hold, and I decided to take over myself.
Hail to the King Mosquito, baby.
Exactly."Boo on Forkgirl and Smiles for getting up everyone's hope for a tournament that they didn't hold, and I decided to take over myself."
omg i wasnt even gonna talk about how effed up a lot of things were, but it's like you're asking for it : /
the reason we didn't have our tournament was because you stole it out from underneath us. We didnt just NOT do it, so stop talking about how lazy we are for not making it happen. while we were planning this with cliff (who we told at the very beginning would get money from an entry fee, NOT the pot) you went to him and he decided to drop our tournament and have yours instead (i guess he knew he could make a lot more money if it was being taken out of the pot.)
Its annoying that when we try to throw a touranment, smiles and i get IMs from a lot of texas smashers saying that their city should be the one to have it in and and that they'd be more fit to host a large tournament. we wanted to throw a tournament becuase we love smash and the smash community and its a lot of fun seeing everyone, etc. Not because we want credit or becuase we want to use tournaments to make money
I'm not even gonna talk about the tournament
i'll do shoutouts later![]()