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☁ Wichita Kansas Area Discussion ☁ Let's Play Every Mario Party Board

Should we start doing the Kansas PRs again?

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Smash Ace
Feb 6, 2006
Wichita, Ks
just because he "chickened out" doesnt mean that anything is resolved. he has been doing horrible lately from the information that i got from pong and duck.
either postpone so you two can practice for the match of the year. or you can just keep complaining how one is a **** talker or a cocky S.O.B.
this thing needs resolved! i think attackstorm should set a date for the final bout.
I like his idea very very much. No I didnt chicken out, you didnt tell me that you where coming or didnt ASK me to come over. SO no it isnt resolved. Dont worry your trap will be silenced soon enough. Until then Mine is shut about this whole situation. LOL all I have to say is if you have a hard time beating Attack then You will have a definant hard time beating me. Thats all I am saying and I am done about this Subject. Next Subject!!!!

Beleive me I back everything that I say. The next time you come over here without permission Your *** is grass.


Smash Cadet
Oct 8, 2006
Victor do you have an aim sn? Post / PM me if so, that way we can talk easier (plus I love to spam people on AIM and you're a new target). I wont be able to come until 11 or 11:30 any other night, so midnight tomorrow is fine. I'll just have to sleep a long time the next day, cuz not enough sleep gives me AIDS.
I haven't used AIM in years, I stopped using it because I was slowly losing faith in humanity because of it.

I should be here a little after midnight because Shrek 3 is only 1:40 long, supposedly. If not, Andrew will let you guys in anyway. Lekgolo will be here as well because he wants to get some friendlies in with you guys.


Smash Lord
Jul 30, 2004
The vids will not be shown because Dark Cobra ended up chickening out. I have no respect at all for him now. It's truly sad that he talks so much **** and is too scared to play me.

In other news smash is at my house saturday again, It wont be starting until 11 because I have to work all day. Victor we will come after 10.

Cobra is not welcome at my smashfests, I never want to see you again, you are the stupidest son of a ***** I have ever met. Rot in Hell.

EDIT - I Hope others can see from this how lame you truly are, I know for sure attackstorm and nynja did since they was there to witness it. You're getting better storm, awesome job tonight.

you are quite good mprism and you do deserve your much due credit for it but i think your being too harsh on cobra... if you will not allow him to your smash fest than that will cause division in the wichita smash scene now like me, hutch and royal will have to decide well...do i want to smash at cobras or mprisms....when we all could be smashing together couldnt we just say you win this little thing by forfiet of dc and just go on with our lives...??


Smash Journeyman
Oct 16, 2005
Wichita, Kansas
As great as that sounds attackstorm, Cobra doesnt work that way, and you should know that more than anyone else. He wont say that I'm better, and when I call him out he refuses or plays down. If we were to ever have a match where he did try in the end he would simply say "I wasnt doing good tonight, thats why I lost," and both east and hutch would believe him.

That is why I am considering this resolved, he can come to my saturday smashes and talk all the crap he wants from now on because I finally understand what kind of person he is, and I will never be able to prove better than him because of it.

So sure he can come, I'm not mad at him anymore but that doesnt mean I'll ever like him. I think what he does is pathetic, and not very admirable. But I do know I'm better than him and honestly thats all that matters anymore. His words of greatness are void, how anyone wants to hang out with him is beyond me.

So as I said this is resolved, even though many of you think it isnt, hopefully you do now. And for any of you who felt the same way that I did throughout all of this, and dislike cobra because of who he is and what he does, I'm sorry that you lost your hero. ='(


Smash Ace
Feb 6, 2006
Wichita, Ks
LOL ok what ever dude. Just because I wasnt feeling like playing the other night doesnt mean that you wont or that I lost. Nothing is resolved and I will most likely stay Over on the eastside of town because of the fact, I really hate using my premium gasoline to go all the way over there. I think if you westsiders ever want to play smash with me again, you will have to come over to OUR places. I am getting sick of going all the way over there.

Prism if you looked way beside you self you would find that I am a ****ing awsome guy. Alot of people think that except you, rice, and maybe victor. Really I could give a **** if you liked me or not. You dont even know me because you are so self absorbed on yourself you cant see pass the hatered. ROFL, thats ok I forgive you for being such a prick. Guess that there has to be at least one in the world.


Smash Lord
Jul 30, 2004
oh well...looks like u guys arent going to get along...it would be nice if the smash nights could alternate between east side and west side but i dought they will agree to that dc... for now ill still go to prism's smash night cause i still want to play him, jimmy, marten and them...iill play smash with u dc whenever i come over and or royal comes over if you want to play smash ....


Smash Ace
Sep 12, 2006
Hutchinson, KS
i didnt say i took his side, i simply said "from the info i got from pong and duck" cause they were actually in his presence and saw his performance. plus i only played u once.

i get along with cobra because we like alot of the same things such as music, girls lol, and cars (only i know allmost nothing about cars, i usually just nod my head and agree lol. but i am learning from what he tells me)

and for one. i would NEVER do a 100$MM. 1-5 is good enough for me, cause its just a game.

i dont think hutch is comming this saturday because of a scholarship opportunity.

and dc. he did kinda tell you in more than one post that he was comming over tuesday. and the time

since 2000 says theres no such thing as "resolved" then there should be proof. set a date, practice till the big day, record the match, post in this thread. thats wut needs to be done.


Smash Cadet
Oct 8, 2006
Prism if you looked way beside you self you would find that I am a ****ing awsome guy. Alot of people think that except you, rice, and maybe victor. Really I could give a **** if you liked me or not. You dont even know me because you are so self absorbed on yourself you cant see pass the hatered. ROFL, thats ok I forgive you for being such a prick. Guess that there has to be at least one in the world.
It's how you conduct yourself so hypocritically. First you say you'll beat him at smash, when you're on you're awesome, etc...Then you back down when called out. Not only back down, but when he drives across down clearly stating the date and time multiple times that he's coming you still don't even play. Kinda hard to pull the I dont have time to play line at that point. But not only do you back down when called out, you change the subject. It suddenly isn't about smash but that he's 'emo' and you'd 'kick his skinny girly ***'. Because we were talking about fighting in real life and all.

Then you make a point of how awesome of a guy you are followed quickly by taking more shots at him. You make EVERYTHING a personal attack when he's merely talking about being better than you at a video game.


Smash Cadet
Mar 29, 2007
There cannot be a resolution by simply playing a match because the issue is no longer of which player is better; but rather that someone was hurt by another's actions. The point of keeping disputes in the game was crossed a long time ago. I hope you weren't simple minded enough to believe that a money match would bring any real feeling of conclusion to either of the players.


Smash Ace
Feb 6, 2006
Wichita, Ks
It's how you conduct yourself so hypocritically. First you say you'll beat him at smash, when you're on you're awesome, etc...Then you back down when called out. Not only back down, but when he drives across down clearly stating the date and time multiple times that he's coming you still don't even play. Kinda hard to pull the I dont have time to play line at that point. But not only do you back down when called out, you change the subject. It suddenly isn't about smash but that he's 'emo' and you'd 'kick his skinny girly ***'. Because we were talking about fighting in real life and all.

Then you make a point of how awesome of a guy you are followed quickly by taking more shots at him. You make EVERYTHING a personal attack when he's merely talking about being better than you at a video game.

I told you victor I could really care less about this game and whos better. I am just stating a point that he doesnt have to be a prick about everything that he says or does in this god forsaken world. You all can call me a ***** if you want but I dont subside with pricks. Pricks with a big mouth. Sorry. Never have never will.

I like how you interveined yourself on this too. Just another person who trys to go against me. Thanks victor.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 16, 2005
Wichita, Kansas

So uh Victor about that whole deal, I'd like to try again next week. I asked you in my dream last night and you told me you were going out of town so you couldnt. I felt like I did very badly, and as to not use that as a john I'm wanting to try again to prove it.

EDIT - Do I really have a girly figure, because I think I do its just that I have a big freaking adam's apple so I'm paranoid about that. I mean thats something that sticks with you. =(


Smash Apprentice
Oct 16, 2006
I told you victor I could really care less about this game and whos better. I am just stating a point that he doesnt have to be a prick about everything that he says or does in this god forsaken world. You all can call me a ***** if you want but I dont subside with pricks. Pricks with a big mouth. Sorry. Never have never will.

I like how you interveined yourself on this too. Just another person who trys to go against me. Thanks victor.
Why are you on these boards if you don't care about smash? Everyone here takes the game seriously, so you shouldn't associate with us if you "could care less."

Also, if you're such an 'awesome guy' you shouldn't have to tell people, we would already know.


Smash Cadet
Oct 8, 2006

So uh Victor about that whole deal, I'd like to try again next week. I asked you in my dream last night and you told me you were going out of town so you couldnt. I felt like I did very badly, and as to not use that as a john I'm wanting to try again to prove it.

EDIT - Do I really have a girly figure, because I think I do its just that I have a big freaking adam's apple so I'm paranoid about that. I mean thats something that sticks with you. =(
Sure we can play same time next week if you wanted. I'm fine with letting you try and win your money back or just playing friendlies, you're good practice.

And you don't have a girly figure as much as you're skinny as ****.

Cobra you're having a fight on an internet message board...That kinda opens up the opportunity for anyone in the free world to get involved.


Smash Ace
Feb 6, 2006
Wichita, Ks
Not really. Being "serious" about a game is dumb. Anybody who takes a game serious should be shot only because of the fact they are made for FUN. You guys can be "serious" all you guys want to. You will never see me playing this dumb *** game serious. Where is the fun in be serious. Somebody, OH somebody please tell me that. I would love to hear this.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 16, 2005
Wichita, Kansas
Being serious about something you really enjoy is a natural thing. Artists are serious about drawing, writers are serious about writing, bands are serious about making music, movie directors are serious about making movies, actors are serious about acting, surgeons are serious about surgery, football players are serious about football, game designers are serious about making games, gamers are serious about playing videogames.

People are serious about something when they really enjoy doing it, they want to be better than others at it because they are human and it is what they do, it is a feeling of accomplishment and an achievement of a life goal. You want a nice car, the artist wants to make a famous painting, and the surgeon wants to save a life. Considering something you enjoy a joke is foolish, much like you do for smash.

Why would your goal be to draw a mediocre picture, be a small time football player, or a ****ty street racer.

When you really, honest to god, truly enjoy playing a video game then you will play it seriously, because thats what makes it fun and rewarding. If you do not understand this, then you dont truly enjoy smash brothers and shouldnt play it.

I have never once in my life stuck with something as long as you have that I didnt intend to be good at, or that I didnt want to be good at. Life itself is a competition to prove yourself, if not, you're stuck in mediocrity, and if that is all you desire then so be. But I do not think this way, I want to be good at what I do, I want to define who I am, because I am a living being.

I hope that answered your question Cobra.


Smash Lord
Jul 30, 2004
just think about how much you like mustangs and fast cars and racing cobra... your very serious about that! well thats how we feel about being a gamer. people have different interests and different motivations in a wide range of things it really just depends on your cup of tea....


Smash Ace
Feb 6, 2006
Wichita, Ks
Being serious about a videogame. Come on, that is some crap. See, racing and cars are one thing but a videogame is completly different. Music is another great thing. Where and when has anybody got in this world playing a videogame, except for the people that make them. Hmmm, none that I know of.


Smash Lord
Jul 30, 2004
well your entitled to your opinion but i hardcorely disagree about being serious about a video being crap... i know that both our parents dis on video games alot and i disagree with them but i still gotta obey mine when they limit me while im under their roof but speaking of parents....

West i may be @ lawerence if i can pull some mind games off on my dad!...we will see


Smash Lord
Mar 26, 2002
Somewhere over the Rainbow
Being serious about a videogame. Come on, that is some crap. See, racing and cars are one thing but a videogame is completly different. Music is another great thing. Where and when has anybody got in this world playing a videogame, except for the people that make them. Hmmm, none that I know of.

Everyone's being so serious! :chuckle:

There's a few. But like any past-time, the ones that get anywhere are like less than 1%. You have to be at least a little serious to improve being beyond a scrub.


Smash Champion
Aug 29, 2004
Overland Park, KS
Being serious about a videogame. Come on, that is some crap. See, racing and cars are one thing but a videogame is completly different. Music is another great thing. Where and when has anybody got in this world playing a videogame, except for the people that make them. Hmmm, none that I know of.
Him being "serious" about videogames and you being "serious" about cars is exactly the same thing.

A hobby that will get you both nowhere in the long run but sure is fun while it lasts.

Both hobbies are equally valid. You are a hypocrite, but that isn't what this is about. This is about you doing poorly at something and being so emotionally unstable that you can't accept your mediocrity, so what do you do? You "quit" and start spouting about how it's all of a sudden beneath you to focus on smash. Because I mean come on, you have a completely unrealistic future in driving in ovals in your future!

All I can say is if you are as bad at driving as you are at smash, look out wichita drivers.



Smash Ace
Feb 6, 2006
Wichita, Ks
Him being "serious" about videogames and you being "serious" about cars is exactly the same thing.

A hobby that will get you both nowhere in the long run but sure is fun while it lasts.

Both hobbies are equally valid. You are a hypocrite, but that isn't what this is about. This is about you doing poorly at something and being so emotionally unstable that you can't accept your mediocrity, so what do you do? You "quit" and start spouting about how it's all of a sudden beneath you to focus on smash. Because I mean come on, you have a completely unrealistic future in driving in ovals in your future!

All I can say is if you are as bad at driving as you are at smash, look out wichita drivers.


Ok well obviously you havent seen me drive. I have to be by far one of the best drivers out there. I not im not the best but I could beat any dollar amount that I would kick your *** at a drag, street, or a xcross race. Brings it foo. I would pwn you *** in all of them :chuckle:

Ovals, **** I hate Nascar.

All I know is you have never seen me smash you cocky S.O.B. Oh wait you seen me once a long time ago. WOW that just means that you are the greatest person in the world, Just because You get to play with darkrain. owwwwwwww Im scared of you. Coming in this thread thinkin that you own it. Go back where you belong, Back to that OTHER Kansas thread and stay there. Thank You!!!!


Smash Lord
Jul 30, 2004
well im going to barrio smash today if any1 wants to come give me a call asap....


Smash Ace
Sep 12, 2006
Hutchinson, KS
hey!!!! im not a *****!!!

did you guys know that there are interventions in places like NY that actually pay people money to play there games, because they are harcore into gaming??


Smash Ace
Feb 6, 2006
Wichita, Ks
Ya, but the actual people that make the videogames get paid crazy amounts of money to make and think of new ideas for a videogame.


Smash Lord
Jul 30, 2004
and korea has pro starcraft players that get paid to play and also they have video game olympics...well anyway there is going to be A STARCRAFT II officially www.blizzard.com

man barrio smash twas fun...i got to team with darkrain in that mini 2v2 we had lolz.

hey mprism are u going to barrio smash next week or having a smash night here???


Smash Lord
Jul 30, 2004
i have calculated from the intellegence i have discovered that the new info for smash bros brawl will be released today at around 10 pm our time!



Smash Ace
Feb 6, 2006
Wichita, Ks
true dat, true dat.

its gonna be awesome!!!! i play protoss!!!! so im glad that they got some of the new stuff up for them.

Alright well when It comes out it is game on. You=Protoss vs Me=Zerg. You game. If you have the original/Broodwar I would like to play sometime.


Smash Lord
Jul 30, 2004
i have calculated from the intellegence i have discovered that the new info for smash bros brawl will be released today at around 10 pm our time!


well looks like i was wrong...its already 10:30 and still no update. it was said that it would update by the afternoon japan time. I guess they meant sometime in the afternoon but not exactly at noon...right now as im typing this it is 12:33pm in japan.

well anyway it should be updated anytime now after this post...

my top 5 chars i wanna see in brawl:
#1 cloud
#2 samaria from fzero
#3 sonic
#4 mega man x
#5 tails
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