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☁ Wichita Kansas Area Discussion ☁ Let's Play Every Mario Party Board

Should we start doing the Kansas PRs again?

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Smash Lord
Jul 30, 2004
its in hutch? thats too far for me imma stick to wichita
Royal it wasnt in hutch...some people from hutch came down to wichita.. mprism tried to give you the address his house is in west wichita

edit edit edit
mprism and cobra
lol hmmmm maybe you guys should do some sort of match to determine whos best... once & 4 all!! :laugh: perhaps a set of 5 out of 9 tourny rules...?


Smash Ace
Feb 6, 2006
Wichita, Ks
Then prove it you ****ing fool, $100 MM? Seriously I'm tired of you, prove your better than me or stop talking. Tell me your work schedule, and withdraw $100 cash, I'll be there this week, if you refuse then you're a **** and you suck. I'm sick of how dumb and bad you are, talking **** all the time without backing it up.

I have my head up my ***? Hell, I know I'm not that great at the game but I'm still one of the best in wichita, whereas you're one of the worst, so shut the **** up and back off.

And dont say "I dont got the money." Thats bull**** if you really thought you could win a hundred bucks off me then you would find the money. If you do have the money and thats nothing to you then lets go $300. I dont care, I just want you to admit your bad and quit playing this game forever, since as is you're a huge scrub who never has a chance to be good at the game.

Lets see that schedule big man.

EDIT - Yea I know I'm the one who always starts this type of thing Cobra. But seriously, I hate you.

Hutch - It was fun playing with you guys, you're all pretty cool and I hope to see you at future smashfests.

Calm down there Emo *** ****. I never said that I was the best or you where not the best. I just hate listening to cocky S.O.B.'s that talk **** all the time. If I was in high school I would have kicked your *** for being a **** talker. I knew that you have always hated me because I have always been better than you. Now that I never play anymore you have finally reached my skill level. LOL, ya thats right finally. I really dont have time to be wasting on you so just calm down and act mature about things. I realize that you are only 16 or whatever age that you are but seriously, GROW UP and calm down.Anyways............
Josh sometime this week come down to my place and practice up and Ninja if you want to come down also you have my number. Just give me a call or text me. We would be more than welcome for you to come down to my place and play some smash. If you have any other people that want to come down at the same time as you bring them.

BTW, Prism, I think that you are just mad that I have always placed better than you at tournies. I **** up once and you think you are god. I know that you get mad when I do. Everyone tells me. LOL just get along with someone that is as great as me and you and we would have a unstoppable combo. Just think about how me and Attack rock. Put me and you together. PWNAGE!!!!!!! Just think about it.


Smash Cadet
Oct 8, 2006
Hey Prism, I don't work Wednesday, if you wanted to stop by before 5 or after 10 I'll be here. Otherwise my schedule is pretty much free after this week regardless. $5 or did you want more on the line? Doesn't really matter. I'd like to play a set instead of just one match though.

Cobra, if you really as awesome as you say you are, then why not take him up on his offer for the money match? Every time you are challenged you hurl insults with lots of profanity's and personal attacks laced in, and then dodge the issue. "I can't make it I don't have the time" . If you were truly better you would take the time to make $100.

If you and attack are as amazing together as you say you are we'll give you another chance to prove it - Me and Rice vs. the two of you in a set, $50.


Smash Ace
Feb 6, 2006
Wichita, Ks
Hey Prism, I don't work Wednesday, if you wanted to stop by before 5 or after 10 I'll be here. Otherwise my schedule is pretty much free after this week regardless. $5 or did you want more on the line? Doesn't really matter. I'd like to play a set instead of just one match though.

Cobra, if you really are better as you say you are, then why not take him up on his offer for the money match? Every time you are challenged you hurl insults with lots of profanity's and personal attacks laced in, and then dodge the issue. "I can't make it I don't have the time" . If you were truly better you would take the time to make $100.

Also, if you and attack are feeling wily and rock as hard as you say we'll give you another chance to prove it - Me and Rice vs. the two of you in a set, $20.

I know that you guys would beat me and attack. I knwo that for a fact. So there is really now need to play you guys for $20 MM. I admit that. With this whole prism thing he is just mad thats all. His childish anger is getting to him. When I say that I cant make it or dont have time that is nothing but the truth there. As I always say and will always say "I HAVE A LIFE OUTSIDE OF V I D E O G A M E S!!!!!!!!!" I dont live for playing this game or any others. This is nothing but a side hobby that I do everyonce in awhile. Victor I respect you as a person and a smash player so I ask you to please stay out of this.

If I wanted to start and talk **** about people and tried to set up a MM then yes I would take him up on it. With him thrashing out on me like that I will never give him the glory of trying to take my money. I will play him in a set thats about it. Am I scared of a little twirp that trys to start crap with me all the time no. Do I want to waste my time on him, no. So really answer me this Victor. Why in the bloody blue hell would I take him up on this? Maybe I can get an opinion of somebody who is better than both of us. I guarantee that there wont be a MM but if needed I will play him once in a set of any kind to shut him up.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 16, 2005
Wichita, Kansas
If I wanted to start and talk **** about people and tried to set up a MM then yes I would take him up on it. With him thrashing out on me like that I will never give him the glory of trying to take my money. I will play him in a set thats about it. Am I scared of a little twirp that trys to start crap with me all the time no. Do I want to waste my time on him, no. So really answer me this Victor. Why in the bloody blue hell would I take him up on this? Maybe I can get an opinion of somebody who is better than both of us. I guarantee that there wont be a MM but if needed I will play him once in a set of any kind to shut him up.
Hey you scared little *****, thats the most scared to lose $100 bull**** that I've ever read. I'll be there on Tuesday at 11pm to school your ***. I'm bringing my vcr to record how bad you do in our set. I hope you have your $100 dollars by then, or I'll make sure the entire boards know in the vids how you talked ****, were too scared to accept a challenge, and then lost anyways in a simple 'playing to shut him up' match.

Stop dodging the issue, I have always been better than you and your tournament placement has nothing to do with your skill, anyone can ride a bracket, take nopants for example (<3), so once you place top 3 consistently I'll respect you. But for now I'm going to take your pride and cocky bull**** attitude to the grave. I'll be there tuesday, you can count on it.

Dont chicken out. It'll only take 15 minutes, then you can go back to thinking you're the ****, too bad no one will believe you anymore.

Victor - I'll be there wednesday at 5ish, $5 is fine, it'll mostly be cool just to actually get the chance play you for once. (I've never had a harder time typing a sentence..that has horrible flow)


Smash Ace
Sep 12, 2006
Hutchinson, KS
you guys seriously need to stop this whos better crap.

i realize that dc has a life (dillions), and prism is trying to be "pro" at a simple game.

wutever happened to "just play to have fun, dont get angry". i guess that was just a theory to try to keep people from killing one another.

and yes. if you wanna be a chick... you might as well just except the fact that your gay, its as simple as that. (lol)

attack- i really wanted to play you, but i guess DUCK had to show you his GREAT improvements. Crazy huh?

MprisM- it was great playing you. ill admit ur a better samus player. ur faster and play more mind games than me. i learned alot from you and have a diff play style im trying out.

2000- i thought you were gonna stomp me with your fox/falco. i was scared thinking about it on the way down there, but it ended up completely different. you did manage to keep up with pong at the end of the night. hmmm.

gg's guys. hope to see you all at the next smashfest i attend!


Smash Lord
Jul 30, 2004
ew mprism...ew... and xion how did u get that text color...forum hax?

So there is gonna be a cobra vs prism sHoWdOwN???


Smash Journeyman
Oct 16, 2005
Wichita, Kansas
I plan for there to be tomorrow at 11pm, I cant really say why I want to be a chick, I just feel like I should be one.

Sorry Victor I said I'd be there at 5ish I meant I'll be there before 5ish, since 5 - 10 is the nono time. If not I'll come after 10, it doesnt really matter but I'll be there for our matches.

2klights had the grand idea of visiting KC/LAW this weekend at teh barrio, which I think is pretty legit. I talked with DYC and Jesi and they dont seem to mind us coming, so whoever wants to come go ahead and jump on the bandwagon. DYC says it starts at 5ish so we'll be leaving some time before then.

This is a busy smash week, owning cobra, playing victor, and heading down to KC. I love it. <3 Smash Bros.


It's graduation night for 2klights, nopants, and prism. Hurray for us all =^.^=


Smash Ace
Feb 6, 2006
Wichita, Ks
Prism when did I ever say that I was "better" than you. I just said you should be glad that I didnt go on saturday because I would have been you only comp. **** you take things way out of paportion. Actually in every tourny that I have gone to except the lst one i have place top 7 or better. I have seen you place that high maybe once. Am I scared of you no. Do I want to waste my time on bull**** no. I feel like I am talking to a women, dumb and stubborn. Wont listen to what I have said. I am just saying that you had your one shining moment and it is going to you head. Come back to ****ing earth. I play this for a hobby, for fun. I could really care less you is better or not. I am in it for the FUN. If you really believe that I "ride the brackets" think again buddy. For example, I had to go through rice and victor in one tourny and pulled it off. I dont really think that I have ever seen you beat either one in my presence. Just think about that one. We both have different styles of this game. Ganon and my Icys are different that Samus and you know this.


Smash Lord
Jul 30, 2004
thats too funny cobra dumb and stubborn like a woman lololololol:laugh: :laugh: ill tell that to kim

lol jking....

and that going down to lawerence idea on sat doesnt sound half too bad...what time does barrio smash start??


Smash Journeyman
Oct 16, 2005
Wichita, Kansas
We cant go this saturday because nopants is a fool, but we will be going next saturday instead. I had work this saturday anyway so it works out best.

Cobra what you say is lame and your personal attacks dont mean anything. I have only tried in 3 tournaments I've attended, one I placed 2nd, the other 4th, the third was SMYM and I had no chance to begin with.

Had I not given my wins to attackstorm at our first neb tourny, nopants at oh snap 1, 2klights at fo sho 2, perhaps It would be more apparent of how good I actually am. I'm done playing down now, as you'll soon find out once I pocket your $100 and Victor's $5.

I beat Rice all the time, hes not that good, get used to it and since you beat Victor I'm pretty confident in my match with him on wednesday. See you tomorrow Cobra. =)

EDIT - Oh ya I almost forgot..when did you say that you were better than me? The answer is probably once every page in this thread where we both post. Heres an example from page 129 -
Calm down there Emo *** ****. I never said that I was the best or you where not the best. I just hate listening to cocky S.O.B.'s that talk **** all the time. If I was in high school I would have kicked your *** for being a **** talker. I knew that you have always hated me because I have always been better than you. Now that I never play anymore you have finally reached my skill level. LOL, ya thats right finally.
and page 128..
Ya wichita it is. No prism you wouldnt own me. You have no idea, you have your head so far up you ***, you dont know what the hell would hit you if I came.
and page 127
You should be glad that I never come because I would put you to shame. Maybe make you cry like the little ***** that you are. You are the ***** of the relationship right?! ROFL. Sorry to say you wouldn't win between all of us. You might pull it off since I am not going to be there. Key word MIGHT!!!!!

Cocky S.O.B.
Pretty hard evidence IMO. Goodluck tomorrow.


Smash Cadet
Oct 8, 2006
I want to clarify one thing before we continue -

Cobra has beaten me in one set we have ever played ever. Unfortunately, this was in a tournament setting. I complained about this then and I'll complain about it now, but we drew mute city on the random stages and then he counterpicked it later in the set, I cited Dave's stupid rule but by then he had started downsmashing so I played it out.

This has no bearing on Wednesday though, we'll see then.

Prism and Nopants, I saw the two of you at Northwest's graduation with Alec (my roommates younger brother) and I went to say hi but you were gone once I fought my way past the masses of people. Congrats gentlemen.


Smash Ace
Feb 6, 2006
Wichita, Ks
I want to clarify one thing before we continue -

Cobra has beaten me in one set we have ever played ever. Unfortunately, this was in a tournament setting. I complained about this then and I'll complain about it now, but we drew mute city on the random stages and then he counterpicked it later in the set, I cited Dave's stupid rule but by then he had started downsmashing so I played it out.

This has no bearing on Wednesday though, we'll see then.

Prism and Nopants, I saw the two of you at Northwest's graduation with Alec (my roommates younger brother) and I went to say hi but you were gone once I fought my way past the masses of people. Congrats gentlemen.

I was just useing you as an example. Nothing to hit you with or anything like that. I have never seen him beat you or rice. Im not saying that he hasnt, I was just saying that I have never seen it.

We cant go this saturday because nopants is a fool, but we will be going next saturday instead. I had work this saturday anyway so it works out best.

Cobra what you say is lame and your personal attacks dont mean anything. I have only tried in 3 tournaments I've attended, one I placed 2nd, the other 4th, the third was SMYM and I had no chance to begin with.

Had I not given my wins to attackstorm at our first neb tourny, nopants at oh snap 1, 2klights at fo sho 2, perhaps It would be more apparent of how good I actually am. I'm done playing down now, as you'll soon find out once I pocket your $100 and Victor's $5.

I beat Rice all the time, hes not that good, get used to it and since you beat Victor I'm pretty confident in my match with him on wednesday. See you tomorrow Cobra. =)

EDIT - Oh ya I almost forgot..when did you say that you were better than me? The answer is probably once every page in this thread where we both post. Heres an example from page 129 -

and page 128..

and page 127

Pretty hard evidence IMO. Goodluck tomorrow.
Ok fine I said it once. Big ****ing deal. I use that to piss you off. I know it T's you ever time somebody says that. In my eyes you are still a cocky S.O.B. that needs to get his *** kicked by someone, I mean literally, so you can snap back into reality. God I wish I was still in high school and that I was a bit younger or you old because I would kick you ***. Rofl. I just dont feel like going to prison for kicking a little boys *** thats all. Just cant handle **** talkers like you Prism. You can talk the talk, but I know for a fact that you cant walk the walk.


Smash Ace
Sep 12, 2006
Hutchinson, KS
i dont mean to take dc's side about the whole kick ur az thing but... prism..... you are scronny lol, kinda like a girl lol!!

give me more info on ur trip ur taking next weekend prism im interested. i would like to meet and get my az kicked by the kc/lawrence people.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 16, 2005
Wichita, Kansas
I dont get where you think I'm cocky, because I'm not, you are way more cocky than I have ever been which was the basis for me wanting to do a $100 MM. I am not cocky, I know I suck, all you have to do is admit that you are and I'll be cool with it, but you always say you're better than me and can kick my ***, which is wrong.

I'm tired of you thinking you're better than everyone else, without proving it. If you just do it to piss me off like you say then I dont know why you choose to pick on me and be such a prick but be cool with everyone else. I dont know if it's because you want to have sex with me or because I am infact better than you and you use that to put me down because you're actually scared. I dont know what your problem is but its hella ****ed up.

I think its really rude to be disrespectful to someone who is better than you at something, all I do is play videogames and when you **** around and say you're the **** and can kick my *** when you cant It's really annoying. How could I possibly like you cobra? You have never given me a reason to like you, whenever I see you in real life you diss me about something or call me gay or emo, when I never do that to you. Online you talk about how much better you are than me even though you arent.

You make a ton of **** up and put me down all the time and then attack me and say I'm the cocky one and immature? That's ****ed up, you're a huge ******* and you know it.


Smash Lord
Mar 26, 2002
Somewhere over the Rainbow
Hahah this thread never changes.:grin:

Thanks for the smash invite, Mp. Couldn't make it last week because of a buddy's graduation party. If I decide to go to a smash get-together now, is there anyone I should watch out for?

MPrism, DC and Attack can probably take me out now. That dude that played Shiek (I think it was VictorDestructo) at the last thing I attended too. Do we have any other rising stars?


Smash Lord
Jul 30, 2004
man..but i want to go to lawerence this saturday hmmm i might still go solo cause a possibility i cant go next sat...



Smash Champion
Feb 28, 2007
Walla Walla
I know, Isn't it awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Man, i wish i could come see your guys' match, but i'm only graduating from middle school this year... sp i can't drive anywhere on my own and i could never convince my mom to let me go somewhere with people i don't know, lol. Hey, you guys better record the match so we can watch in from the comfort of our chairs at home.


Smash Ace
Feb 6, 2006
Wichita, Ks
I dont get where you think I'm cocky, because I'm not, you are way more cocky than I have ever been which was the basis for me wanting to do a $100 MM. I am not cocky, I know I suck, all you have to do is admit that you are and I'll be cool with it, but you always say you're better than me and can kick my ***, which is wrong.

I'm tired of you thinking you're better than everyone else, without proving it. If you just do it to piss me off like you say then I dont know why you choose to pick on me and be such a prick but be cool with everyone else. I dont know if it's because you want to have sex with me or because I am infact better than you and you use that to put me down because you're actually scared. I dont know what your problem is but its hella ****ed up.

I think its really rude to be disrespectful to someone who is better than you at something, all I do is play videogames and when you **** around and say you're the **** and can kick my *** when you cant It's really annoying. How could I possibly like you cobra? You have never given me a reason to like you, whenever I see you in real life you diss me about something or call me gay or emo, when I never do that to you. Online you talk about how much better you are than me even though you arent.

You make a ton of **** up and put me down all the time and then attack me and say I'm the cocky one and immature? That's ****ed up, you're a huge ******* and you know it.
If you know me you would know by now that I joke about everything in life. That is the only way to live. I know that I suck at this game. **** everyone sucks at this game except a few people that I do know. If You are better than me I really could care less. If I am better than you I could care less.

Then you really dont know me that well do you. Even though we have been smashing together for the last year or more. **** dog just calm down. All I want to do is smash every once in awhile and not get criticized about it. Lets be the Wichita crew and leave it at that. If you are cool with that, then I am. I can deal with feuds every once in awhile but not all the time.

Me joking about you is all a game man. Learn to live with it. If you cant well then you just S.O.L. I know a few people that cant take a joke and life if really screwed up. You are still pretty cocky but who isnt. I know I am when I am one top of my game and right now I am not. I have beaten you, you have beaten me. I think in my eyes that we are equal. We just have different playing styles.

Hahah this thread never changes.:grin:

Thanks for the smash invite, Mp. Couldn't make it last week because of a buddy's graduation party. If I decide to go to a smash get-together now, is there anyone I should watch out for?

MPrism, DC and Attack can probably take me out now. That dude that played Shiek (I think it was VictorDestructo) at the last thing I attended too. Do we have any other rising stars?

Everyone has gotten better since you have playing Karacide. You would be really suprised of how we ALL have gotten better.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 16, 2005
Wichita, Kansas
Nice to see that you are coming around, maybe you wont **** with me so much. Eitherway I'm heading out now with my VCR to record it for all the kids at home.

I like how you pre-johned saying that you arent at the top of your game. Too funny. See you soon.

P.S. Who the hell is this Depster guy?


Smash Cadet
Oct 8, 2006
Trent takes personal shots at Alex because he knows it gets to him and hopes it throws him off his game whenever they play. It seems somewhat effective, even though I'm glad this is coming to some sort of resolution.

Alex what time are you and Alex and Alec coming over tomorrow? (What a confusing sentence)


Smash Journeyman
Oct 16, 2005
Wichita, Kansas
The vids will not be shown because Dark Cobra ended up chickening out. I have no respect at all for him now. It's truly sad that he talks so much **** and is too scared to play me.

In other news smash is at my house saturday again, It wont be starting until 11 because I have to work all day. Victor we will come after 10.

Cobra is not welcome at my smashfests, I never want to see you again, you are the stupidest son of a ***** I have ever met. Rot in Hell.

EDIT - I Hope others can see from this how lame you truly are, I know for sure attackstorm and nynja did since they was there to witness it. You're getting better storm, awesome job tonight.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 16, 2006
Prism and Nopants, I saw the two of you at Northwest's graduation with Alec (my roommates younger brother) and I went to say hi but you were gone once I fought my way past the masses of people. Congrats gentlemen.
I'm sorry we missed you, we would've waited and held some awkward conversation. It's cool that you're living with Alec's brother, I've heard he drinks himself to death on cheap wine, though.


Smash Cadet
Oct 8, 2006
This is going to sound like I'm absolutely Johning, but I can't do after 10 now. Apparently, I get to be paid to watch Shrek 3 that night at 10:20. So if you guys are out and about around....midnight or later we can do that. The before 5, after 10ish spot on Thursday works too, basically.

Tell Alec to text his brother with whatever you decide if you don't see this message till late.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 16, 2005
Wichita, Kansas
This is going to sound like I'm absolutely Johning, but I can't do after 10 now. Apparently, I get to be paid to watch Shrek 3 that night at 10:20. So if you guys are out and about around....midnight or later we can do that. The before 5, after 10ish spot on Thursday works too, basically.

Tell Alec to text his brother with whatever you decide if you don't see this message till late.
Victor do you have an aim sn? Post / PM me if so, that way we can talk easier (plus I love to spam people on AIM and you're a new target). I wont be able to come until 11 or 11:30 any other night, so midnight tomorrow is fine. I'll just have to sleep a long time the next day, cuz not enough sleep gives me AIDS.


Smash Ace
Feb 6, 2006
Wichita, Ks
The vids will not be shown because Dark Cobra ended up chickening out. I have no respect at all for him now. It's truly sad that he talks so much **** and is too scared to play me.

In other news smash is at my house saturday again, It wont be starting until 11 because I have to work all day. Victor we will come after 10.

Cobra is not welcome at my smashfests, I never want to see you again, you are the stupidest son of a ***** I have ever met. Rot in Hell.

EDIT - I Hope others can see from this how lame you truly are, I know for sure attackstorm and nynja did since they was there to witness it. You're getting better storm, awesome job tonight.

YAYA. That just what you think d00d. I just really wasnt feeling like playing tonight. I was just playing for fun. Dont worry, It is all good. Scared of you no. Chickening out no. Just dont feel like playing right now. Maybe later. You should have told me that you where coming down tonight then I might have played you like I would have. Next time, tell me foo. I can really care less about coming to you "smashfest" it is **** anyway. Boring infact.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 22, 2005
Fuyuki City
So I take it there is no way for you two to resolve this issue peacefully? Anyway, Mprism I want to play you again, your just too good. ;)


Smash Ace
Feb 6, 2006
Wichita, Ks
LOL yes never is and I really dont take orders from somebody that is younger than me. Rofl too good.

Prism I never said that you could come over yesterday. Hmmm I shouldnt have let you in at all. I was nice and let you in.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 16, 2005
Wichita, Kansas
So I take it there is no way for you two to resolve this issue peacefully? Anyway, Mprism I want to play you again, your just too good. ;)
Actually it is resolved now, he just talks **** and doesnt back it up like I thought, making him a weak person worth ignoring. So in other words I really dont care what he says anymore, it's pointless to listen to him. I still think its pretty sad though.

I want to play you again as well KOS-MOS, you are also too good. ;)

Perhaps I can head up to one of your smash fests sometime or you come to mine, I'd like to play more of oklahoma since I only got to play you and pay$ at FO SHO 2. I want to see how good South Paw is too since I've never played him before. Or we can just wait till OH SNAP 3..


Smash Ace
Sep 12, 2006
Hutchinson, KS
just because he "chickened out" doesnt mean that anything is resolved. he has been doing horrible lately from the information that i got from pong and duck.
either postpone so you two can practice for the match of the year. or you can just keep complaining how one is a **** talker or a cocky S.O.B.
this thing needs resolved! i think attackstorm should set a date for the final bout.
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