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☁ Wichita Kansas Area Discussion ☁ Let's Play Every Mario Party Board

Should we start doing the Kansas PRs again?

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The Real Inferno

Smash Hero
Jan 22, 2008
Wichita, KS
that not what i meant cameron, afaik all missingo's evolve into kangaskahn (at least they did on my verions) plus it would be missing sky attack. i meant what you said, that it was caught off of cinnabar. starmie is one of the 4 massive lebel pokes i have seen there, along with snorlax, golbat, and electrode.
My blue version turned them into Dittos. I've also seen massive level Golducks


Smash Hero
Jan 5, 2006
the pokemon that show up on the coast depend on your name.

fun fact

"Steeler" causes level really high squirtles to appear

further proof that i am the ultimate squirtle master


Smash Hero
May 27, 2006
Wichita, KS
i would 6 stock that team
i could beat it with one as well LOL
I wonder how I would have responded to you guys back when I actually played this game...

I probably would've been a huge **** and said you guys are dumb and that I would wreck you.

Be glad you didn't know me back then.

Hey, Affinity, I just read your post again. Yeah, it's alright if you steal put all the recorded matches from my laptop onto your account. :p

By all means, take the stuff I record. It's no big deal really. All you gotta do is favorite "Ike Can Break These Columns" if you haven't already, and I'll be set. Uh, I have a 4 GB flash drive, so the transfer won't be as tedious as it was during NO KOAST.
Yeah, that'll work, especially since I found out that I can just upload the MPG files straight from the recording without having to take the time to convert them.

Stealth Raptor

Smash Legend
Apr 18, 2006
Kansas City, Kansas
My blue version turned them into Dittos. I've also seen massive level Golducks

the pokemon that show up on the coast depend on your name.

fun fact

"Steeler" causes level really high squirtles to appear

further proof that i am the ultimate squirtle master
ah that would be why i got the same massive level pokes lol

The Real Inferno

Smash Hero
Jan 22, 2008
Wichita, KS
I'll only -need- four setups, but if you want to bring more it's fine since I have the whole house to do whatever I want with.

Edit: Anyone wanna play tonight? I'm open to host


Smash Lord
Mar 26, 2002
Somewhere over the Rainbow
My mom just doesn't like Wichita
Well Wichita doesn't like your mom either! ...whoever you are!

Random news, updates and reminders:

Air conditioning should be fixed soon. The reason it took so long was because the part was being shipped here. At least that's what the shady repairman says.

Air conditioning may be fixed, but Twin Snakes will stay BROKEN.

My lawn is growing back. My house will soon be a little less ghetto.

If you haven't yet been told, all guests are to use the bathroom upstairs. The one right by the door when you enter the house. This is to divert traffic from the downstairs bathroom. The downstairs toilet begins to sweat and leak if too many people use it. So family only uses the downstairs toilet.

If you guys want, I'll start stocking snacks and soda at my house for a modest fee. Just lemme know what you want and if I get enough requests for something, I'll comply.


Computer Repairs: I've had a lot of request for computer help lately. I don't mind doing free it for friends, but please realize I do it on my spare time. If you need it more urgently, I'll work something out with you. For the record I charge 50 dollars an hour and my clients/customers are usually satisfied.

For everyone who needs help please follow these 2 steps below before bringing them to me:

1) DEFRAG YOUR COMPUTER: Defragging your computer is an easy way to speed it up and should be a regular part of everyone's computer maintenance schedule. If you've never defragged your computer, do it today. You should notice a bump in performance. I'm asking you guys to do this before you bring me a PC to save some time. It takes longer to fix a computer if the computer runs slow. Defragging should be done at least once a month. Besides the performance boost, it will also increase the lifespan of your hard drive.

Windows XP users should go: Start->All Programs->Accessories->System Tools->Disk Defragmenter or go to Run and type in dfrg.msc

Windows Vista users should go to run and type in defrag

This will take a while (hours) if you have a big hard drive or if you haven't done it in awhile. I imagine a lot of you have never done it. So run it overnight or when you are away from the PC.

2) Download and run Malwarebyes anti-malware. This tool is GREAT for fixing common malware/spyware infections and is pretty foolproof.

These two are the first steps that will address the two most common requests I get. "My computer runs slow." and "My computer is acting weird. I think I have a virus." Anyone can do these two things. The steps after get more complicated so they're harder for me to recommend to everyone.


Smash Lord
Oct 14, 2008
I don't get off work until about 9:00. So I probably won't make it.

Karma: What brand is your laptop and how much did it run you? I need something to save up for and a I kind of want a laptop that isn't such a hassle to carry around.


Smash Lord
Mar 26, 2002
Somewhere over the Rainbow
Karma: What brand is your laptop and how much did it run you? I need something to save up for and a I kind of want a laptop that isn't such a hassle to carry around.
My netbook is a Lenovo S10. I also recommend Asus EEE PC.

The S10 can be had for 300-350 depending on how high you spec it. Coincidentally, the new model S10-2 can be had today from the Lenovo web site $300 (List price $439). Instructions on how to do it are here. This is a really good deal and I'm tempted to do it myself, but I'll wait until the processor is upgraded. The only current difference between the S10-2 and my S10 is a better battery, better keyboard and it's slightly smaller and lighter.

- Intel ATOM Processor N270 Single Core ( 1.60GHz)
- Genuine Windows XP Home Edition
- 10.1 " Display
- 1 GB RAM
- 160GB HDD
- Broadcom 11b/g Wi-Fi wireless
- 2.2lbs

The Real Inferno

Smash Hero
Jan 22, 2008
Wichita, KS
I will be hosting at 5 tonight for those of you wanting to just hang out or get some practice.

Andy if you could come and bring my Wii, SD card, and portable HD I'd be very grateful to you.
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