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~§~ Puerto Rico: Land of overlooked accomplishments ~§~


Smash Journeyman
Sep 14, 2005
Puerto Rico
Hmm lots of down time here.

Well the summer is still here although we already passed the midway point and I wonder about things,life,dreams,pokemon.
Well I was told Mayaguez is planning some sort of tourney of something, Mono, Max, Doji and some others have to do with it.
I'll be going to Mayaguez to check it out :O!
The Tier list, it rocks me the same, just happy low tier tourney goodness is upon us, but just as someone said, it'd have to be a minor event. -can imagine Damian with Pichu-
Well about animals...
Yo tenia un pollito que era galipavo, sabes, los que no son de raza, yo lo entrene a pelear con mi peluche favorito y pues aprendio a pelear como los de raza, y yo lo corria entre mis piernas para darle ejercicio y lo alimentaba bien, tanto que peleaba igual que uno de raza y la gente preguntaba al viejo mio (Ese gallo esta para la venta?) y papi contestaba (ese es un galipavo del hijo mio) y ellos decian "wow parece de raza" por que creo que el gallo era halfling.
Al fin al cabo mi gallo no servia ni de chata por que hacia lucir mal a los gallos que papi queria vender, cuando me fui pal army y volvi el gallo habia adquirido una enfermedad de hongo y pues se tuvo que sacrificar :cry: Mi pobre Bola de Queso T_T

Happy Smashing!


Smash Champion
Aug 12, 2005
El Carajo, Puerto Rico
I think all this stories of lost pets are sort of making fun of my experience, actually reading your posts have made me laugh, I'm not offended by the way.

Lo triste fue que Bigotes brinco del tercer piso de casa y cayo en el alambre de puas espetado.
Watching my mom and sis cry for three days wasn't funny at all.

Sadly I've had more tragic dead pets experiences, but this ain't the appropriate thread for.

*In other topics*
I checked out the black hole glitch on gamefacs.com and it sounds really cool! I hope we do it on the next smash gathering.


Smash Lord
Mar 24, 2006
Puerto Rico
Well since now we are on the pets topic I'm going to tell my story.

I once got a turtle (the fastest at the pet shop, really fast for a turtle) and I raised it. Then some months later it got out of the pecera and I was looking around and found it at the middle of the street... dead. A FRIGGIN CAR DROVE BY MY TURTLE. CUANDO LA RECOGI TENIA UN OJO PA DENTRO Y OTRO PA FUERA. :crazy: ESTABA ASI! :freak: DIJE "POBRE TIPTUP!" (asi se llamaba, en esos dias estaba con fiebre de diddy kong racing para ese tiempo). Despues la eche al zafacon.


Me pregunto cual muerte fue mas violenta, la de tiptup o la de bigotes. O la del pollito de Vain.


Smash Champion
Aug 12, 2005
El Carajo, Puerto Rico
The Road kills are classics(my exdog Chispita got road killed chasing a cat), Bigotes deserves the most tragic death price.

Guys, check the Link forums on the thread "HDL vs. GERM" they are underestimating Puertorricans.



I like pork chops.
May 25, 2004
Amongst haters

There is a tournament in Mayagüez on Saturday. It might be tough for the easties, but try to make it if you can. There will be more than Smash available. For more info go here.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 22, 2006
Bayamon, Puerto Rico
Lord HDL said:

There is a tournament in Mayagüez on Saturday. It might be tough for the easties, but try to make it if you can. There will be more than Smash available. For more info go here.
at last some smash activity...or is it that ppl smash and dont invite? btw, i can go to that tourney but only if i get a ride with someone because i dont have a car of my own. i havent played for a long time, and im beggining to think this "screw smash" because of what i said before that ppl, im not specifying its general but not everyone, dont even call to play smash.


Smash Apprentice
Dec 26, 2005
Bayamon, Puerto Rico
Rasalas said:
at last some smash activity...or is it that ppl smash and dont invite? btw, i can go to that tourney but only if i get a ride with someone because i dont have a car of my own. i havent played for a long time, and im beggining to think this "screw smash" because of what i said before that ppl, im not specifying its general but not everyone, dont even call to play smash.
LOL if people dont call you then you got to call them, if you want something you got to go and get it so if you want to play smash you got to call people and make plans for it that is what i do when i want to play i have been bugin carlos to play whit me all week lol but atleast got some good old ATH vs Blazing time for 2 days.

ON topic the tournament sounds cool i will check if i can atend to it.


Smash Cadet
Dec 26, 2005
Bayamon,Puerto Rico
Zero FX said:
Well since now we are on the pets topic I'm going to tell my story.

I once got a turtle (the fastest at the pet shop, really fast for a turtle) and I raised it. Then some months later it got out of the pecera and I was looking around and found it at the middle of the street... dead. A FRIGGIN CAR DROVE BY MY TURTLE. CUANDO LA RECOGI TENIA UN OJO PA DENTRO Y OTRO PA FUERA. :crazy: ESTABA ASI! :freak: DIJE "POBRE TIPTUP!" (asi se llamaba, en esos dias estaba con fiebre de diddy kong racing para ese tiempo). Despues la eche al zafacon.
Loko yo tambien tenia una tortuga con las pescera de la escalera y la palma y un dia when I came home from school parece q habia jumped out del bridge y callo flat on his back y se quedo asi y murio. I cried so much.... :cry:


Smash Journeyman
Sep 14, 2005
Puerto Rico
-stabs Ath's double post power-

Well, I have a flat tire but that will be fixed by the time the tournament happens and HDL, thanks to you not putting up the exact date of the tournament, I almost thought the tournament was this saturday as in today and much angst happened to me.
Also, who went to VGX and what happened? It all seems dead.
Haven't gotten any info on that, about who went and who won and such.
Tournament time, woo!
Happy Smashing.


Smash Ace
Jan 21, 2006
Onett, Puerto Rico
Ouch... head hurts... at last I got online, about 2 nights without WiFi sure is hard. So, on to topic, I NEED a gamecube with Smash!! The only one I can play is at the Nintendo Store in Rockefeller, and it's not everyday I can go there, which is kinda sad, anyways, I need to play Smash.

Also, hhmmm a tournament, that seems good, problem is I doubt I can go to Mayaguez, and less only to play, but oh well, this trip has me tired, I traveled today from Boston to Bronx, a 4-6 hour drive....


Smash Ace
Sep 13, 2005
Chicken Capital, P.R.
Sacaelpollo "The Arrival"

Sacaelpollo would like to invite you to "The Arrival" tournament. To celebrate the opening of www.sacaelpollo.com and its forums. This is a joint tournament, for those who disliked the last joint tournament please take in mind that this tournament is been organized by us and it won't be anything like that one. The tournament will be held in the same place as Rum & Smash 2 so you know there's space. For more info go to sacaelpollo.com or visit the tournament thread:
DATE: July 29th

PLACE: Centro Comunal de Ponce de Leon en MAYAGUEZ(Same place as Rum & Smash 2)

TIME: from 9:00 A.M. to 10:p.M. (inscriptions will start at 9:45 until 10:45 A.M).

ENTRY FEE: $2:00

INSCRIPTION FEE: $5.00 (late inscription fee will be charged an extra 2 dollars)

FOOD: There will be Sales of Beverages, Water, and Hot Dogs.

For the tournament I want to ask how many people are coming and if you can bring a Tv and your gamecube. We want to take a more friendly approach rather than a full serious tournament athmosphere so I want to implement the crew battles instead of Team battles. Tvs are needed, the more we have available the faster we can run the tournament and the more people will get to play, so please if you can give me a confirmation of TV, I would greatly appreciate it. Joint tournaments give a better experience as you also get to see other aspects of the gaming world as every game has its merits so don't be discouraged and come.

About sacaelpollo.com, we offer a portal and a forums section, many of you know how is my policy on spam, yes spam is bad and all but only becuase there is one single thread and the important information gets washed out fast. But when there is a whole forum we can have threads for the important stuff and threads for fun. We are on a paid server so i don't feel the need to implement rules on the forums, but please take in mind that we offer freedom to an extent and try to not go over the line wherever it is. Sacaelpollo was created with focus on the Anime and gaming scene of Puerto Rico so please come and join us in the revolution. Our portal has Articles reviews and other stuff if you want to summit something feel free to do it, and after it is reviewed by an admin it will be featured in the site.
Thanks and come join us, you won't regret it.

Karura Karami

Smash Journeyman
Apr 23, 2006
Puerto Rico
Eso esta cool, ojala te mate con un jabon Protex jajaja xD joking

Lo triste fue que Bigotes brinco del tercer piso de casa y cayo en el alambre de puas espetado.

By the way sobre las historias de mascotas.... Lo contare sin orden

1)Se me fueron 4 pericos volando... LOS VI CON MIS PROPIOS OJOS MIENTRAS SE ALEJABAN!!!!!!!!! ....
2)Se murieron 2 pericos.. 1 finche y 1 iguana flaca.
3)Se murio un cobito.

4)La primera mascota que tuve, un conejo de mi niñez tb murio, y no recuerdo si fue por que se comio un mango por que el dia anterior estaba de lo mas bien, aunque llevaba tiempo, pero como llore cuando vi ese conejo muerto en la esquinita donde siempre se acostaba...

5)Se me murio otro conejo de viejo... y aqui me traume... llore bastante... hasta saque una pandereta y me puse a cantarle canciones cristianas inventada por mi que salieron de la nada.. lo metieron en una bolsa negra pa botarlo en el zafacon y dias despues que fui a un cumpleaños vi ese conejo en las nubes... (una nube en forma de conejo_-_!!!)

6)Se murio mi primer pollito FRENTE a mis ojos... le dio un infarto por que lo estaban correteando y creo que habia acabado de comer.. Frente a mis ojos lo vi saltar y mi abuela trato de ayudarlo y yo queria llevarlo al veterinario pero se murio... y llore...... lo enterramos en el patio de una casa donde vivia.. pa colmo ese dia iba a casa de mi madre y queria comprar Kentucky >___>.... y yo pedi macdonals... (ni que comer pollo cuando se le muere un pollo..)

7)Se murieron dos gallinas.

Guys, check the Link forums on the thread "HDL vs. GERM" they are underestimating Puertorricans.
Yo hubiera hecho lo mismo si no fuera por que los conoci a ustedes xD no de la mala manera, pero si como que dabg... nos chavamos..". La cosa es que somos bien underground..><!! y los que no son underground dan mala pinta_-_!!


There is a tournament in Mayagüez on Saturday. It might be tough for the easties, but try to make it if you can. There will be more than Smash available. For more info go here.

Con que diga que es en Mayaguez ya tengo un rotundo "NO!!!" >__<!!

Y yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Estoy usando un Roy y un Young Link(aunque el Y.Link aun no me convence-_-U) pero tendre el Roy de ante mano.. a ver si puedo mejorar con este tambien.

By the way.. Omitachi send me this



Smash Ace
Apr 3, 2006
San Juan P.R. PKMN D/P FC - 4940 2077 9502
WTF?!? In one week this thread was dead, y de un dia pa' otro se las guillan! Estan lechones! Uriel, me pichaste el call el lunes pasado, te estoy velando... Anyway, avisame si puedo ir pa' lla, quiero que conoscas a un nuevo smasher, se llama Edgardo y es mi hermanastro, aka: Y@k0. Juega con Sheik, y tambien le gustan los Ice Climbers, aunque con ellos lo mas que hace son smash attacks. Pero con Sheik juega bien. Incluso me gana de vez en cuando. Tiene buen potencial y quiere que juguemos para que lo entrenemos. So, me avisas si en la semana se puede. Blazing, estas pichando pa' loco papi. Hay que jugar de nuevo.

Los Bi-weeklies must come back, pero no presionen mucho a Yuca. Eventualmente volveran.

Alguien sabe algo de Kmahhl? Tiene que resucitar. Por lo menos pa' que hable de cachetiar...

Ah! Y si no se pueden los bi-weeklies, por lo menos un smash fest, me perdi el ultimo donde aparentemente Joe% resucito. Saludos a Joe%. Saludos a Essence! Hay que smashear!

WanderinAngel - Cuando quieras puedes coger el k-bron telefono. Gracias.


Smash Cadet
May 7, 2006
Puerto Rico
Karura Karami said:
Eso esta cool, ojala te mate con un jabon Protex jajaja xD joking
I hope you die and burn in hell >_> And your stupid gallo tambien...
I love you, leave Rasalas for me :urg:

Karura Karami said:
By the way.. Omitachi send me this

ROLF!!! :chuckle: I laugh and I'm in so much pain! People! Dont mosh in punk show's! You will suffer XD Specialy if im there ^_^

DUDES!! I'm asking again, does someone lives close to la 167? Forest Hills? :cry:
Maybee if i know this info, I can ask for pon to go to Mayaguez, pero solo para chekiar la competencia... :evil:
And I'm not boring... Well, people tell me I'm not... :blush:
I'll give a few buckz for gas :love:

Plz and Thank you ^_^


Smash Champion
Aug 12, 2005
El Carajo, Puerto Rico
Hoy jugue contra Gamemaniac (Peach) y le hice el "drillshine infinite" combo through final destination it was so funny lol, I think he hates my Fox.

H@wK-Kama no esta posteando pero me imagino que ha estado smashando like I say: "Posting and Smashing aren't synonims".

Voy a ver si ma tiro pa'l touney con pon of course.



Smash Apprentice
Dec 26, 2005
Bayamon, Puerto Rico
Actualy Kama is kind of retired y call him a lot and bother him to play smash but he just does not care anymore he lost the fire he one's had may we have a moment of silence for KAMA :cry:

BTW i like your sig omitachi lol emo kids sucks


I like pork chops.
May 25, 2004
Amongst haters
You guys have to find out if you can go and post if you can because Saturday is in 6 days. Stop procrastinating.


I like pork chops.
May 25, 2004
Amongst haters
I can get you if you’ll be ready early. The time to be there is 9-10 and signups start around 9:45.

By the way I am not running this thing. These are the times Mono specifies.


Smash Cadet
May 7, 2006
Puerto Rico
Blazing said:
Actualy Kama is kind of retired y call him a lot and bother him to play smash but he just does not care anymore he lost the fire he one's had may we have a moment of silence for KAMA :cry:
*moment of silence* :urg:

Blazing said:
BTW i like your sig omitachi lol emo kids sucks
Jijiji tnkz! :blush: They doe suck, They are messing up life >_<!

Well I heard that there's goin to be a smashfest at ATH. I'm pretty sure I can't go, so, have fun!!
¡Happy smashing!


Smash Ace
Oct 12, 2005
Isabela, PR
Omitachi said:
Well I heard that there's goin to be a smashfest at ATH. I'm pretty sure I can't go, so, have fun!!
¡Happy smashing!
Where does ATH live? And when is it? Am I invited?

By the way Omitachi, about your sig, it should be T H E Y ' R E G A Y instead of T H E R E G A Y.


Smash Ace
Oct 12, 2005
Isabela, PR
It's impossible that I go to that one since I have to pick up my family at Luis Muñoz Marin airport on saturday at about 4:00 pm.

But maybe if ATH's smashfest is sometime before that I'd be willing to take a trip down to the ol' metropolis, so let me know.

By the way Doji, do you run Sacaelpollo, or something like that? What exactly is it?


Smash Journeyman
Sep 14, 2005
Puerto Rico
Well, here's my Info

I shall be bringing a Cube and a Smash Copy, gonna try to bring a tv unless they complain >_>
I'll be bringing
Gilbert (MOCA) Arr mateys!
Edgar ( EVAL) ( with no practice in over 4 months!, this is your chance to beat Eval!)
Roberto (Cross) Strong player debuting in this tournament.
Ivan (Vain) the usual Marth, savvy?


Smash Cadet
May 21, 2006
Well Im back and looking foward to do some smashing.

H@wk PM me if something comes up to face you and your ermanastro.

Also when is Wangl coming back?

In general: Hi to all, hope to face you in a near future.


Smash Ace
Sep 13, 2005
Chicken Capital, P.R.
PopeOfChiliTown said:
It's impossible that I go to that one since I have to pick up my family at Luis Muñoz Marin airport on saturday at about 4:00 pm.

But maybe if ATH's smashfest is sometime before that I'd be willing to take a trip down to the ol' metropolis, so let me know.

By the way Doji, do you run Sacaelpollo, or something like that? What exactly is it?
If you plan to pass trough Mayaguez in your way to the airport (I doubt it) come early to the tournament and leave at 1 or 2pm.
Sacaelpollo.com is a joint project that aims to set up a gorund to make way for Puerto Rico's gaming comunity, I work as webmaster but we also have help form El Mono which organizes a lot of tournaments here in Puerto Rico, if things go smoothly we might become an organization.

Uriel Vinellus

Smash Ace
Apr 24, 2005
Puerto Rico
Ok. So who is coming to this Saturday's tournament? I might be able to take some people to the tournament. But seeing how early is the inscription I might leave at 7:00am or something so I can arrive earlier to see if I can help with any tourny stuff. Also I'm very bad with locations yet because learned how to drive like 1 month ago so I haven't gone ot many places. So for those who want a ride will have to come to my house really really early.

EDIT: Contacto metele bellaco

EDIT2: Esto no es reggea barato

EDIT3: mai mai mai no la hay , so ven y enseñame como es que es tra tra

EDIT4: Actually this kind of reminds me of Gaia

Edit5: Anyways another little detail I'll be staying in Mayaguez for the whole week because of orientation. So for those who will go with me you better have a house there or unless you come back via public transportation.

EDIT:6 PS: Marvel vs Capcom2 music ROX I love it!


Smash Cadet
Dec 26, 2005
Bayamon,Puerto Rico
Okay first of all Hi ti everyone. lol :chuckle:

About the tourney in mayaguez I'll see if I can make it and if I make it you can count on me for a tv and cube.

About the smash gathering that took place in my house yesterday sorry for not inviting but I wasn't the one who posted it and as for everyone who knows me they know that they could have come to my house same goes for those who don't know me.So next time I plan something like this I'll post it so anyone can call me and ask me if they can come or directions or whatever...(787-562-2657)

Also I'm planning to play smash this wednesday(note:I'm anouncing it)
so anyone that wants to come just give me a call btw I live near rexville
and if someone can't make it I think I can pick them up or at least drop them
off at their house.

So if you want any info or make arrangements just give me a call.

ps:hay q jugar essence...!!!..tienes q ver a mi cap'n falcon!!


Smash Ace
Sep 13, 2005
Chicken Capital, P.R.
On the Sacaelpollo forums there was an attendance thread made. This is used to have an idea of how many people form each categories are coming. The people helping organize for other games don't neccesarily read smashboards, so if you plan on comming even if you are not sure please let yourself be known, that way we can have a better idea of how to organize the space.


Smash Champion
Aug 12, 2005
El Carajo, Puerto Rico
I don't think I can go to the "showdachicken" tourney because of it's location and duration.

I'll ask if I can go to ATH's.

Uriel-Welcome to cacoland.

To people who like soccer-"Vilkome zue Foozball."

.................mete el pollo


Smash Journeyman
Apr 22, 2006
Bayamon, Puerto Rico
hey guys, i wont be able to attend to the tourney on saturday, just to mention, like doji said, "post if you will go or not". and yes, make another biweekly because most of the ppl from the east wont be able to go to the tourney at mayaguez so far ive seen.
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