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~§~ Puerto Rico: Land of overlooked accomplishments ~§~


Smash Ace
Oct 12, 2005
Isabela, PR
I'm really looking forward to whenever the next tourney or smashfest will take place. I want to show how much better I've become, and make my case for not only the best (only) IC main, but the best ICs in Puerto Rico, which I feel I am.

Also, I'm pretty sure HDL's Link is better than Germ's. I've never heard of the Germ beating anyone good enough to impress me anyway. Whatever though that's just my opinion. I just think people got a bit carried away with their fanboyism after Germ's combo vid came out.

Karura Karami

Smash Journeyman
Apr 23, 2006
Puerto Rico
Boricua316 said:
6) Karura
6) Zero Fx
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH Zerooooooooooo llegamos 6 YAY YAY YAY!!!!*-*!! Seguimos siendo Genins!!!

pero nada sobre los Crew Battles estos anormales tenian un dale con Pokemon.. wth Pokemon xD!! Estuvieron Cool, ojala se pueda hacer uno de West VS East hahaha xD

Fox Hater

Smash Journeyman
Apr 13, 2006
Puerto Rico
Congratulations on all participants for giving their best and congrats to the winners.

Also Pope before saying that your IC are the best in PR you have tobeat Doji's IC. Still Doji need more practicing from what I heard


Smash Journeyman
Apr 22, 2006
Bayamon, Puerto Rico
for saying that he is the best ICs in PR everyone has to agree, not beating him on a ditto match, like said before like a hundred times, dittos dont decide which character is the best.


Smash Ace
Oct 12, 2005
Isabela, PR
I was talking about wanting to prove my ICs are the best in PR, I'm not claiming that they are just yet. Besides like Rasalas said dittos prove nothing especially IC dittos. I think I did beat Doji's ICs at R&S2 friendlies, but I don't even care and he probably doesn't either.


Smash Cadet
Jun 21, 2006
Guaynabo - Puerto Rico
Well, first of all i have to pedirle disculpas a Blazing, Uriel and the guy that was playing blazing in the first round for leaving early and taking the TV with me, Sorry i had no choice, hope you can forgive me!! anyways the torney was great even though i miss the singles and team battles, but atleast i manage to fight a couple of friendlies and take part in the Crew battles. This was my first torney and i think i did pretty good for a Beginner, lets see if i can improve for the next one, I think i'll need some help though.

Uriel - thanks for the hospitality, your a great host and an awesome Captain. your mom was very kind, tell her i'm sorry for making her wait, she told me i owe her my life so i will repay her kindness somehow.

Zero - your awesome man, thanks for trying to cheer me up after my battle againts EDDY, i know i suck but thanks anyway. That fox of yours is awesome hope we can battle again sometime and thanks for the advice.

HDL- Well what can i say, your too good, a one man army. I didn't have the chance to talk to you but hell your ICs did the talking!! next time i'll try to give you a better challenge and Congrats.

ATH - I gotta say the friendlies we had where the most fun, i got 3 stocked everytime but that helped me a lot, too bad i couldn't see your samus but your Captain Falcon was just too dangerous.

Rasalas and Karura - thanks so much for everything, you guys are the best and be ready next time cuz i will.

Karura Karami

Smash Journeyman
Apr 23, 2006
Puerto Rico
Israeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel!!! Mamuth, me encanto como mejoraste!!! Ahora ya no atacas a lo loco, ahora atacas analizando, ya sabes defenderte y haces mind-games!! No estare feliz hasta que destruya ese Ganon!!

Oye no me acordaba que usabas a Link tambien jajajajaja(y al otro.. se me olvido quien era..>_<!!!)

Sigue asi y destruiras a Jose xD!!

Zero - Hey!! Ese Fox ahora esta mas malo que la ultima vez.. mas malo para golpear.. >_>!!! Me encanta tu agilidad. Tu Fox esta Cool!! Sigue asi xD

ATH - Tu Samus sigue dando miedo.. Y tu Jiglypuff, la voy a explotar con un alfiler.. Ni que queriendole pasar por debajo a Corneria.. SUCIO!!! xD

Eddy - El Samus de este tipo esta raro.. Ni que tirando Super Misiles y bombitas y que se yo.. pero me sorprende como un Samus puede salvarse desde leeeeeejos y resistir tirando bombitas sin quedarse en la plataforma..

Anyway con el que quiero jugar mas es con Blazing. No he podido sacarle el jugo y me da cosa preguntarle en persona so lo reto por aca.



Smash Journeyman
Sep 14, 2005
Puerto Rico
Y dale con lo mismo.

About Ice Climbers.
There's only 3 really devoted Ice Climber players here in PR.
Pope, Doji and HDL
Whoever is best is for the crowd to decide, I haven't posted my "Best at Each Char" listing because It's heavily opinionated, hence it isn't accurate.
And Rasalas, just ignore Fox Hater , he's obsessed about ditto matching and always says that redundant "practice" word. We all know we have to practice, stop saying it already to make your post look bigger :laugh:
Rasalas and Karura 5 and 6? Makes me wonder how many entrants were there and why Eddy (the Gravekeeper I know?) didn't make it anywhere in that list.
Happy Smashing =P!

Fox Hater

Smash Journeyman
Apr 13, 2006
Puerto Rico
Vain said:
About Ice Climbers.
There's only 3 really devoted Ice Climber players here in PR.
Pope, Doji and HDL
Whoever is best is for the crowd to decide, I haven't posted my "Best at Each Char" listing because It's heavily opinionated, hence it isn't accurate.
And Rasalas, just ignore Fox Hater , he's obsessed about ditto matching and always says that redundant "practice" word. We all know we have to practice, stop saying it already to make your post look bigger :laugh:
Rasalas and Karura 5 and 6? Makes me wonder how many entrants were there and why Eddy (the Gravekeeper I know?) didn't make it anywhere in that list.
Happy Smashing =P!
Ok no vuelvo a mencionar lo de los ditto matches. Creo que es la primera vez que mencione 1 vs 1 ditto. El resto fue solo defender mi pocicion sobre los dittos. Anyway no estoy obsecionado. Y tampoco no creo haber ofendido a nadie por dar mi opinion.
Asi que creo que muchos de tus comentarios estan de mas si lo que me tienes es mania resuelvelo de otra manera pero si te molesta como escribo pasale por encima y no lo leas.

Nunca pense que llegaramos a esta situcion y mucho menos por solo dar mi opinion. :(

Anyway I'm out noregreso en mucho tiempo


Smash Journeyman
Jul 12, 2005
Aguadilla, Puerto Rico
Vain said:
Alright, I had posted a while back that I would be posting a list of the Best Main’s per character of Puerto Rico. Before I get assaulted for writing I must note that this list does not show 100% the best players for each character but those that main the character and how they fair up against other people that main the same character.
A second list is being planned for Best Players per character, but that one will be harder to deal with due to the fact that many names (HDL, Evil and Mizu) will be repeated many times over for they have lots of secondary strong characters.

Best MAIN’s by char
1. B4K4
2. Fox Hater
3. Zyko
Worthy Mention: Evil’s Fox prove to be quite a threat in the All Star Tournament taking down Eval and Joe% and reaching the Finals.

1. Evil
2. H@wk
3. Knux
Known Fact- Knux will forward smash you around 30 times per match, this has been known to be called the Knuxwalk.
1. Yuca
2. Cross
3. Karura
Worthy Mention: XHYX- Sheik is the reason GJ is called “Papa Counter Pick”
1. Vain
2. Kamahhl
3. Melvo
Known Fact: HDL- HDL’s Marth has shown and demostrated dominante in quite a few of the tournaments.
1. Eval
2. Joe%
Worthy Mention: GOOD- Jandro was playing very good in the All Star Tourney till he ran into Papa Counter pick “Mushroom Kingdom 2 spelled Game Over”
Captain Falcon
1. Manolo
Ice Climbers
Worthy Mention- Doji- his Ice Climbers are the top of the league here in P.R. It’s just too bad he doesn’t want to concentrate on just them.
1. ATH
3. Gravekeeper
Very heated opinions are bound to pop up when ATH and XHYX FACE you, which one is the best Samus after all?
Doc Mario
1. HHH
Known Fact- MIZU loves to attack space animals with the Doc, and even Shieks fear him.
Worth Mention: ATH’s Puff is said to be a really good contender.
2. SPIN (Mariano)
1. HDL
2. Blazing
Intense Rumors- Many believe HDL is better than The Germ.
1. Ish
Donkey Kong
1. N/A
Worthy Mention- MIZU- His DK gives EVERYONE a hard time. Could Ath’s be the same?
1. N/A
Worthy Mention- B4K4 plays Roy as “El Chapulin Colorado” sometimes.
Young Link
1. Good
2. Enye
1. N/A
1. PEDO (Doji)
Known Fact: Pedo: Sheer dedication is what lead Doji to make his Zelda so good, he even has a video out, go watch it!
Mr Game and Watch
1. N/A
1. Eddy (Xaos)
2. Bubbleman
Worthy Mention Eval’s Ness is really really good, bug him to play you with him.
Known Fact: Bubbleman: It is widely believed that Bubbleman knows his ****.
1. N/A
Worthy Mention: EOTG- Essence used Bowser in Team Battles and some singles during Rum and Smash 2 and won some matches.
1. N/A
Worthy Mention: Fox Hater- Fox Hater went around challenging all west players to his Kirby challenge.
1. N/A
Worthy Mention- HHH- HHH has been seen using Pichu has a counter pick during tourneys and won by doing it too!
1. GG President Frank- Our beloved Pres still plays sometimes with this char, it’s nice to watch him play.

Hope you all enjoyed the listing, Happy Smashing!
I main Sheik now, pretty much just use Samus just for some matches. Like Peach, Fox, and in teams.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 14, 2005
Puerto Rico
Recent Changes!!

Joe% changes main to Samus
Lord HDL changes main to Marth
XHYX changes main to Shiek.
Also added some people to the list.

Will update list, but won't repost it, it's too freaking long :)


Smash Cadet
May 7, 2006
Puerto Rico
Well from reading here and talking to Karura and Evil, the tornament was fun during and after it, so I missed a lot >_<! I swear on my momma's grave (witch is no dead, just in case XD) I'll go to the next one, and I'll go and tape with my digital cam, and... get beating... Ecept by Karura, to that chick I have to win! **** it!!! XDD

Aeon 2.6

Smash Journeyman
May 2, 2006
Fourside, Eagle Land
hey everyone

I just finished downloading the drivers to my webcam (lost the CD) and im going to record a new video with bubbleman soon. My cousin might prolly be in it. So keep cheking the thread for any link to the video. It will prolly be a 3 vs 3 match or something, we'll see what to do there..



Smash Ace
Jan 21, 2006
Onett, Puerto Rico
Aeon 2.6 said:
hey everyone

I just finished downloading the drivers to my webcam (lost the CD) and im going to record a new video with bubbleman soon. My cousin might prolly be in it. So keep cheking the thread for any link to the video. It will prolly be a 3 vs 3 match or something, we'll see what to do there..

...a 3 vs 3? SSBM doesn't support 6 players... it's a 3 player FFA(Free for all), and it's Bubbleman, not bubbleman. People that know their $#it and others that play good must have the first letter of their names in caps. Also... why a 3-Player FFA? If you and fox will be playing as teams always...

Hehe, nice, I cleanded the apartment that's above my house yesterday, I plan to use for Smashfests with the locals, it's too small to host more than 15 persons inside, also we have plans to make new videos of us, and I'll try to make the quality better, since the last video was kinda horrible on that, as for music, I have lots of EarthBound and MOTHER3(EarthBound2) songs that can quite fit in.

And for last, those main changes only mean one thing... new videos! Sounds strange seeing people changing mains, I wouldn't like to see someone changing to Ness as main, it'll be another...target.


Smash Cadet
Dec 26, 2005
Bayamon,Puerto Rico
First of all the tournament was really fun, kinda disapointed that some people didn't show up but still it was fun.The crew battles were kinda unbalanced but still fun and the explanation B4K4 and me made of crew battles and how they are kinda like pokemon battles was funny.The only thing that disapointed me was that my cap'n falcon got 3 stocked on final dest. by Ev1l's falco on the tourney but at least I beat his fox and I think sheik too in friendlies.But overall we had fun shared a lot made jokes about fox's shine lol.

Evil: Great matches speacially the one against your falco on friendlies in mushroom kingdom 2,when Birdo saved me like 3 times that was like so broken.Also thanks for planning the tourney I know it was hard so I'm greatful for it.

HDL:congrats on the first place we had some fun friendlies and the game and watch dittos were fun although we only played one battle with them.

BLAZING:congrats on the second place I'm really proud,en verdad q tu link va pa la iglesia... :chuckle:

B4K4:broken fox... my capn' falcon no pudo with your fox and it gave my samus a hard time.

EDDY:we had some fun friendlies and the most intense battle was during the tourney on final dest. when your samus when against my cap'n ,you had 3 stocks and I had 1 but somehow we found ourselves with 1 stock and like a hundred something percent and I managed land one lucky knee that one really had sweating.

RASALAS:Fun matches your'e improving,keep it up.

KARURA:we had some fun matches you really showed you have improved good work now you gotta kick it up a notch.

Zero FX:dude you have improved a lot and gave my DK a beating.Sorry I couldn't use my samus but I was trying to pump up my DK and cap'n falcon for this tourney so next time we see each other we'll have more friendlies.

RFTS+2703:fun matches and nice gannon but like someone else said you still have to work on your cancels.

YUCA:Fun matches but DK was too much for your'e sheik guess you underestimated him.
ps:Lechon me dejastes con las ganas de aquello aquel dia loko soñe con eso y to lol,y las pizzas mias y de Blazing se quedaron en tu carro lechon....!

Anyways the tourney was fun too bad some people couldn't make it, guess they missed it.

ATH~ {-Transaction complete-}/[via^paliza^]


Smash Cadet
Dec 26, 2005
Bayamon,Puerto Rico
Lord HDL said:
By the way, I spent a total of $27.72 yesterday, not including tolls and $15 I need to give my father for using half a tank of gas. That’s like, more than an AOL bill!
Dude did you remember to add the 3cents you lent us for the pizza? :laugh:

Aeon 2.6

Smash Journeyman
May 2, 2006
Fourside, Eagle Land
lol, me recuerda el all star tourney, cuando entre y vi par de personas jugando O_o

no sabia ni por donde empezar a jugar, asta q vi a ATH solo (no sabia q era el) y le pregunte q si keria jugar una, despues las demas pues no me dio tanto miedo preguntar XD


Smash Ace
Jan 21, 2006
Onett, Puerto Rico
Aeon 2.6 said:

bubbleman y yo hisimos 3 videos de smash, en los 3 le gane XD

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YBqsZL6kctg ---- Ness vs Sheik
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xrB6qdvL5Fw ---- Ness Vs. Luigi
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t035AFoHgNw ---- Falco Vs. Link
By the way, I made a new email adress days ago, grab it if you want to talk or anything:

As for the videos, I'm not right lately, I'll be sure to improve more, even thought I lost on all 3 of them, I showed off some skills on some of them. I'd accept any commentaries.

Oh and Vain, if you want, instead of leaving the main's list lost on that page, be sure to tell me when you edit it, I'll bump a copy of it or something, that way people can me up to date.


Smash Ace
Sep 13, 2005
Chicken Capital, P.R.
Great improvement in the video quality, next time turn on the light in the room and start messing with the brightness and contrastof the camera and you should get rid of the annoying glow, the picture should look a lot better.


Smash Ace
Jan 21, 2006
Onett, Puerto Rico
Dojima said:
Great improvement in the video quality, next time turn on the light in the room and start messing with the brightness and contrastof the camera and you should get rid of the annoying glow, the picture should look a lot better.
We did the contrary, since it was like 5pm, the sun was still out. I'll have to try that out then, since our videos on FD get an orange-like glow when the stages' background changes. We'll make sure to change the stage next time, either Corneria or Pokemon Stadium, unless Aeon changes opinions.
About quality, yeah, I know upload my videos personally with a dsl conection, it would take me a long time to upload videos with a 56k modem, if you guys remember the first video I made, I reduced the quality a lot on WindowsMovieMaker, but now I almost don't care about the file size, so I leave the quality on the recommended state.

Xyhthyx said:
Um.. ok. More techs, more/better DI, better jump manegement, practice practice practice.
I still need lots of practice, especially on DI, since Aeon chain-grabbed me a lot, about the jump management, I still need to concentrate, since I can get nervous and make full jumps instead of shorthops, as for more techs, WD and Shffl were most seen on the Falco and Luigi videos, and I still must practice cancellings for my Ness, I didn't cancel most attacks.


Smash Ace
Oct 12, 2005
Isabela, PR
You look better than when I saw you at R&S2, Bubbleman (I'm sure we never even met, but someone told me it was you and I watched some of your matches with HDL I think it was). But yeah, I did notice you seem to not really be l-cancelling much if anything, you don't really take advantage of Ness' pretty decent wavedash, and your DJCing just seems a bit... off at times. Far be it from me to judge someone's Ness, but all the above should come in time so long as you practice.


Smash Ace
Jan 21, 2006
Onett, Puerto Rico
PopeOfChiliTown said:
You look better than when I saw you at R&S2, Bubbleman (I'm sure we never even met, but someone told me it was you and I watched some of your matches with HDL I think it was). But yeah, I did notice you seem to not really be l-cancelling much if anything, you don't really take advantage of Ness' pretty decent wavedash, and your DJCing just seems a bit... off at times. Far be it from me to judge someone's Ness, but all the above should come in time so long as you practice.
Dude... someone must have had fun impersonating me on R&S2... I never went to it, the only tourney I've gone is to All-Star. And the only time I played against HDL was on team battles.
I'll make another vid later on this week, along with a FFA with Aeon, me and my cousin.


Smash Ace
Oct 12, 2005
Isabela, PR
WTF indeed... XD man I guess someone wanted to play a ******* prank or something on me. Hmm... well I did see someone playing Ness vs. HDL, I wonder who it was.


Smash Apprentice
Jan 5, 2006
Bayamon PR
ATH said:
First of all the tournament was really fun, kinda disapointed that some people didn't show up but still it was fun.The crew battles were kinda unbalanced but still fun and the explanation B4K4 and me made of crew battles and how they are kinda like pokemon battles was funny.The only thing that disapointed me was that my cap'n falcon got 3 stocked on final dest. by Ev1l's falco on the tourney but at least I beat his fox and I think sheik too in friendlies.But overall we had fun shared a lot made jokes about fox's shine lol.

Evil: Great matches speacially the one against your falco on friendlies in mushroom kingdom 2,when Birdo saved me like 3 times that was like so broken.Also thanks for planning the tourney I know it was hard so I'm greatful for it.

HDL:congrats on the first place we had some fun friendlies and the game and watch dittos were fun although we only played one battle with them.

BLAZING:congrats on the second place I'm really proud,en verdad q tu link va pa la iglesia... :chuckle:

B4K4:broken fox... my capn' falcon no pudo with your fox and it gave my samus a hard time.

EDDY:we had some fun friendlies and the most intense battle was during the tourney on final dest. when your samus when against my cap'n ,you had 3 stocks and I had 1 but somehow we found ourselves with 1 stock and like a hundred something percent and I managed land one lucky knee that one really had sweating.

RASALAS:Fun matches your'e improving,keep it up.

KARURA:we had some fun matches you really showed you have improved good work now you gotta kick it up a notch.

Zero FX:dude you have improved a lot and gave my DK a beating.Sorry I couldn't use my samus but I was trying to pump up my DK and cap'n falcon for this tourney so next time we see each other we'll have more friendlies.

RFTS+2703:fun matches and nice gannon but like someone else said you still have to work on your cancels.

YUCA:Fun matches but DK was too much for your'e sheik guess you underestimated him.
ps:Lechon me dejastes con las ganas de aquello aquel dia loko soñe con eso y to lol,y las pizzas mias y de Blazing se quedaron en tu carro lechon....!

Anyways the tourney was fun too bad some people couldn't make it, guess they missed it.

ATH~ {-Transaction complete-}/[via^paliza^]

Andres ya esas pizzas me las comi hace tiempoooo AJAJAJA ... y de lo otro avanza que c esta acabando JAJAJAAJ


Smash Ace
Jan 21, 2006
Onett, Puerto Rico
PopeOfChiliTown said:
WTF indeed... XD man I guess someone wanted to play a ******* prank or something on me. Hmm... well I did see someone playing Ness vs. HDL, I wonder who it was.
I think I once heard that Eddy is from the west, his main is Ness, maybe someone made a prank on you. Wait a sec... "You look better than when I saw you at R&S2, Bubbleman" that means That Ness user isn't as good as mine? Not insulting or bragging here, just asking.

ATH, the songs are from different games, I'll tell you the names:
EarthBound_Soundstone(intro for ness vs sheik)
EarthBound_Bus!(intro for ness vs luigi)
EarthBound_FunkyBookas(battle song for ness vs sheik
EarthBound_RedBlueSanctuary (there is NOT a place called like that in the game, for ness vs luigi battle)
Megaman2_Airman_windshear(battle song for link vs falco)
KidIcarus_Icarus_Orchestrated(intro and ending to link vs falco)

You can find them on Ocremix.org, that's where I got them, they have lots of different remixes from lots of games.


Smash Champion
Aug 12, 2005
El Carajo, Puerto Rico
Hey guys I'm back.

Eventhough I haven't posted in like 20pgs I have been training daily.
And I went to Uriel's a couple of days before the tourney which I won and lost and got introduced to a really good Fox called Vash he plays around Rasalas level.
LOL! I beated Uriel's Falky with mine! and leveled up my skills thanx to him.

And I found that Vain made a list of the best main users and putted me the 4th best Fox.
That really got me mad because....

Zero FX has only beated me in 1 FFA. (I won in 1 on1's. HAVEN'T YOU SEEN THE TIER LIST?)
MOCA and I haven't fought yet.
And B4K4 and I fight eachother pretty close eventhough he wins the most and is better at edgeteching and DI'ing than I am.

I guess we can leave B4K4 as first, but for the rest the order can't be established yet, we'll have to decide it at the next smash gathering.

Vain I feel you have been heavily underestimating me 'cause I suicided and played crappily on our last match, I'm sorry for performing that bad, but I'll make it up to you the next time we fight.

Here are the foxes that should be in this list. (with no specific order)

I'll see you guys on the next tourney.

Oh, here is my dream battle:
The so called cashbattle between Joe% and Dojima.

HDL and Uriel, goodluck on the tourney at San Martin!



Smash Lord
Mar 24, 2006
Puerto Rico
krazyzyko said:
Zero FX has only beated me in 1 FFA. (I won in 1 on1's. HAVEN'T YOU SEEN THE TIER LIST?)
Welcome back Zyko.

Yeah I remember I fought you on the all star tourney and I lost, but that was a long time ago and I have improven since then. And I'm not saying I'm better than you, I don't know that, so we should decide in the next tourney.


Smash Apprentice
Dec 26, 2005
Bayamon, Puerto Rico
Blazing said:
now for the east tier list lol

top tier

Upper tier

High tier:
KAMA(has not played in a while so until he does he will be high tier)
EOTG Brother (lol i dont know his name i think it was manolo)
Zero FX

Middle tier
Laser Kirby

Low tier
Wandering Angel

Bottom Tier
WOLF E. URAMESHI(sorry is just that we havent see you play)

if i forgot somebody let me know lol
vain i did you the favor of loking up the tier list so you can take a look at what zyko was saying also updated the tier list and i also want to anounce that very soon there will be a biweeklie i will keep you updated on that.


Smash Ace
Oct 12, 2005
Isabela, PR
Hm why wasn't I anywhere on that tier list? I beat Zyko in a tourney match, and I think Yuca and I had a ton of friendlies of which I won most. Rawr. I guess I haven't really played that many people, so it's understandable no one knows how well (or badly) I play.


Smash Champion
Aug 12, 2005
El Carajo, Puerto Rico
You are from the west pope, that's why you didn't appeared here.

Pope-Both fights were close, we should have a re-match.

0FX-I have also improved, we all have.

Blazing-EOTG's lil' bro is RED and he plays basic, H@wK and EDDY play better.



Smash Ace
Oct 12, 2005
Isabela, PR
Oh, man that was stupid then. Yeah we should definitely have a rematch.

Remember how before that match we were having this discussion about Corneria, I think we were unsure if it was legal in that tourney, but you said something like "don't worry I don't think it's legal let's just play"... then you counterpicked me on Corneria XD. Bah, I'll always remember that anyways, I thought it was pretty funny. But yeah those were good matches that you could have just as easily won, were you nervous?


Smash Apprentice
Dec 26, 2005
Bayamon, Puerto Rico
krazyzyko said:
Blazing-EOTG's lil' bro is RED and he plays basic, H@wK and EDDY play better.

ohhhhhhhhhhh you are underestimating manolo(red) he might be basic as you call it but i have played both H@wk and eddy and manolo is just a litle better oh and he plays advance he uses l-cancels, sh and knows how to shffl just because he does not use wave dash does not mean he is basic look at EOTG and doji for great examples of that
Top Bottom