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~§~ Puerto Rico: Land of overlooked accomplishments ~§~


Smash Journeyman
Dec 27, 2005
Chicharron City, Puerto Rico
Uriel Vinellus said:
Well... please let's drop the country topic. We don't want people to add an additional 40 pages on this thread about how PR doesn't suck or whatever. Let's just drop it here please. Anyways don't forget people the location of the tournament is at my house. Um.. Yeah... So I expect like 30 people to come. I think my mother offered on giving us food. If not then I know nearby fast foods. They are like 3 minutes from my house.
Uriel stop trying to be the mod of this thread and give us better info!

Like the time of the tourny plz

PS: Good thing Duke got his 999 posts now he will stop spamming at our thread (I think/hope)

ATH - Hey I wasn't at your place the other day but it was because I was going out, I couldn't miss Superman, who would? thats ridiculous... anyways I keep gay stuff for Saturday nights...


Smash Cadet
May 7, 2006
Puerto Rico
Kmahhl said:
Uriel stop trying to be the mod of this thread and give us better info!

Like the time of the tourny plz
He told me it will be at 11:00 am, that was two day ago, dunno if he changed the hour.

hey guys, i got a question for you...Do you like Dingleberries?
You are so discusting!


Smash Apprentice
Dec 26, 2005
Bayamon, Puerto Rico
maximuspita said:
Mariano is in Utuado at the moment, so you'll have to wait a while before you play him again Vain. PR IS having money problems so manacloud was correct. No need to reprimand him if he is right.

We didnt get to see Gizmo last saturday, I wonder what happened.
I am at Bayamon maximus not at utuado unless you are refering to another mariano(which will be cool to have another guy whit mi name)

Uriel Vinellus

Smash Ace
Apr 24, 2005
Puerto Rico
Guys the tournament info is posted in this thread. Of course it is lost now but it's around the 170-179. Also the inscriptions are supposed to start at 11:00am.


I like pork chops.
May 25, 2004
Amongst haters
At least this Dung_Beetle dude has a sense of humor.

Hey Dung_Beetle, where you from? I like Dung_Beetles, they are pot reit. We should schedule a private Ikaruga session.

Blazing, there is another guy named Mariano that has been part of the community before you have.

Dingleberry Eater

Banned via Administration
Jul 7, 2006
it's not Dung_Bettle Lord Ache De Ele its Dingleberry Eater, *****, do you know what a dingleberry is or should i explain?

Uriel Vinellus

Smash Ace
Apr 24, 2005
Puerto Rico
Anyways. For people that have difficulty with transportation I am willing to pick you up at the train station named Sagrado Corazon. I'm sure most of you guys aren't that far from a train station so yeah. Those who need trasportation because you are carrying a T.V to the tournament I can pick them up anywhere.

Also I just read the Weather and there is a 50% chance of raining tomorrow , I know it's as if god is going to flip a coin tomorrow and that will decide the fate of the tournament. But I'm going to rent una carpa for that matter so I think everything will go well. And people prepare your Crews as well because we'll be having the Crew battles which I mentioned somewhere in this thread along with all of the information of the tourny.

EDIT: If you are short on people for Crews don't worry because at the tournament lots of people will be short on players so you might find a spot.


Smash Apprentice
Dec 26, 2005
Bayamon, Puerto Rico
Lord HDL said:
Blazing, there is another guy named Mariano that has been part of the community before you have.
Broken i got to have a Tocallo match whit him then ,it would be funny that in our tocallo match he used link so it would be like a ditto tocallo match that has never been done before we would make smash history lol


Smash Ace
Sep 13, 2005
Chicken Capital, P.R.
Blazing said:
Broken i got to have a Tocallo match whit him then ,it would be funny that in our tocallo match he used link so it would be like a ditto tocallo match that has never been done before we would make smash history lol
Mariano, he was away from the smash comunity for a whole year. I went to Mayaguez a few weeks ago, and showing me how freaking rusty I was he won most matches, and even after I had gotten the rust a bit off my controller he still kept winning most of the matches, and the shame is that he mains Ganon which i'm really comfortable playing against, If he goes to the tournament is gonna be funny because you will have to fight a completly different style of Ganon that you have never seen before. Extremly unortodox but yet so effective.


Smash Apprentice
Dec 26, 2005
Bayamon, Puerto Rico
Dojima said:
Mariano, he was away from the smash comunity for a whole year. I went to Mayaguez a few weeks ago, and showing me how freaking rusty I was he won most matches, and even after I had gotten the rust a bit off my controller he still kept winning most of the matches, and the shame is that he mains Ganon which i'm really comfortable playing against, If he goes to the tournament is gonna be funny because you will have to fight a completly different style of Ganon that you have never seen before. Extremly unortodox but yet so effective.
looking foward to playing him then hope he can make it to the tournament so he can also reprsent the mariano name lol

Karura Karami

Smash Journeyman
Apr 23, 2006
Puerto Rico
looking foward to playing him then hope he can make it to the tournament so he can also reprsent the mariano name lol
Me di cuenta que para los tipos, que vean otro tipo con el mismo nombre es cool, pero cuando las tipas ven otras tipas con el mismo nombre que ellas se ponen como que "......". A mi en realidad me incomoda cuando hay otra tipa llamada igual que yo.. la otra se pone como que " :embarrass " y uno como q "wth...".

Por otro lado si la tipa lo tomara a bien pues chevere xD una tocaya YAY!!! pero casi siempre como que no se... >__<!! (me paso eso el jueves).

Me dijeron "Karla no te preocupes que yo recojo eso" y sale la otra "que te pasa a ti si yo estoy aqui (H) " y yo como que "ugh.. mujer piensa en otras ..." (en la mente claro xD) entonces la que dijo eso dijo "no es a ti, es a ella" y la otra "quien?!" hasta que me vio y yo como que "er..*mirando el pasto*".

Fox Hater

Smash Journeyman
Apr 13, 2006
Puerto Rico
Well its been a while and theres too much to post so in the end maeby I wont say ****.

Well to begin I wont change my mind on ditto matches. Altough I agree with you( I never contradicted any of you guys) that dittos doesn't say whose play better but then again not participating in one cause iot "sucks" means fear. Come admit youre afraid to be placed from top to 2nd. I have the same fear too but I think its important to practice those matches cause for example in case of a tourney.

Second yes Indeed I felt insulted with the post of manacloud about raiseng money. what a fool he forgets PR is becoming the 51 state. **** I hate it when others feel superior because of class or nation.

So have a nice day guys hope to see ya all again. keep on smashing


Smash Ace
Jan 21, 2006
Onett, Puerto Rico
Well, here's my turn to post, hehe, first things first, neither me, nor aeon or fox_brigade will be going to the tournament, no transportation/money for the moment. Secondly, fox_hater, of course, PR will be state #51, soon(I still think...) and for last, is it a curse? or when random people join this thread get banned fast? Look at Docoter's first days and now that dingleberry dude... wow...

Good Luck everyone, BRING VIDEOS! So that way I won't miss the action.

P.S... Someone go play a Ness with my name around...(if you want...)


Smash Ace
Sep 13, 2005
Chicken Capital, P.R.
Fox Hater said:
What a fool he forgets PR is becoming the 51 state.
First of all I don't want this to become a stupid political debate. So here are my thoughts.
Yo antes era estadista, ahora soy realista y solo puedo decir una cosa. LOL.

Edit- By unanimous desition any posts made by Fox Hater does not represent any thoughts or comentaries of the west, and any information should first be authenticated by someone else with more credibility. Thank You.

Fox Hater

Smash Journeyman
Apr 13, 2006
Puerto Rico
Dojima said:
First of all I don't want this to become a stupid political debate. So here are my thoughts.
Yo antes era estadista, ahora soy realista y solo puedo decir una cosa. LOL.

Edit- By unanimous desition any posts made by Fox Hater does not represent any thoughts or comentaries of the west, and any information should first be authenticated by someone else with more credibility. Thank You.

LOL and I think many of the west are estadistas y si antes tu lo eras y ahora no pues te digo vendio y aguajero :mad: . Y solo pq no crea que los "dittos" suckean no deberias excluirme del west no me agrado eso. Y por siaca si tengo credibilidad pq yo leo libros de historia, 2 periodicos, lei el reportaje de la casablanca y veo noticias y la unica razon pq todo esta estancado es por que los malditos populares paralisan todo para que el pueblo no sepa la realidad sobre lo que somos en realidad y no le hechen la culpa a su partido. Lee antes de hablar.


Ohh y como se dice aguajero en ingles?

Y doji no estoy molesto contigo ok el amor mutuo todavia sigue

Karura Karami

Smash Journeyman
Apr 23, 2006
Puerto Rico
Bubbleman_Nsider said:
Well, here's my turn to post, hehe, first things first, neither me, nor aeon or fox_brigade will be going to the tournament, no transportation/money for the moment. Secondly, fox_hater, of course, PR will be state #51, soon(I still think...) and for last, is it a curse? or when random people join this thread get banned fast? Look at Docoter's first days and now that dingleberry dude... wow...

Good Luck everyone, BRING VIDEOS! So that way I won't miss the action.

P.S... Someone go play a Ness with my name around...(if you want...)
I think the thread is cursed hahahaha!!

But you're not going to the tourney.. Aaawww man ;___; I wanted the battle you vs me 1 on 1 ;___;!!

By the way about dittos, ya que volvieron a opinar de eso. No le veo la gran cosa como para estar "Woooooow un ditto !!*-*" y rapido hacer una pagina web o irme por ahi a decirlo por tres dias, pero tampoco dire que suckean, total una pelea es una pelea xD y si el mas fuerte no es el que gana pues lo hizo el mas listo o el que mas suerte tuvo.

En mi opinion, preferiria ver una pelea de un char. vs otro, pero si es una ditto pues no importa, no tengo problemas con ello.

Y una duda.. todavia no entiendo eso de crew battle.. Lo unico que entiendo es que hay que unirnos en grupitos. Ooook.. que paso despues? si pierdes no puedes pelear mas? o que .. ?


I like pork chops.
May 25, 2004
Amongst haters
Whoa, Duke, better keep your sea legs. You could be next, our thread is deadly apparently.

Fox Hater

Smash Journeyman
Apr 13, 2006
Puerto Rico
I was wondering since the west side hasn'tbeen involved in any smash activity recently cause some of us are taking clases I taking a look to the calendar and well final test is onthe 18. and some of you are going to the vxg. So I wondered if by the final week of july a smashfest could be plan that way all of us taking clases will be free and also will be before the semester clases start.

Well ill leave this to the big guys call me, post or pm me if anything comes up.


Smash Ace
Jan 21, 2006
Onett, Puerto Rico
Fox Hater said:
LOL and I think many of the west are estadistas y si antes tu lo eras y ahora no pues te digo vendio y aguajero :mad: . Y solo pq no crea que los "dittos" suckean no deberias excluirme del west no me agrado eso. Y por siaca si tengo credibilidad pq yo leo libros de historia, 2 periodicos, lei el reportaje de la casablanca y veo noticias y la unica razon pq todo esta estancado es por que los malditos populares paralisan todo para que el pueblo no sepa la realidad sobre lo que somos en realidad y no le hechen la culpa a su partido. Lee antes de hablar.


Ohh y como se dice aguajero en ingles?

Y doji no estoy molesto contigo ok el amor mutuo todavia sigue
LOL, this guy makes me laugh... yeah, those "populares" are some sons of their great...mother... right... agujero would be either pit(not the angel) or hole. Hehe, ok we should stop the political crap and leave it for another day.

I want videos...


Smash Cadet
May 7, 2006
Puerto Rico
Just wishing good luck to everybody at the tornament. Wish I could have been there, but... something happend. Nah, suerte y que el mejor gane, y el perderdor, que sea uno bueno. Cya!


Smash Journeyman
Apr 22, 2006
Bayamon, Puerto Rico
hey guys, today was a great day, i felt like i got a lot better but i know i still have a LONG way to go, anyways, my first tourney match was agaisnt B4k4, its obvious that he won, at the losers, i battled karura which was a good fight because she almost won the first battle but the second battle, was in princess peach's castle, i forward smashed her with marth and the explotion of the bullet hit her and killed her, i was like LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL but it was good, i got scared a little bit. the other battle was agaisnt Yuca, he was gonna win anyways, but i made a lot of tecnical mistakes and i lost faster.

PS: tengo nuevo celular si quieren apuntenlo es 217-0102, ya el otro lo pueden borrar, duh.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 14, 2005
Puerto Rico
Well Everyone is back from the tourney.

Would love to know who won and what happened,
heard HDL got first place, that's about it =P


Smash Ace
Oct 2, 2004
Boston, MA
Aeon 2.6 said:
Que raro.. hdl gano..[/sarcasm]
Much C-Stik envy I sense from you. Envy leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering and since you'll probably never beat HDL so I guess from your stand point it is ok to complain.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 14, 2005
Puerto Rico
Cumpliendo lo dicho!

Alright, I had posted a while back that I would be posting a list of the Best Main’s per character of Puerto Rico. Before I get assaulted for writing I must note that this list does not show 100% the best players for each character but those that main the character and how they fair up against other people that main the same character.
A second list is being planned for Best Players per character, but that one will be harder to deal with due to the fact that many names (HDL, Evil and Mizu) will be repeated many times over for they have lots of secondary strong characters.

Best MAIN’s by char
1. B4K4
2. Fox Hater
3. Zero FX
4. Zyko
Worthy Mention: Evil’s Fox prove to be quite a threat in the All Star Tournament taking down Eval and Joe% and reaching the Finals.

1. Evil
2. H@wk
3. Knux
Known Fact- Knux will forward smash you around 30 times per match, this has been known to be called the Knuxwalk.

2. Yuca
3. Cros
4. Karura
5. Omitachi
Worthy Mention: XHYX- Sheik is the reason GJ is called “Papa Counter Pick”
1. HDL
2. Vain
3. Kamahhl
4. Melvo
Known Fact: HDL- HDL’s Marth has shown and demostrated dominance in quite a few of the tournaments. Evil's Marth is also fearsome.
1. Eval
Worthy Mention: GOOD- Jandro was playing very good with Peach in the All Star Tourney till he ran into Papa Counter pick “Mushroom Kingdom 2 spelled Game Over”
Captain Falcon
1. Manolo
Ice Climbers
Worthy Mention- Doji- his Ice Climbers are the top of the league here in P.R. It’s just too bad he doesn’t want to concentrate on just them.
1. ATH
2. Joe%
3. Gravekeeper
Very heated opinions are bound to pop up when ATH and XHYX FACE you, which one is the best Samus after all?
Doc Mario
1. HHH
Known Fact- MIZU loves to attack space animals with the Doc, and even Shieks fear him.
Worth Mention: ATH’s Puff is said to be a really good contender.
2. SPIN (Mariano)
1. Blazing
Intense Rumors- Many believe HDL is better than The Germ.
1. Ish
Donkey Kong
1. N/A
Worthy Mention- MIZU- His DK gives EVERYONE a hard time. Could Ath’s be the same?
1. Aeon
Worthy Mention- B4K4 plays Roy as “El Chapulin Colorado” sometimes.
Young Link
1. Good
2. Enye
1. N/A
1. PEDO (Doji)
Known Fact: Pedo: Sheer dedication is what lead Doji to make his Zelda so good, he even has a video out, go watch it!
Mr Game and Watch
1. N/A
1. Eddy (Xaos)
2. Bubbleman
Worthy Mention Eval’s Ness is really really good, bug him to play you with him.
Known Fact: Bubbleman: It is widely believed that Bubbleman knows his ****.
1. N/A
Worthy Mention: EOTG- Essence used Bowser in Team Battles and some singles during Rum and Smash 2 and won some matches.
1. N/A
Worthy Mention: Fox Hater- Fox Hater went around challenging all west players to his Kirby challenge.
1. N/A
Worthy Mention- HHH- HHH has been seen using Pichu has a counter pick during tourneys and won by doing it too!
1. GG President Frank- Our beloved Pres still plays sometimes with this char, it’s nice to watch him play.

Hope you all enjoyed the listing, Happy Smashing!

Aeon 2.6

Smash Journeyman
May 2, 2006
Fourside, Eagle Land
" this list does not show 100% the best players for each character "

Agreed... Mi sheik le gano en un friendly a u un sheik de esa lista, pero no voy a decir al de quien. Me no want problems.

Aeon 2.6

Smash Journeyman
May 2, 2006
Fourside, Eagle Land
maximuspita said:
Much C-Stik envy I sense from you. Envy leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering and since you'll probably never beat HDL so I guess from your stand point it is ok to complain.
Cuando yo dije q yo envidiaba a HDL?

Solo lo dije pq el ha ganao casi todos los torneos


Smash Ace
Jan 21, 2006
Onett, Puerto Rico
"2. Bubbleman
Worthy Mention Eval’s Ness is really really good, bug him to play you with him.
Known Fact: Bubbleman: It is widely believed that Bubbleman knows his ****."

Ha, LOL!
Eddy...hhmm.. was he on the All-Star Tourney?

Someone actually has Mewtwo as Main? Wow, I've never seen someone pick him, as for HHH's Pichu, I saw him beating people up on All-Star Tourney.

Here are some quotes I'd like to place my opinions on:
BOLD are quotes

"Worth Mention: ATH’s Puff is said to be a really good contender."
Yeah, that 'Puff beat me on the practice matches, I found it cool, I'd like to see Fred's 'Puff too.
"Worthy Mention- Doji- his Ice Climbers are the top of the league here in P.R. It’s just too bad he doesn’t want to concentrate on just them."
I faced that pair on All-Star, but idiotic me, I chose Marth, anyways, I got beat.
"Marth 2. Kamahhl"
I wanted to play against his Marth, but we only played a Ness ditto match.
"Intense Rumors- Many believe HDL is better than The Germ."
I downloaded several videos of HDL's Link, my friends were surprised, I'll download a Germ vid soon to see if I can rate both Links.
"Known Fact- MIZU loves to attack space animals with the Doc, and even Shieks fear him."
Sheik fearing Doc? How come?
"Known Fact: Pedo: Sheer dedication is what lead Doji to make his Zelda so good, he even has a video out, go watch it!"
Doji told me a lot of times in our battle that Zelda had a great range or something like that. He never changed to Sheik also.
"Known Fact- Knux will forward smash you around 30 times per match, this has been known to be called the Knuxwalk."
Sound like my cousin's Fox... He also adds the "Toriat" which is the UpSmash.

Uriel Vinellus

Smash Ace
Apr 24, 2005
Puerto Rico
Placings that I remember:
1st: Lord HDL ( Broken )
2nd: Blazing ( played excellent)
3rd: Evil (felt that could have done better, too bad Emo still runs in me)
4th: ATH ( Just too good)

Other placings I honestly don't remember. In was a fun day as hell would have been better if more people showed up but everything was cool. Also I would like to point out a few players that impressed me today: ZeroFX (I'm really impressed with how much progress you have made also played really smart) Rasalas ( Getting better each day technically) Blazing( Better than the Germ, kept a solid game all day) Myself( I was impressed how many times I screwed up in teams , also how emo I was playing, I must admit I was really trying but I sucked anyways dunno what happened to me but next time I'll reshape my Falco, Fox, and Marth. My Marth wasn't THAT emo today but I had to really give it my all to keep myself alive hehe.)

Anyways after the tournament we all headed to Pizza Hut and played Bust A move , ate tons of pizza and coke and just spent the night talking. That's the kind of things I like the sharing and stuff. I wish more people who would have to come to share with us and play but I guess some people had problems.

More on the tournament everything went well except for the shortage on people. We also couldn't record for a minor inconvenience. But we had la carpa to protect us from rain so it wasn't all bad. Also there was this box thing that everybody kept hittig with their head it was funny I hit it like 4 times in less than 1 minute. So , yeah. There were some intense matches going on at each second Lord HDL vs Blazing, ATH vs Evil, Blazing vs. Evil, B4K4 vs ZeroFX. etc.

I wanna thank all the people who assisted without them this wouldn't have been possible also to Armando, Lord HDL and YUCA who were there to help me at all times. This is it for now cuz I'm tired like hell. I hope more people post their experience.


Smash Ace
Oct 2, 2004
Boston, MA
Good stuff from everybody, congrats on running your first tournament succesfully.
Mad props to blazing for getting 2nd place.


Smash Apprentice
Dec 26, 2005
Bayamon, Puerto Rico
Well it was fun as hell thank you carlos for hosting it

Evil-our match was intense great job man but the litle bomb trick i pulled helped me a lot lol and yourmarth owns btw
HDL-Awesome matches man to bad they were not recorded, awesome marth you show me that de f-air is not that necesary whit marth and our link ditto was cool man congrats on the victory.
Yuca-lol i used the ic for our match and won that way bur you still kicked *** good job keep it up.
ATH-Awesome job man keep it up your samus is very sexy
Zero FX-you have gotten way better than the las time i saw you good job man keep it up you are going in the right dirreccion
Rasalas-great job you have improved a lot too man cool fox
and to the rest awesome job.

oh i had a great time at pizza hut thanks carlos for the good time i will post more later to tired.

Oh and Thanks Maximus

Karura Karami

Smash Journeyman
Apr 23, 2006
Puerto Rico
1. Yuca
2. Cross
3. Karura
AAAAAAAAAAH!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! >_________<!!! I want to be the best Sheik in P.R.!! (o al menos ganarte una y tu una y asi xD por ponerme una carrera mas por el ladito) >__>!! Grrr!! Yucaaaaaaa!! >__< Prepare yourself.. and Cross too!! >[!!!!!!!!!!!!

PD: Sucio!! No me usaste a Sheik en el tourney!! >_>

That guy is a Psycho with Mario!! >__<!! *run and hide!!*

Anyways after the tournament we all headed to Pizza Hut and played Bust A move
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Bust a moveeeeeee ;__________;!!!!!!!!!!!!

Also there was this box thing that everybody kept hittig with their head it was funny I hit it like 4 times in less than 1 minute.
Yeh >__>U and I'll mis all of those.. (I was involved into the games hahaha!!)

Bueno del torneo xD la primera ronda estaba como que "noooooo ;__;!! y "Yay!!" a la vez
lo de "nooo;__;!!" era por que me habia tocado con HDL y ya eso era un out seguro xD!!

lo de "Yay!!" era por que estaba ahi.. control a control al lado de el.. *cae un rayo*.. no se si gane experiencia o no (de tan rapida que fue la primera pelea xD!!).. pero lo que si se es que pude sentir con mi propio control lo que es pelear en un tourney con un advanced player top10..

*Mas cancion de fondo...*

PD: Te jod.. Rasalas, ahora te voy a estar fastidiando con eso

Lo de cojer experiencia o no de verdad no se si pude, la primera pelea fue como ver caer un rayo(auch), un 4 stock bien bonito @__@!! pero para cuando estabamos en proceso de ir a la segunda ronda me di una cachetada mentalmente y estaba como que "no te tires a lo loco.. alejate y atacalo en el momento justo.. tirale kunais.. tirale lo que sea pero no dejes que se vuelva a poner psycho.. como lo ataco? no se pero hazlo y punto, trata de que esta vez sea un 3 stock.."

Entonces cuando voy a pelear pa mi que lo cojio fuertemente suave o algo estaba haciendo por que le pude quitar dos vidas .__.!! yo como que "wtf que hizo este? por que no peleo como antes?" pero eso si.. lo estaba velando.. hasta que se volvio a poner psycho al final, pero pude salirme de la psyquidez, y cuando le iba a seguir dando me metio un espadazo y sali vola y yo como que "nooo;__;!! why I had to die like this?! con espadazo!!" XDDDDDDD pero nah despues de todo fue una muy buena experiencia

PS nada, cuando supe con quien iba a pelear despues sabia que al menos debia seguir calentando y mas cuando esa cierta personita estaba calentando a lo que se acababan las otras rondas >__>U so vi la luz.. vi..


Asi que sali corriendo para alla y me puse a jugar con Fox lvl 9 por que necesitaba accion

Entonces alguien me habia preguntado si podia jugar conmigo y habia dicho que si..

y cuando miro..

ERA B4K4!!!!!!!!!!!

Otra luz!!!!!!!!!!!!! *-*

Y que mejor entrenamiento que un buen Fox para pelear con otro buen Fox?? xD!!!

So ahi aproveche y le saque el jugo a ese Fox (me prepare fisica y mentalmente para un Fox battle jajajaja) aunque luego me estaba usando a Roy (le gane una vez.. por lo menos >_>U ah, y gracias por los tips!!! yay!!!) me encanto tu camisa de Peeps xD!! y habian veces que me estabas hablando y no sabia que era a mi.. yo como que "dialo es a mi!!" (pero te estaba escuchando como quiera xD)

Ps que pasa.. me toca contra Rasalas, que bien, sabia que no lo podia cojer suave pero que este tipo me iba a dar buena competencia so.. estaba normal por que ya tengo experiencia jugando contra el y se de lo que puede ser capaz(por eso sabia que no lo podia cojer suave ni tampoco confiar xD!!) Mi meta en ese round era llevar al desempate, pero no pude x__X!! Anyway.. quite la tabla de Fountains of Dreams por que sabia que el iba a quitar Battle como se llame so.. le deje el trabajo a el (H)

Primera tabla Corneria.. (que me acabo de enterar que no era pa Random Stages si no para Counter Pick xD!!!) yo como que "doh! la pensaba usar para cuando perdiera pero esta bien.. ahi esta su Fox contra mi Sheik, esta bien.. su Fox no es gran problema por que ya puedo controlarselo(aunque aveces el sucio se me descontrola>__>). So empeze a jugar concentrada, con cuidado pero sin bajar la guardia y agresiva(me gusto la primera vida que le quite, un combo en el aire bien cab.. y despues le meti una patada, puño o que se yo y lo mate xD!!)

Estabamos ahi ahi, lo mataba me mataba hasta que termino matandome con 1stock con la estupida patada para arriba >__<!! yo como que "auch.. despues que luche pa caer en esa patada.." @@

Segundo round, contra su Marth, con este ya no iba a tener chances por que siempre me ha dado mas problemas que el Fox. Pero nada, sin desanimarme ni nada no hay que rendirnos por que al menos iba a tratar de hacerme la dificil ya que si queria pasar al prox.round tendria que pasar por mi primero y facil no se la iba a dejar >_>U yo tb queria pasar. Anyway, estaba entre Final Destination y Princess Peach Castle. Como ya he peleado con ese Marth en Final Destination pues decidi probar algo nuevo.. so, Princess Peach Castle..

Ahi estuvo graciosa la pelea.. las balas se movian lentamente y nosotros nos olvidabamos de darnos y saliamos corriendo a refugiarnos, claro, con la guardia en alto y cuando estabamos lejos de la bala seguiamos peleando jajajajaja. La segunda bala venia cayendo del cielo, entonces no me acuerdo si fue el que me metio un espadazo o yo que brinque y me di contra la bala.. yo como que "nooooo ;___; not fair!!", entonces Rasalas brinca y se da tb contra la bala y yo como que "ja-ja(8) *risita de Nelson de los Simpsons*". So salimos corriendo por la explosion y seguimos peleando..

Bueno.. ya tenia el 3 vidas y yo 2.. ahi estaba como q podia empezar a descontrolarme (me conosco) y pensaba "tranquila, cojelo con calma.. le puedo ganar aun, no te dejes llevar.. no ataques a lo loco, espera a que ataque para tu atacar.. trata de ver lo que el va a hacer (como un Uchiha con Sharingan). Me dejo la vida en 1 y el tenia 3 pero con % alto..

Desde antes pensaba "lo saco con un golpe fuerte y en las otras dos lo ataco de lejos", y esa es la chavienda, el golpe fuerte no salia >__< o me daba el y me seguia subiendo el por ciento.. y cuando sigo analizando viene, me da espadazo, me restraya contra la pared, ahi mismo una estupida bala habia acabado de explotar y la explosion me saca pal.. XD!!

Yo como que "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Why I'd have to die like this?!?!>__<!!"

>__> Ni que con la bala XD!!! Ahora estoy mas conciente de lo que puede hacer esa tabla.. geez!! Teniamos un bala festival ahi.. pa colmo Rasalas en una de las balas(la primera) habia dicho "aaah la bala !! corre!! *vocecita*" lo cual me desconcentro un poco del control por que me estaba riendo, pero no llego a desconcentrarme del todo(tampoco de mi conciencia contra el juego), anyway, no utilizare eso de excusa para decir que perdi por que lo acepto, me mato el aliado con la explosion de la estupida bala!! XDDDDDDD jajajaja sigue asi >_>U

Anyway despues hago otro post para hablar sobre mi experiencia en los Crew Battles por que dudo que vayan a leer todo esto + encima lo de los Crew XDD !! En lo general fue bueno y el popcorn tb. Uriel, tu mamá fue bien nice!! Me agrado mucho(y graciosa tb xD!!). Yo crei que era alguien con caracter fuerte y eso, y tus perritos me gustaron awww!!*-* Son parejita?? o como se llaman?? cuteeees *-*!!! Y saludame al pajaro gigante que se para en tu ventana xD!! y al gato, que no lo vi.. y vi un gallo y gallina por tu casa jajajaja.. pero nah


I like pork chops.
May 25, 2004
Amongst haters
First I’d like to say the bad stuff before the good. I was disappointed in those that probably could have came, but didn’t even make much effort. It’s understandable if it was just not doable, but it’s like some people didn’t even try. EOTG was supposed to get a ride and his ride flatleft him (that person also didn’t show at the tournament). People that claimed they were coming did not, and they utterly disrespected Carlos, who had gone through all the trouble planning and organizing this shindig, by not even calling him to let him know why they didn’t make it.

I was also upset at the lack of cooperation. Some people just kept yammering on while Carlos was making announcements and they did not pay attention at all. People kept screwing with the random stage list and we wound up seeing stages like Corneria and ICICLE MOUNTAIN turned on. Some of the timers were turned off, too. This really pissed me off. While it’s quite easy to set the rules back, people just showed too much disrespect and didn’t even bother to think “organizing something like this must not be so easy. I should do what I can to help make it easier.” We had no VCRs because the ones that Carlos would be able to get were from people that didn’t even answer their phones. By the way, I spent a total of $27.72 yesterday, not including tolls and $15 I need to give my father for using half a tank of gas. That’s like, more than an AOL bill!

Now for the good stuff. It was fun overall and I got to see part of Carlos’s house, as well as spend time with him and others. Spending time with people and going to Pizza Hut was worth the trip. Fox’s shine is so good that even the numerous jokes made on it were god tier. Blazing put up a good front, and as much as this sounds like a john I wish I could have put up a better front. For the most part I was smooth with Marth, but there were times where there were unwanted lumps, much like poorly made Farina. That cost me a stock or two at times (DIing down when getting hit with a spin attack). And one unforgettable moment was ATH’s extremely lucky win against my Falco in crews on Brinstar. The acid gave him a perfect inescapable setup that he would not have caught me with otherwise. I would not have been upset if he beat me normally, but seriously it’s like the Mother Brain really hated my ***. At that point I had really low damage and he had high damage, so even worse. I got my retribution with Fox later on though, so I feel compensated for.

So things went well, but I feel that there are people that need to show more respect instead of taking things for granted. I doubt they would like such things if they were the ones running a tournament.


Smash Lord
Mar 24, 2006
Puerto Rico
I had a lot of fun at the tournament, even though I got last place on singles like last time but I feel I learned somethings and I had improved.

Evil - You are awesome as always that fox pwned me good. But at least I could take 1 live or 2 cause in the last tourney I couldn't take even 1.

HDL- Man first time I got to fight you now I see why always ppl say you are BROKEN.

B4K4 - First time fighting you too, and I can't even believe I won. You have a great fox.

Karura - You made some great improvement since last time I fought you.

Rasalas - Good matches as always. You have improven as well.

RFTS - First time fighting with you too. You have a good ganon just try practicing more those l-cancels.

Blazing - Dude your link is very good I got to fight you and didn't stand a chance.

Congrats on the winners. See ya.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 6, 2005
Bayamon, Puerto Rico
Yes, i was supposed to have been present that day... :( sorry

congrats to everyone who went and gave it their all

No HDL, i didn't mean to disrespect Evil, but at the same time i didn't know what to say instead of " whoops, can't go..."
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