El torneo estuvo bien ROTO!!
Kinda late but what the hell.
First of all congrats to HDL and BLAZING on teams and to the top 5 players in singles.
First of all hardly got any sleep llevaba dos dias sin dormir y lo unico q dormi
fue 3 horas antes del tourney porque me amaneci hablando con kAMA so I was
very tired pero..I think that helped since it's better to ne tired than wired...lol
When I arrived empeze a buscar a casi to el mundo pa saludarlos later como no hiba
a jugar en teams empeze a jugar friendlies.
KAR: me sorprendio como jugabas pal poco tiempo q llevas jugando advanced creo q ni un mes.
Anyways keep it up.
KAMA:too bad you had to go against MIZU so early,still you had nice matches.
Also no te vi sacando al ness broken tuyo.
DSL:Nice ranking for your first tourney.Also tuvimos pal de friendlies tu falco esta broken.
BlAZING:your Link is too sexy...
YUCA:llegastes lejos....eres muy lechon me acuerdo cuando me machastes el shield grab y me agarrastes muy lechon....
JOE PORCIENTO (LOL):nuestra pelea estuvo bien glicha lol.Also llegastes bastante lejos estas muy glichoso hasta glichastes con el toy deer.
CARLOS:dam you, y que green greens...dam powershiled...anyways...our fights were very intense and i had very fun.Also I remember we were ready to begin our first match and you whiped out your ipod and so did I and we were like searching for music for the match and then someone came and said like: what are you doing synchronizing your music or something?...lol
(I went with flamenco and you went with trance, good times... good times...).
ZERO:we had some nice friendlies.You have improved a lot since the las time I played you,you have a solid fox.
HAWK:although we only had one match it was fun but you had to go emo at the end.
LASER KIRBY:your peach has improved a lot since the last time we played nice powershielding it surprised me a few times.
ZYKO:we had some fun matches sorry I couldn't give you the DK matches you wanted maybe next time.
EDDY:we had some good ol' samus dittos.By the way te voy a avisar pa lo de one piece
here's my email por siaca:
watergonemad@hotmail.com (if anyone else wants to add me
feel free to do so I don't mind.
B4K4:still have a solid fox le explotastes la boca a mi cap'n falcon.
MIZU:tu gannon esta muy broken y tu captain falcon tambien.Me gustaria jugar contra tu DR. mario.By the way your edge guard is scary.
EVAL:nice matches me owniastes en mute city,your peach is awesome.
RASALAS: didn't get to play you but maybe we could play sometime this week.
JANDRO: it's always fun to play you.You punished me a couple of times for being warrior.lol
ISH:we owned with jiggs and luigi in teams I had a lot of fun.
KARURA:no jugamos desde hace tiempo, vi que has mejorado pero no he jugado contigo desde entonces asi que me debes friendlies tambien.
POPE:hope I get to play some friendlies with you next time.
DOJI:you owe some friendlies.
HDL:I still haven't played your marth.
FOX HATER:we have never played,hope I get to the next time we meet.
By the way velate a EVAL salio muy sospechoso en la foto de grupo...
It looks like he's plotting something very evil....
JUTTE: se que explotastes en mario kart.lol
And sorry if I forgot to mention someone.
And to those from bayamon or some place near who couldn't make it you should have contacted BLAZING,KAMA or me, we had room for one more.
Overall the tournament was awesome I really apreciate everyone that worked hard to make it happen.Everyone seemed to be a bit closer than the last tournament and that was the best thing since it makes the comunity more fun.Anyways espero que se repita.
ps:Eso es.Soy un smash child!!
{Transactions complete}:>-[via/paliza]-<