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~§~ Puerto Rico: Land of overlooked accomplishments ~§~


Smash Ace
Jan 21, 2006
Onett, Puerto Rico
Kama, yo posteo mas tarde, lol. You should sleep and get ready for tomorrow.

Gente, suerte, que el mejor "side" gane. Espero que puedan poner los resultados de cada seccion en algun momento. Por otro lado, espero que puedan grabar algunos videos.

Sera en alguna otra futura ocasion.

Know your $hit!!

Karura Karami

Smash Journeyman
Apr 23, 2006
Puerto Rico

Y me estuve levantando a las 5.... 5:30.... 6.... 6:20.... y ahi me iba a quedar hasta las 6:25 o 6:30 pero me dijeron que me fuera a bañar ;__;

Acho esa cama y esas almohadas con la sabana estaban friitas, que chavienda xD y el sueño estaba pesadito... como que "duermete.... duermeteeeeee!!!" me decia la sabana... yo como que "no sabana, no!! tengo que levantarme.. *pero se quedaba ahi acostada pensando que hacer*"


Pero nah, al fin hoy es el dia mas esperado por todos!!! La semana se fue rapidito, espero que este dia no...

Ahora estoy relax, espero no ponerme nerviosa en el torneo ni hacerme un 8 >__<!!! y acordarme llevarme pal carro la asignacion pa hacer los resumenes por el camino xD pero nah xD


Smash Journeyman
Sep 14, 2005
Puerto Rico
Thought the info would be here by now.

HDL and Blazing take teams!!
ATH was battling it out with Evil when I last called and HDL awaited in the Winners Singles division.
Start posting your expiriences, uploading videos, argh!!!
Can't wait!
Happy Smashing


The Terminator
Nov 29, 2005
Springfield Mass
well am going to pr en 5 dias espero alguien que me de competencia y voy a jugar contra lord hdl si quiere se que voy a perder pero a preder mas de marth.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 14, 2005
Puerto Rico
Argh Your Post Is So Out Of Place!!

well am going to pr en 5 dias espero alguien que me de competencia y voy a jugar contra lord hdl si quiere se que voy a perder pero a preder mas de marth.
CAN'T YOU SEE IT'S TOURNAMENT FINALS!!! Why are you so out of subject, tournament expiriences please O_O
Anywho final results.
Winner HDL
2nd place- EVIL
third place- ATH
fourth place- MIZU
I'll be prodding Damian to post about how much money was made, and the official bracket and everything.
Take care all,
Happy Smashing!
And for the love of God Flaco, you've already said you're gonna fight HDL around 50 times, stop spamming that **** please ;D


Smash Cadet
Oct 6, 2005
Puerto Rico
Hello all, I don't post here much except usually after tournaments, so here's my input. It was our biggest tourney yet, with 50 participants in singles and 12 in teams. I'm very proud of how large our community has gotten. Good times have been had. Again, I got eliminated pretty early on, losing to B4K4 and TKTO. I'm now very tired and my throat is sore from all the calling of names (That was me by the way, the one doing the inscriptions and the brackets). Looking forward to RUM & SMASH 4.

64-man bracket

1 Adrian Perez (HDL) Winnings: $270.00
2 Carlos Perez (EVIL) Winnings: $135.00
3 Andres (ATH) Winnings: $45.00
4 Jorge Leon (MXP)
5 Edgar Valentin (EVAL)
5 Mariano (Blazing)
7 Ismael Alvarez (JOE%)
7 Giovanni Floriam (DSL)
9 Eddy Vargas (YUCA)
9 Luis Irizarry (DOJI)
9 Gilberto Mendez (Fox Hater)
9 Gilberto Miralla (XHYX)
13 Jonathan Florian
13 Armando J (POPE)
13 Axel Morales (ZYKO)
13 Roberto Reyes (H@WK)
17 Gilberto Ferrer
17 Jose Vargas (Rasalas)
17 Alejandro Lafont (GOOD)
17 Erick Vargas
17 Eddy Rivera
17 Armando Doval (B4K4)
17 Israel Baez (RFTS)
17 Ivan Ojeda (LK07)
25 Alan Barrero (Zero)
25 Damian Esteves (HHH)
25 Guillermo Matta
25 Carl Camis
25 Gioma (MXP's bro)
25 Orlando Vargas (Orly) <--- Ya Rly?
25 Manuel Caban
25 Gabriel Olavarria
33 Karla (Usi)
33 Hector Daniel Nieves (KAMA)
33 Alex Suarez
33 Liz Vazquez (RIZU)
33 Hector labrador (ANGL)
33 Michael Morales
33 Antonio Bennazar
33 Juan Antonio (RIKU)
33 Francisco Mella
33 Juan Caban (J0QR)
33 Jose Castro
33 Antonio Borrero
33 Jose Manuel
33 Omar Caban
33 Cristian Perez (Uzumaki Kiba)
33 Alan Yaniel
49 Bye
49 Bye
49 Bye
49 Bye
49 Bye
49 Bye
49 Bye
49 Bye
49 Bye
49 Bye
49 Bye
49 Bye
49 Axel Vigo
49 Bye
49 Ismael J (Ish)
49 Bye

Note: Tournament Maker for some reason put Axel Vigo and Ismael J at 49 and the rest at 33 even though the real placing was actually the same.

And here's teams

16-man bracket

1 Red Steel Winnings: $129.60 (HDL & Blazing)
2 Team Ponderosa Winnings: $64.80 (Eval & Maximus)
3 Team Arma Poderosa Winnings: $21.60 (Doji & Evil)
4 Gilberto^2 (Xyhthyx & Foxhater)
5 Los Rompediscotecas (H@WK & Zero)
5 Yuca y JOE
7 Wandering Zyko (Wandering Angel & Zyko)
7 Carl y Jonathan
9 Team Oreo (Usi & Rasalas)
9 Los Morcilleros
9 Team Diebuster
9 Tu pai y tu mai
13 Bye
13 Bye
13 Bye
13 Bye

Sorry if I put your names wrong (or didn't put them at all) in the teams listing I have a mess of names in my head after today and don't remember much. Make corrections if possible please :D


Smash Journeyman
Jul 12, 2005
Aguadilla, Puerto Rico
Tried to add as many of the tags as I could.

64-man bracket

1 Adrian Perez (HDL) Winnings: $270.00
2 Carlos Perez (EVIL) (Uriel) Winnings: $135.00
3 Andres (ATH) Winnings: $45.00
4 Jorge Leon (MXP) (Maximus)
5 Edgar Valentin (EVAL)
5 Mariano (Blazing)
7 Ismael Alvarez (JOE%)
7 Giovanni Floriam (DSL)
9 Eddy Vargas
9 Luis Irizarry (DOJI)
9 Gilberto Mendez (ROTC) (Fox Hater)
9 Gilberto Miralla (XHYX)
13 Jonathan Florian
13 Armando J
13 Axel Morales
13 Roberto Reyes
17 Gilberto Ferrer
17 Jose Vargas
17 Alejandro Lafont
17 Erick Vargas
17 Eddy Rivera
17 Armando Doval
17 Israel Baez
17 Ivan Ojeda
25 Alan Barrero (ZERO)
25 Damian Esteves (HHH)
25 Guillermo Matta
25 Carl Camis
25 Gioma (Max's little brother oh shi-)
25 Orlando Vargas
25 Manuel Caban
25 Gabriel Olavarria
33 Karla
33 Hector Daniel Nieves
33 Alex Suarez
33 Liz Vazquez
33 Hector labrador
33 Michael Morales
33 Antonio Bennazar
33 Juan Antonio
33 Francisco Mella
33 Juan Caban
33 Jose Castro
33 Antonio Borrero
33 Jose Manuel
33 Omar Caban
33 Cristian Perez
33 Alan Yaniel
49 Bye
49 Bye
49 Bye
49 Bye
49 Bye
49 Bye
49 Bye
49 Bye
49 Bye
49 Bye
49 Bye
49 Bye
49 Axel Vigo
49 Bye
49 Ismael J
49 Bye

Note: Tournament Maker for some reason put Axel Vigo and Ismael J at 49 and the rest at 33 even though the real placing was actually the same.

And here's teams

16-man bracket

1 Red Steel Winnings: $129.60 (HDL & Blazing)
2 Team Ponderosa Winnings: $64.80 (Eval & Maximus)
3 Team Arma Poderosa Winnings: $21.60 (Doji & Evil)
4 Gilberto^2 (Xyhthyx & Fox Hater)
5 Los Rompediscotecas (H@WK & Teammate)
5 Yuca y JOE
7 Wandering Zyko (Wandering Angel & Zyko)
7 Carl y Jonathan
9 Team Oreo (Usi & Rasalas)
9 Los Morcilleros
9 Team Diebuster
9 Tu pai y tu mai
13 Bye
13 Bye
13 Bye
13 Bye

Karura Karami

Smash Journeyman
Apr 23, 2006
Puerto Rico

Lo logreeeeeeeeeee!!!

NO podia salir ultima, al menos no en los ultimos 3 lugares.. y sali primera de las ultimas xD!! >__<!! No estoy tan happy pero si estoy feliz por que pude subir de ser esos "ultimos" nombres leidos en la lista.

:yoshi: Teams :yoshi:
En Teams lo que nos mato fue que no pudimos llegar a tiempo para entrenar, por culpa de ese tapon... -.-U Lo que me decepciono fue de la forma en la que perdimos. Si hubieramos calentado at least hubieramos dado una mejor liga aunque sea, pero sera para una proxima.

De hecho, odio esos reboluces que se forman en una esquinita._.!! Uno no sabe quien demonios es quien ni nada de eso xD Por eso digo, hay que practicar free for all o al menos team battle _-_!! para al menos saber como se brega y controlarse cuando llegan esos reboluces xD

Pero nada, estuvieron brutales las dos peleas que tuvimos, pero lo que no me gusto fue como lo jugamos pudiendo haber hecho mas de lo que teniamos en ese momento x__X!!

Yuca - Ha ha ha!! Estupidos Ice Climbers y estupido Fox >_> No recuerdo bien como pelie contra ti pero se que en unas cuantas nos fuimos a pelear a solas y estuvo brutal xD

Joe% - Tu Peach esta cool pero pense que ibas a variar mas de ataques o yo que se. Y ya te digo, deja las Onions >_> te las estaba cojiendo BUAHAHAHAHAHAH!!! Y debi haber medido mejor para meterte con un Onionazo.... creo que te meti par pero te las hubiese metido todas a ver si se te quitaba el chistesito xD Jajaja. Anyway, no recuerdo cual fue el segundo char. que escojiste, pero si recuerdo que tambien me fui detras de ti y ya XP Buena pelea, me gustaria jugar con tu Peach again en 1 vs 1 y con el otro que escojiste.

Y luego en la otra, que fue contra Zyko y Wandering Angel(el chico este parecia un osito de peluche awww^__^!!!).

Esta pelea fue un despeloye total xD Todos dandose cantazos y que se yo.. Lo que mas me dio risa era la reaccion de estos chicos cuando se daban un cantazo y salian "ah mano ese soy yo!!!", "perate te estoy dando a ti??!! Ah perdon!!" xD!! En una vi en camara lenta como el Sheik le dio una patada al Fox o algo asi en el mismo medio de Dream Land creo que fue jajajaja xD

Yo como que "sweeeet... *comiendo popcorn*" XDD

Anyway, quiero jugar contra el Sheik de Wandering Angel en 1 vs 1, nos pareciamos en algo usandola I guess. Lo que me gusto fue cuando estaba Rasalas en el aire (o fue cuando lo eliminaron que quedaba yo sola??) y yo me puse a pelear con el Sheik para que se saliera de la esquina y empezo Zyko a tirar lasers ahi para subirme el damage xD Entonces yo vine por alguna extraña razon que no recuerdo cual fue y me intercambie por WA y el que empezo a cojer el dmg fue el jajajaa xD!!

Y lo que me dejo como que "o-k.." fue la eleccion esa que habia de 3 Fox VS 1 Sheik(yo), pero luego hicimos un Double Ditto!!! Sweet.. 2 Fox VS 2 Sheik. El Fox enemigo y el Fox aliado mio y asi.

Espero volver a tener un Team Battle con ustedes por que eso fue algo serio + comedia xD!!

:004: Singles :004:

Y por cada momento en el que pasaba, sentia unas cosquillas en mi estomago que subian y bajaban. Encima recordando la mala suerte que pase en los anteriores cuando me tocaba pelear con uno que Gano tal torneo o con otro que Gano "x" cosa!!! >__>!!!!!!!!!!! Y yo ahi pensando.. "contra kien me tocara...? Sera contra HDL once again...? Sera contra Mizu...? Contra Ath...?" xD!!! Pensando que no iba a poder sentir el "sentimiento" placentero de la batalla, pero no fue asi..

Primera pelea fue contra Ged, YAY Ged!!! Espero que pases por aqui mas seguido mano!! Me caiste super bien. Quiero tb volver a pelear contra tu Falco. Sigue asi !! >__<

Las 2 peleas contigo fueron bien pero que bien cerradas >__<!!! Eso le sacaba el corazon a uno xD eso eran cosas de:
-El primer error que uno de los dos cometa se fastidia
-Si caes en el combo del otro por ese error te fastidiaste
-Tienes que tener cuidado por que por un simple descuido te puedes chavar

Pero nada, estuvieron sweet y "saca corazones por la boca" XD fue un tourney-friendly bien bueno y espero que se vuelva a repetir aunque me hayas ganado >.>!!!

Y en Mute City por estar mirando tu personaje no se que diablos le paso al mio que cuando lo vi estaba cayendo y yo como que "wtf?!" y no pude salvarla y por eso me costo la vida >__<!!! Que tu me hiciste ahi??? oO me tiraste un laser? xD (por que estabamos en las esquinas de la tabla esa).

Y la otra pelea fue contra Zork, que aunque me gano le hice par de cosas medio "****.." pero nada xD espero poder volver a jugar con el tambien.


Tengo una pregunta sobre los Ranks

49 Bye
49 Bye
49 Bye
49 Bye
49 Bye
49 Bye
49 Bye
49 Bye
Que diablos es eso de Bye??!!

5 Los Rompediscotecas (H@WK & Teammate)
Solo tengo algo que decir...

JAJAJAJAAJAJAJ ZERO TE ODIAAAAAAN!!!! No te quiereeeeeen!!! Pegate un tiro y vete pal AAAAAEREOPUERTO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Despues sigo comentando del torneo por que me mandaron a hacer asignaciones..>_>... *se va*


Smash Lord
Mar 24, 2006
Puerto Rico
5 Los Rompediscotecas (H@WK & Teammate)
PLZ is not Teammate is Zero. Change it if you mind thanks.

I had a good time in the tournament. Thanks for the hosters who had to be there with a lot of people. And congratulations to the winners and to everyone who tried their best.

H@wK - Awesome dude. Your Fox and Falco are very good. Good work on the team battles.

Rasalas - Didn't got to fight you, but you were playing sweet.

Usi - I didn't fight you either, but I saw improvement in your sheik.

Laser Kirby - Good peach. Had fun fighting friendlies with you.

Evil - Awesome Fox.

ATH - Your samus owned me hard.

Xhythyx - Your samus pwned me hard.

Zyko - Didn't fight you. But nice Fox.

Kama - Good marth. Had a tough time battling you. But I had fun anyway.

RFTS - Next time I will fight you. Sweet Ganon and Link.

And the rest good job. I'll try to fight more ppl next time.


Smash Ace
Apr 3, 2006
San Juan P.R. PKMN D/P FC - 4940 2077 9502

Considero que la actividad, fue un exito total. Y no solamente fue el torneo, el verdadero tripeo fue pasarla bien con todos ustedes.

Creo que Vain debe estar orgulloso de mi. Le dije q iba a jugar a nombre de el, y jugue con todo lo que tenia. Cuidate por alla hermano.

Zero, gracias por haber sido mi partner en este torneo, creo que hicimos un exelente trabajo.

Felicidades a HDL, Evil y ATH por los placings mas altos.

Felicidades a Blazing, por mandarme a los loser brackets nuevamente. A RFTS, que ha subido de nivel increiblemente, lamente cuando lo elimine del torneo. A Gilbert (MOCA), juegas nice y eres un tripeo en persona. A GJ, exelente jugador y persona. Maximus, me caiste super bien y te debo la Dr. Pepper, espero que hallas disfrutado nuestros matches! Jandro, tu salchicha estaba buena, gracias pr el pon. A Karla, tus esfuerzos te llevaron a jugar como juegas ahora, sigue asi, me dejaste en una vida, pa la otra ganame, you can. Tambien B4K4, al fin le gane par de veces, eres uno de los mejores Fox.

Y a toda la gente que coopero para que este torneo fuera un exito. Felicidades a todos y que se repita.

Nos vemos.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 6, 2005
Bayamon, Puerto Rico
Congrats to all the people who participated in the tourney :)

Sorry for not going, since i'm basically every saturday at the NAVY recruiting office for appointments.

I can only hope that there's another tourney before the end of the year...

Uriel Vinellus

Smash Ace
Apr 24, 2005
Puerto Rico
Sorry for the late post. I was kinda tired and decided to sleep plus I'm sick :(
I have a headache :(

This was the biggest tournament ever on PR. I wanna thank wholeheartedly all of the people who attended and helped to make this evet possible.

The day before the tournament I was so nervous I didn't sleep until very late. Plus a lot of people came to my house that night as well. Jorge, his brother, Joe%( Ismael), Eddy, Armando, Gil, Edgar, etc. They just came from practicing in Francisco's house and came to pay me a visit. We stayed till late watching stuff on Armando's PC and some of us played Melee to pratice for the tournament the next day. After they all left I was feeling anxious already. It was late and I couldn't go to sleep. But after awhile I fell asleep.

The day of the tournament arrived we had a lot of organizing to be done. I was awake at 7:00am with almost no sleep. I had to call the organizers to get ready to prepare the Annex for the tournament. I picked up Rey and went to the Annex. Mono, Jorge, Rey , and me were there to prepare the scene. Lord HDL ( Adrian) arrived early and some of the TVs were set so he started warming up. After that I couldn't stop geeking about how awesome will be this tournament. People kept arriving and the atmosphere was getting more intense. around 5 people arrived dressed all in baby blue and everyone was asking if they were team ragnarok apparently they were. Ath, Blazing, and all the Easties were arriving. After the place got filled we started teams.

I wasn't planning on playing teams because I usually suck at it. But I think I suck at it because I usually don't practice with my teammates before the tournament. We just play improvised ans synchronize in it. Doji was teamless so he asked me like 100 times "TEAM WITH ME! COME ON!" " You can SHL and I Kick with Zelda". I was like "No, no, no." "I suck at teams and more with Falco". But his puppy face was unresistable and I agreed but I won't use Falco in teams. So even without practice we got third. But I was unhappy because if I had practiced I could have done better. Right now I don't remember what teams we fought but I do remember the owning Lord HDL and Blaze gave us :(. F***** Sudowoodo he took a free stock from Doji and then we lost for sure. We got third.

After teams I had to attend to more tournament matters. I had to deal with food appoint people to sell , price and other things. Rey helped me a lot with the food he picked it up. And Mono helped me with cups and coke.

Singles was about to start and Liz had high hopes for me all the tournament. For those who don't know Liz he my girlfriend ^_^. She was backing me all the way it made me try my best. Thanks you Liz for the support. Singles for me had the most surprises and the most intense battles ever. My first battle was against a Ragnarok teammate a very good Fox I he seems to not have a scrub mentality and plays patiently. I first used Marth and I missed my chains a few times but overall it was a good match. Then I used my Fox and had no mercy. My second match was against a Peach which ended really fast as well. Again a tradition that never goes undone in a RUM&Smash the famous Armando and Evil match. I first used Fox and B4K4 played brilliantly but lost. After that he chose Roy and I chose Marth he lost. I felt,again, like ****... emo... and sad.. My controller no longer spelled Evil and win but Emo and fail. After that I was set to fight Andres my long time rival in the East. He caught me by surprise a few times but so did I. Andres had a solid game which had very few openings so I decided to rush and take advantages of those openings. Even if it seemed dangerous and unorthodox I still used it against him. In small openings or dents in his defense I rushed in with Fox and Upsmashed. I took at least like 6 or more stocks from him in the set by doing that. Just like Mono said I finished it like a 2D fighter with a well put SHORYOUKEN! Close matches he seemed to know how to fight Fox really well props to ATH. A little fun fact I was listening to Drive Me Crazy will fighting ATH .After that Rey kept bugging me with the fact that I had to fight Lord HDL and it will be my demise it is my destiny. And Liz told me that if I lose she'll bite my head off... yeah... sounds nasty...
Anywho I tried to stall the inevitable by saying that we should follow tradition and let the looser's finish first. But Damian, The Wise told me to finish the god**** fight. So I did. And got owned. :( ... I don't remember how badly I got owned but I got pretty owned and I was crying because I got owned. I fell into loser's bracket. I had to fight ATH for a second time. I was losing hope because he gave such a good fight last time I couldn't use Fox again. Lord HDL, The Unbeatable gave me some advice which I followed the best I could. I used Falco for the first time in the tournament and lost LOL. After that I counterpicked with Link YES LINK! and played him on Green Greens spammed the **** out of him and killed him upwards. Also the most amazing thing got recorded he was saved by a god**** block and I powershielded a blast in my his face, literally in his face. Then I picked Fox again and beat him. Those last few seconds of the match was too intense to describe I felt as if I wasn't breathing and the when I landed that finishing blow I saw it slow motion I even saw the hit Box contacting with Samus's body and then seeing the computer numbers calculating how much knockback will it give just enough for me to win. I saw the matrix...

The finals arrived Lord HDL vs Evil. The crowd was behind me, Lord HDL was right next to me. Liz and her father were watching, I had to win. The first match was Fox vs Marth. I got beaten so badly I was demoralized 3 stocked :( . The second match I did a little better , the third match I did a litte worse , and then finally I used my infamous counterpicking skills to counter in Corneria survived till 250 and then died and lost horribly. Liz's father was upset and told me I can't see Liz again. Liz ran in upsetness. The east and the west looked down on me , Jandro,Ish , and Armando stopped calling me and Eddy just punched me in the face. It was over... And that's that. Well not everybody can have happy endings.

Just kidding. It was an intense battle but I lost. Everybody was happy it was over. They gave us our prize money. Jorge announced it was over and gave thanks. After that most of the people were hungry so I suggested we go eat to Mcdonalds! And I would invite like 5 people with the prize money. So like 20 people or more left for Mcdonalds and had a great time. We were there talking, tripiando, watching Armando's dirty pictures. Everybody had a happy time and now were re-talkng about the day they had. Also Edgar and I planned a little thing *evil grin* Everybody counted to three and shouted GAUCHO!!!! It was all fun and games this was the best tournament ever. I'm very happy it was done well thankiu again to all the people who made this possible and thank you people for assiting.

P.S Thank you for reading this long *** post.

P.P.S My Ipod broke from the excitement ^_^


Smash Journeyman
Apr 22, 2006
Bayamon, Puerto Rico
guys, really great stuff yesterday. oh, yes, by the way, those with the blue shirts were team ragnarok, they did better than i though, at least its leader got 25th LOL. no voy a decir las peleas que tuve ni nada porque despues se quejan por ahi que estoy bragging o que se yo que. lol, estoy esperando al proximo torneo, me quede con las ganas.


Smash Ace
Oct 12, 2005
Isabela, PR
64-man bracket

1 Adrian Perez (HDL) Winnings: $270.00
2 Carlos Perez (EVIL) (Uriel) Winnings: $135.00
3 Andres (ATH) Winnings: $45.00
4 Jorge Leon (MXP) (Maximus)
5 Edgar Valentin (EVAL)
5 Mariano (Blazing)
7 Ismael Alvarez (JOE%)
7 Giovanni Floriam (DSL)
9 Eddy Vargas
9 Luis Irizarry (DOJI)
9 Gilberto Mendez (ROTC) (Fox Hater)
9 Gilberto Miralla (XHYX)
13 Jonathan Florian
13 Armando J (Pope)
13 Axel Morales (Zyko)
13 Roberto Reyes
17 Gilberto Ferrer
17 Jose Vargas (TKTO/Rasalas)....creo
17 Alejandro Lafont (Jandro)
17 Erick Vargas
17 Eddy Rivera
17 Armando Doval (B4K4)
17 Israel Baez
17 Ivan Ojeda
25 Alan Barrero (ZERO)
25 Damian Esteves (HHH)
25 Guillermo Matta
25 Carl Camis
25 Gioma (Max's little brother oh shi-)
25 Orlando Vargas
25 Manuel Caban
25 Gabriel Olavarria
33 Karla (USI)
33 Hector Daniel Nieves
33 Alex Suarez
33 Liz Vazquez
33 Hector labrador
33 Michael Morales
33 Antonio Bennazar
33 Juan Antonio
33 Francisco Mella (masschaosde)
33 Juan Caban
33 Jose Castro
33 Antonio Borrero
33 Jose Manuel
33 Omar Caban
33 Cristian Perez
33 Alan Yaniel
49 Bye
49 Bye
49 Bye
49 Bye
49 Bye
49 Bye
49 Bye
49 Bye
49 Bye
49 Bye
49 Bye
49 Bye
49 Axel Vigo
49 Bye
49 Ismael J
49 Bye

Note: Tournament Maker for some reason put Axel Vigo and Ismael J at 49 and the rest at 33 even though the real placing was actually the same.

And here's teams

16-man bracket

1 Red Steel Winnings: $129.60 (HDL & Blazing)
2 Team Ponderosa Winnings: $64.80 (Eval & Maximus)
3 Team Arma Poderosa Winnings: $21.60 (Doji & Evil)
4 Gilberto^2 (Xyhthyx & Fox Hater)
5 Los Rompediscotecas (H@WK & Zero)
5 Yuca y JOE
7 Wandering Zyko (Wandering Angel & Zyko)
7 Carl y Jonathan
9 Team Oreo (Usi & Rasalas)
9 Los Morcilleros
9 Team Diebuster
9 Tu pai y tu mai
13 Bye
13 Bye
13 Bye
13 Bye

Añadí algunos mas ahí.

XD Team Ragnarok representando todos los bottom spots de los rankings. Good job.


Smash Cadet
Oct 1, 2006
Mayagüez, Puerto Rico
Kyah! ^^

Wh00t, my first post in this site! XD

Anyway, congratulations to those who won in the Tourney(AKA HDL, Evil and ATH) and I hope you all don't spend your money prize too fast. ^^

Well, first tournament that I've ever been present in and I must say I liked. Over fifty people in the Annex, all hooked to one of the fourteen (or fifteen, I lost count to be honest) TVs and Game Cubes that were hooked up around the place. Friendlies were going on while the Team Registrations went on (about the time I arrived) so I was able to play with a few of the people I do know (Zen was kind enough to lend me his control. Thank you Zen. :3) So I started warming up with Pikachu and reviewing the amazing Crash Course I had been given by Uriel, Rey and Ish the day before - I've still got too many teories swimming in my head along with tactics and everything else. X3 But alas he kept saying that this all would be good experience for me, so I went with it and signed on for the Single battles.

Teams was up and running pretty soon after I arrived and were also over quite fast compared to the Single Battles. I must say that seeing four people fighting in the same place still confuses me and it's not as easy as it looks. I had the chance to play a team friendly, partnered with Jandro, and after shocking his Young Link twice and getting blown away by either his bomb or sword I learned that synchronizing with your partner is never easy (luckily neither of us killed the other, though we made it more easier for our rivals to do so... XD).

While Team Battles were comming to an end me, Rey and a few more people left to go get the pizza (for everybody looked quite hungry at that time). We returned with the nine boxes and as soon as the Team Battles were done everyone took their time to eat, relaxe and/or keep warming up with more friendly matches.

Finally the Singles started and on my first match I got to battle Israel Baez and, even thought I managed to lower his stocks now and then, I lost in the end. Still, the match was an awesome new experience for me since it was probably the first time I battled someone other than Uriel, Rey, Ish, Panda or another member of the Guild. This donw I moved to the Loser Brackets and was left to wonder who'd I battle next. While waiting I got to watch a few of Evil's battles, cheering him on all the way, before the suspense that had been killing me was finally broken - I was to battle Damian and no other. His Pichu owned my Pikachu the first round though I don't remember who he used for the second (I think he changed the Pichu thought...). Either way, he still pwned me though I enjoyed the match completly. It's always fun to fight against that Pichu of him. Disqualified I used my free time to poke Rey until he was annoyed and play friendlies against Jandro, Ish, Armando, and a few others - and of course I also used the free time to watch Uriel's battles, cheering him on as best as I could.

The Finals were soon near and, though Evil was trying to buy some time, in the end it was Damian the one that pretty much made him and HDL sit down infront of a TV so they could have their match. Evil and his Fox lost, though he did managed to win one of the rounds played, and thus were forced to wait and see who their next opponents would be. It was either Maximus or ATH, the last mentioned proving victorious in the end with his Sammus and thus Evil and ATH fought again for the second time in that Tourney. First it was Falco against Sammus, the little blue biry got owned, before he switched to Link on Green Greens and managed to win. The last round was a Fox vs. Sammus one, the first mentioned proving victorious in the end.

So, again, the last remaining match was between HDL and Evil for the second time in that night. This time, though, HDL owned Evil - though his Fox did managed to counter and hold on 'til 250% in one of the rounds. Thus Prize Money was given and everyone cheered for the success that this Tourney proved to be. Cleaning up the place was over soon as everyone worked on taking their Game Cubes and controls. That doen a large group headed off for McDonalds and I, sadly, had to go home. Still I had a blast yesterday and eagerly await RUM & SMASH 4. ^^ And with this I end this overly long first post of mine.

Oh, we can never forget the moment when Carlos' iPod broke from the excitement - someone should have taken a picture of that.

P.S: For those curious to know, I'm Liz. <3


Smash Cadet
Sep 20, 2006
Toa Alta
Yeah! At least placed on top 25's!

Por si acaso soy Carl Camis.... muy buenas peleas alli. Disfrute un monton. Y en los friendlies tuve oportunidad de jugar con muchas personas. Y con Team Ragnarok tambn. Que lastima que estan en los bottoms.....;). Everything worked out great.... my friend ATH placed 3rd which is great!!!! Congratulations to HDL and EVIL!!! Keep on rockin'



Smash Apprentice
Dec 26, 2005
Bayamon, Puerto Rico
AWESOME :] that is the word to describe the expirience i think this was our best tournament yet so i want to thanks the organizers for makin it happen:chuckle:

HDL-thanks for being my teamate and being paintent whit me we did a awesome job man.
max&Eval- those were some close team matches you guys made me sweat a lot lol good job guys
Doji&Evil- nice matches but carlos messed up using falco on the second match but still good stuff

and to the rest of the teams good job at least you played on teams unlike a lot of people...:(

Jandro- lol our match was a big scrubfest but i manage to win awesom y.link P.S. i did not want to play you first
H@wk-my bad man i did not want to send you to the losers brackets again but you have mroved a lot man keep up the good work
Doji-nice ic's and zelda man i like our match a lot we should play more next time
Evil-**** you carlos **** you lol awesome fox man you beated but i just wanted to remind you that i sd on our fist match at low% and manage to leave you whit 1 stock and high% but then you 2 stocked my marth lol so Awesome job man congrats on getting second place
Maximus-our match was my favorite but you took it, awesome the first one you used doc and i took it the secnd one you used shiek and you took it and then came your fox that also won it for you awesome job man

and to the rest thanks for the good time i wich i had played some of you but maybe next time i had a blast on the way to the tourny and on the way back,also joe% elctric game is broken everybody strated playing and having a good time whit it

And congrats to the members of the warrior crew for making it far on the tournament

Karura Karami

Smash Journeyman
Apr 23, 2006
Puerto Rico
H@wk - No puedo creer que te haya dejado con una vida. Tu que te me dificultabas bastante y te dejaba con 3 o 2 y ahora te estoy dejando con una wtf... Los resultados no los he dado a conocer en torneos aun, pero tal parece que con las personas lo estoy demostrando... Vaya...

Como sea, voy a ver si me tomo este juego mas en serio(de como lo tomaba antes). En realidad quiero destronar a Uriel y ser la mejor mujer de la isla, para luego ser la mejor mujer del caribe, latinoamericana, y luchar mundialmente ._.!! Aunque este en los Top5. Ya cuando este en los Top5, vere que hago para no bajar, pero mantenerme ahi, pero primero me concentrare por tener esta meta Ready.

Mi Sheik, estoy spammeando mucho el Dash Attack, y de verdad es como una obsecion que tengo encima, necesito ayuda. Alguien podria darme tips sobre como dejar de utilizarlo???? Por que, si lo dejo de usar asi, siento que estaria cambiando drasticamente mi GameStyle, y eso quedaria en dos cosas:
a)O doy un bajon superbrutal
b)O me pongo menos agresiva

Eotg - De verdad, me puse a pensar en ti.. "Aww... yo queria que viniera el Chico Mario para verlo jugar y pedirle un reto =\" ><!!!

Blazing - Tu Mario..... Tu Mario..... Ese Mario... =\ De verdad, peleaba contigo, no me fijaba en mi %, y cuando me sacabas con ese puño, por no tener el cuidado adecuado, me fastidiaba. Espero volver a pelear con ese Mario, quiero seguir peleando con el hasta fastidiarlo.

NeoKarsh - Ah ya, los espacios en blancos donde no hay gente con quien pelear y pasas a la otra ronda. Thanks !! XP Oh, no se quien eres pero aun asi bienvenido al foro.

By the way, que sweet sali en la foto, con el cable del control en la boca como si lo estuviera mordiendo ahi bien psycho hehehe.

Oh, por cierto..

Doji - Hey!! A ti te debo dar muchas gracias por los entrenamientos que me diste con Zelda !!! Y por utilizar tus Ice Climbers en mi contra para ayudarme a cojer experiencia con ellos. De verdad, te agradesco mucho eso. Ya se mas o menos como bregar contra ellos, solo tengo que cuidarme. Entonces sobre Zelda tuve que dejar de confiarme por lo que me hacias. Pero me gusto tu Zelda.

Gracias a ese par de peleas que tuve contra ella, me inspiraron a elejir ese char. como mi secondary, por ahora. En ocaciones la maneje bien contra Israel(Rtfs o como sea xD), pero tendria que ponerme a practicar eso de las patadas y wah.

Pope - Heeey!! Eres mas amigable de lo que pareces xD Y me gusto pelear contra tu Falco.

HDL - Para la proxima, seras de las ultimas personas con la que pelee. Primero tengo que buscar con quien calentar. Entonces me gustaria un re-match contra tu Marth en Corneria, hehehe... (me imagino que sospechas lo que yo estoy pensando xD).


The Terminator
Nov 29, 2005
Springfield Mass
mierda olle no hay torneos despues de octubre 10 hasta el 13 de noviembre digan me pa es que voy paya a jugar smash.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 27, 2005
i got a new mind game for the next tournament im gonna use my shockgame on u *****es so u cant play well buhahahahaha j/k good mathces people. peace out


Smash Journeyman
Dec 27, 2005
Chicharron City, Puerto Rico
Best Tournament Ever People!!!

First I wanna thank every1 of those who made this posible and work hard for this to happend, every1 at the guild and sacaelpollo, this was the best smash event in PR ever!!! And to all the players to too for doing all your chores at home, ur homework and begging your parents until they said Yes, we had a blast.

I don't know where to start...

First Mariano(BM) called me at 7am to wake me up later Andre(ath) called me too and we where ready and waiting for our driver(Gustavo(Yute)) to call his home and find out he wasn't there:mad: And after half an hour or so Mariano came up with the idea that if he didn't showed up we gather all our money and buy a weapon lol. Anyway he was just in the "panaderia" with his grandpa' having break fast and then he appeared and picked everyone up.

We had a great time on the way to RUM but it was much better when we got there. I didnt played with a lot of people but I also playe with some new ones Like Ged who made his appearance just some days ago here to the boards but still managed to put up a great level of game gratz buddy keep it up.

I'm obviously not happy with my standing at the singles, 1st I played Laser kirby and I took both rounds Marth vs Peach but then Mizu came and kicked my ***
At teh loser I had to face Zero I played every match with marth I got the 1st round against his fox he got the second with his surprisingly good Captn' and then the last round he won. and thats it for me.

But left happy cause Mariano and Andre played so good
SHOWING THAT SOME PEOPLE FROM THE EAST WAS READY, Unlike some others who lost against team ragnaroks Falco on singles .

And DANM DSL U got 7TH on ur first tourney congratz and ur Brother Jonathan(ZORK) too I think he placed 13th wich is good too, so lets keep it up east we got 6 players on the top 10 ranks. I'll try my bet to get better for the next time.

Kama out-


Smash Cadet
Jun 21, 2006
Guaynabo - Puerto Rico
Well the torney was a really fun experience being my first official smash tornament and i really enjoy every single match i had.

Welcome Liz, you played really well and you know your stuff,
Keep it up!!
thanks a lot maximus for providing me with one of your controlers next time i'll remember to take mine with me!!:laugh:
Zero, zyko, jandro, yuca, joe% and Blazing next time i have to fight you guys. Hawk, rasalas usi and Laser Kirby you guys slaughter me , I have to start playing with human player more often!! and ofcourse congrats to the winners on singles and teams!!!

Peace out!!


Smash Journeyman
Sep 5, 2005
Puerto Rico
Its been a while sinse last time I posted here.

****ing great tournament we had yesterday, I enjoyed it a lot :D. To the guys I didnt have friendlies AFTER the tournament is because I was too tired to play after the tourney-_-'' sorry. Anyways great matches, speacially the team finals <3 them and very exhausting ( 11 match in a row xP). Bleh i ended up in 5 place in singles. HDL we had very close matches on the winner bracket. I like the fact that i combo you and get a stock from you, then when you return you just combo grab to spike -_-;; very frustraiting. Pope good match in my frist round of singles, you pulled out a good fight against a peach. To the guys from the east side you all made a great performance in this event, speacilly ATH and Blazing keep it up. Hope we have another event like this one soon before the year ends. (I suggest like a crew battle or something). See ya around =).

PS: **** you ATH I was so close to beat ya in the first match and then i suicide... That cost me the entire set.

EDIT: Team Ponderosa FTW!!1!!!1!11!


Smash Apprentice
Mar 9, 2004
Puerto Rico

Gente el torneo quedo muy bien organizado, solo que doji se queria tumbar un control :chuckle:

BTW el viaje fue super incomodo cuando ibamos y cuando volviamos fue mucho mas incomodo todavia. Pero aparte de eso el torneo quedo brutal.

Cuando llege conoci a JOQR y ps como yo no tenia equipo pues hicimos el equipo de tu pai y tu mai que quedo bien basura anyway pero tripiamos un rato lol. Para los singles empeze perdiendo contra KAMA y luego me toco jugar con ISH que a mejorado mucho desde la ultima vez que juge con el, aunque le gane los dos matches corridos pense que me podria ganar. Despues me toco con un scrub que escojio final destination como counterpick y le hice 4stock con mi falky (OMG I r braggin). Despues gane otra ke no me acuerdo ni que character usaba seriously y ps me toco peliar con DSL despues. Pues DSL me gano con su shiek y hasta ahi llegaron mis matches.

Pero juge despues unos friendlies cheveres con ZERO y que esta jugando super bien. ZERO embelda que ponte a entrenar pq me encanta tu juego dude. Tambien juge unos rematches ke tenia pendiente con H@WK y ademas juge dos matches con ATH que me gustaron. Ademas juge unos friendlies con ZYKO ke staban intensos tambien y pues la mayoria del tiempo juge con RFTS que tiene un ganon bn chevere.

Congrats to the winners and keep on smashing people!!!

ke gocen...


Smash Ace
Oct 12, 2005
Isabela, PR
ckrocker eras tú el Carl Camis que jugó contra mi en loser's bracket?

Anyway, while I feel I didn't play my best (SDing, predictable bull****, etc.), I'm not going to john, it was all my fault. I had some nice friendlies with Rasalas, Karla, laser kirby, Eddy (gravekeeper), Damian, H@wK, and a MM with Zyko which helped me buy some beer later on.

As far as my bracket goes, I started off against Edgar and at least put up a fight, I thought about counter picking but chose to take my chances again with ICs, maybe I could 0-death cg him but lolz, I failed. Then I had a nice run in loser's against some random people and some I found out later were actually not random people but random smashboarders. Then I got Joe%, another Peach, and sucked horribly in our first match. Then on the second one in FD I started off well, SD'd twice and ended up losing, but it was probably my favorite match of the day and congrats to Joe for eliminating me and moving on.

I wanted to have friendlies with some people but kept forgetting. Like Blazing, HDL told me who you were but I kept putting it off again and again, then I just kind of forgot about, sorry man. The other guys I wanted to have friendlies with I understand were busy (Carlos, Max), so I tried not to bother them.

The east should do a tournament sometime soon, hopefully before 2007. I'll be picking up secondaries for then, so as to be more ready and place higher this time.


Smash Apprentice
Dec 26, 2005
Bayamon, Puerto Rico
I wanted to have friendlies with some people but kept forgetting. Like Blazing, HDL told me who you were but I kept putting it off again and again, then I just kind of forgot about, sorry man. The other guys I wanted to have friendlies with I understand were busy (Carlos, Max), so I tried not to bother them.
dont worry about it man i wanted to play you to but i arrived like 10 minutes before the tournaments then i was playng on the team tournament to then finish a exhausting team finals to play singles right away so i was kind of resting every time i finshed a match so my bad for not playing whit you after singles


Smash Journeyman
Sep 29, 2005
In Front Of My Computer
great tournament guys i hope the next one is even better or as good as this one xD

anyway I really sucked on the single tournament my first match was against zyko which i felt really not motivated since ive been playing with him since high school and the on the losers bracket i got owned dont remember by who >.<...

i think i did better on teams with zyko our first fight was against 2pai y 2mai hehe nice name again i kinda felt like aww men i have to fight joqr ive been playing with him since high school too but there werent too many teams so i wasnt as frustrated like in singles then we fought against HDL and Blazing and got owend in the first fight and in the second i was left with HDL me 2 stock and he 1 stock and he owend me >.< but it was a great match and in the losers bracket we fought team rompediscotecas they won the first fight and the we counterpicked green greens and won but they counterpicked final destination and won great match guys

en los frindlies no jugue contra mucha gente se ke cuando llegue jugue contra doji al principio el estaba usando otros characters y yo gane un pal pero cuando cojio a los IC me owneo >.< no pude jugar contra tu zelda ke era la ke keria ver por ke kisiera aprender a usarla xD anyway great tournament ojala se repita...:chuckle:


Smash Ace
Apr 3, 2006
San Juan P.R. PKMN D/P FC - 4940 2077 9502
great tournament guys i hope the next one is even better or as good as this one xD
en los frindlies no jugue contra mucha gente se ke cuando llegue jugue contra doji al principio el estaba usando otros characters y yo gane un pal pero cuando cojio a los IC me owneo >.< no pude jugar contra tu zelda ke era la ke keria ver por ke kisiera aprender a usarla xD anyway great tournament ojala se repita...:chuckle:
Al menos estas cogiendo la idea de como usarla, me pegaste par de veces el fair/dair.

Y en cuanto a que se repita, de verdad que agree 100%


Smash Cadet
Oct 1, 2006
Toa Baja
Hey guys! This is Yuri-FoX from Team Ragnarok I just wanted to say that we had Fun on the tournament y la pasamos muy bien! Conocimos mucha gente humilde y de verdad la experiencia fue buena y tripiamos con ganas!! hehe Congrats to all the Winners! BTW, Por q en el nombre de Orlando(Orly) Dice al lado "YA RLY?" What that's supose to mean?



Smash Journeyman
Apr 22, 2006
Bayamon, Puerto Rico
But left happy cause Mariano and Andre played so good
SHOWING THAT SOME PEOPLE FROM THE EAST WAS READY, Unlike some others who lost against team ragnaroks Falco on singles .
kama, yeah, i was wrong, there were exception, but that doesnt take the fact that you ranked last, and the ragnarok falco player placed higher than you, and besides, i play with him a lot, hes a very good friend of mine, i dont really care if i lose to him or not. and there you go saying that youre a better marth than HDL, if you had a better marth than him, you should have won the tournament right?


Smash Ace
Oct 2, 2004
Boston, MA
Max es un Scrub Cleca

Mi gente, antes q nada tengo q decirles gracias a todos. Por venir, por ayudar y sobre todo por tripear. Espero q el torneo en verdad fue de su agrado porque trabajamos mucho para q se diera bueno. Muchisimas gracias a los del este q vinieron preparados para darse de respetar. Tambien a los del oeste para proveer rivalidad en PR. Damian, Rey, Mono, HDL, Carlos y cualquier otro q se me olvido bueno, ustedes son Oto-sama.


HDL - Invicto, maldito lo sea xD

Gravekeeper - mala mia pero tu sabes q siempre te tienes q encontrar conmigo xD cough Haruhi is GOD cough

DSL - wow, me sorpendistes, sigue practicando y aspirando hacia excelencia

JOE% - Gracias por tu presencia mano y el juego ese hostil con la electricidad (GANE UNA)

Zyko - Matches, super random pero me las disfrute comoquiera


Yuca - Tambien me impresionastes, esta jugando muy consistente, sigue ahi mano.

H@wk - me debes la dr. pepper pero estuvieron cercas.

Blazing - Brutal, te tuve q hacer los counterpicks diabolicos ( y me castigastes la sheik bien feo). En verdad unas de mis peleas favoritas.

Gilbert - Papi ROTC FTW

ATH - Fuistes el mas q me impresiono en verdad. Tu estilo cambio 180 de agresivo a un run away vela guira. ASI SE HACE CO~O.

EVAL - Ponderosa, Eggy, Ponderosa.

Bueno, esto quiere decir adios. Acuerdanse de seguir practicando y aspirar a ser numero uno.

PS. La liga de Puerto Rico sigue creciendo en tama~o y calidad, mas orgullos de ustedes no podia estar.

PSS Carlos esta BIEN EMO xD
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