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  • Lol I suck at DDR. It's hilarious to play with friends though :3

    Something about you must make game discs age really quickly.
    GH3 was pretty much the only game I played on it too. xD DDR sometimes too but that was only with friends.

    How do you go through 3 discs of the same game though? O_o
    Cool :D

    My 360 is pretty unused right now too. I used to play GH3 on it but I have't done that in forever.
    I haven't had anything to listen to recently besides the radio lol... still haven't put any music on my "new" mp3. And I don't feel like listening to the radio, mine is all static-y and bleh.
    Thanks, he is my secondary after all.

    And you are as excellent with alll of your characters like always.

    Yeah well that's wifi I suppose.
    ...I didn't get a notification for your post :/

    When I play music in my room I can't hear it when people call my name. My parents get mad xD
    Erm actually I'll be heading to ATL Revival tomorrow. :l If you feel like going, then maybe my mom will consider it.
    reminder: 1 hour left until those lazy blokes regulars starts please within 1 hour of this message go into this chatroom http://xat.com/ThoseLazyBlokesWeeklies
    It's a lot about circumstances. When you're not on the opponent and doing it to try and feint, there's little reason not to do it, as most characters can't get to you in time to even try to punish. It's definitely one of the best options if your opponent's shield is weakened.

    I've tried U-Air -> footstool stuff before, but Squirtle's footstool jump is too high to follow up with weak N-Air before they roll in most cases. There may be some exceptions, but, generally speaking, it doesn't work. Stick with sourspot N-Air at higher percents for your jab lock needs, I'd say.

    I'm glad my videos have been helping. I know a ton about that matchup, and could answer just about anything you wonder about it.
    I was about to ask about you about that! What happened to her? Why no cute avi anymore?

    Pshh, boy, don't tell me you can't commit! >=V
    Probably can't considering I'm going to be busy job hunting for a while. Thanks for the suggestion though.
    You see what's happening in the Middle East?

    Gas prices are shooting through the roof!

    They went up 20 cents today, who knows how much they will be next week.

    I'll run an average price plus miles to get you, then give you an amount when we get closer to next weekend.
    Very exaggerated. My door is thin and loose on the hinges so when people knock it's very loud and annoying and startles me out of whatever I'm doing. I prefer people to just talk.
    Nails on a chalkboard don't bother me... some scratchy sounds do though. And I absolutely hate it when people knock on my bedroom door.
    Wow i owe you a wifi match from last year. O_ o so much has changed since then.

    FDS? Uhmm...uh...something... <3
    Lol xD

    I haven't touched mine since the end of elementary school. Recorders have got to be the cheapest instruments that can still make a decent sound....
    That's weird.

    Meganium :D

    My fingers don't stretch far enough for me to play chords. 3 recorders really? Mine seems pretty sturdy, it got hit around a lot anyways. :x
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