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  • Yeah, and some are interesting. Too bad many aren't :/

    I like art. I've liked art since kindergarten and I do it outside of school. I didn't like many school art classes though. All the art teachers and programs are pretty much fine art only and lots of the things they make us do I don't like.

    I'm at a computer at school ;O I finished an online assignment so yeah.
    * LE GASP!*

    How dare you not congratulate me within the hour of my becoming lord and master of all I survey?!

    Thanks! :laugh:
    oh psshhhhh i know her she liked got in alot of relationship with like guys or something

    But if you dropped out you're basically screwed for college, and there'd probably be classes that you do want to take. Anyways, most people drop out of school because they want to work.

    Through school I've only lost interest in subjects. When I was little I loved math and science. Now I really dislike them.
    say that uhh

    global had several companions she enjoyed very much and enjoyed giving love numerous times with her mouth

    the proteins eventually

    stuff stuff u continue it :bee:
    Haha, me too. They'd probably be pretty different :O

    Basic education is good, you won't be an ignorant stupid person. But by the time people are high school they probably have a good idea of what they're definitely not gonna do when they grow up, further education in those fields is a waste of time and money and effort that could be used for better things.
    Gimme your day off! xD If school wasn't required, I wouldn't go. Most of the things you're made to learn end up being useless.
    actually that'd be a good cause, first time he actually did anything for the good of the country :bee:
    No, I have school. We were originally gonna have the day off, but we had too many snow days so they're adding it in D:
    and i live one mile away from her so we can shoot tostitos in the air while hitting each other for once! :bee: !
    Which snake from AiB

    and nope I dont go to tourneys lol but sure my spring break starts after this weeks over so Ill play you then
    Oh I see. And aww, that's too bad :(

    I took like 4 pictures. xD So lazy this year hahaha. My friend took a bunch of pictures though.
    U said u were going to make 1 last post and then weave for abOut acweek or two lol. N u can stop saying hiatus, I know u enjoy ur vocab
    Why a hiatus? O_o How was your tourney? :D

    Omg it was really dumb lol. Me and 2 other friends signed up. My first round match was against one of my friends (out of like 50 people) but she happened to have to go somewhere else so I got a bye. My other friend also got a first round bye, and our second round matches were against each other. He's really good too. The tourney was single elim and final destination only.

    My friend went on to get 5th though. :D Got to play some FFAs too.

    I went to some panels too, they were okay. The marketplace is so awesome though :D I bought some prints and plushie things. And there was this table where they had a bunch of the original backgrounds used in animes, and they were only $10. I wanted to buy them all xD
    Saving my hiatus for the end of the three day weekend. That, and I'm really bored with no school.
    o so wat happen to that lucas guy lol he went missing and i miss him because me and him have deep conversations online that global cant accomplish because her 300 psat cant save her :(
    I'm not in any hurry. Just, tell me where you plan on being if you can go, and I should be able to give you a good ETA.

    Just, if your mother decides she won't do it, please message me as soon as possible.
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