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  • QD is generally a bad idea. I was talking about fastfalling to defend yourself instead of dairing or fairing, either way you have to Aether afterwards.
    Omg Nair SD's are the worst... It's so dangerous to jab at the ledge in wifi. D: You could also just fastfall then Aether.
    Oh, that's awesome. :D Make sure you sleep though, don't wanna burn yourself up before the tourney starts.

    Yup I'm as ready as I'll ever be lol.
    The xat I go to is social based. I just bring my laptop downstairs when I brawl nowadays :D It was so annoying when I had to go up and down the stairs.
    Yeah, it's a pretty good site. Right now I get most of my matches from xat. xD

    I don't like AiB for some reason.
    Nope, I go on there to lurk the chat mostly. The day we did teams was the first time I played on it for almost a year and I haven't played people through it since then.
    Mhmm. And I said that's to be expected. That's pretty cool :O

    That Pika will get better! But it sucks now. That's nice that he doesn't get mad :)
    Well, pretty much no one wins against M2K. So yeah :p

    That Pikachu can 3 stock you when you jump of the stage for no reason >_> And haha thanks, but I doubt people will get that mad. xD
    I know that last year Korn and Logic went and there were other good people too. Logic probably won't be there this year because Pound is on the same weekend but Korn is definitely going. I'll try my best though :awesome:
    Lol wow. xD

    O______________o *catches*

    No way lol, there's good people there. xD I hope I don't get knocked out first round though.
    Wow, poor controller. O_o I'd never throw my controller. I'm surprised any controller can survive the abuse.

    As long as everything works out it's good :bee:
    0 of my friends play competitively. Technically I don't either lol. The really good friend could totally hold his own at a tourney though.

    Hope your team works out lol. Wifi still probably helps though. xD
    No, we just all happen to like Brawl. xD There is one guy that's super good though.

    Hmm, the other day he was using Luigi in wifi teams. You can use online for figuring out how to work together though, so he doesn't fsmash you :p
    Yup, I'm entering for fun :D Not gonna win anything but my whole group is entering it too.

    What character does TGK use? You guys should practice over wifi. xD
    Vet's too nasty. I don't like most medical things haha.

    Well, artists in general don't make much money. That's all. :urg:
    They're ok. I like animal-related sciences much better than physical science and chemistry. Psychology seems interesting but I don't like helping people 24/7 or trying to explain things.

    Ever heard the term "starving artist"? :awesome:
    How fast on average does it get you a match? faster or slower than the arena?
    I think I'll sighn up this weekend thanks :)
    How well does fsmash.org work? I'm curious about it, does it work with iPhone/iPod touch?(if not I can mimic firefox on my itouch)
    Are the opponents there legit?
    Gimme your review :)
    Yeah, those stage spikes could have been prevented huh? :ohwell: But I saw NIIICE stuff though! You know you love my footstools verses your C4 recovery. ;)

    My IC's need to get better... >_< I don't have the timing down for medium weights...

    I managed to save 3 replays. All Vs. Kirby. I even got that shield break, that you failed to punish! :laugh:
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