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  • zatchy poo :bee:
    people are hating on the new lady gaga video :(
    i guess if I made a video about vaginas and triangles while reading off a science fiction book, i'd get the same responses.
    "you vapid *****!", "satanist!", "illuminati!". :(
    Lol I wish I had motivation to work. Life would be so much easier :(

    I'm guessing that's an exercise club?
    GGG is Saturday, I'm going to that.

    I might be able to play friendlies prior to Momocon.

    If you want to show for GGG, lemme know. Else, friendlies next week.
    I know.

    And that you never heard of azn grading scale before... wow there must be no asians where you live, lol.
    I may take you up on the playing more offline.

    I may also bring you to more tourneys I go to as well.

    IF I do, I would want to be compensated proper for gas I would spend to get you there.

    If the prices are high, then blame Libya. :p

    GGG is this week, I'd need gas money if you want to go.

    If not, Momocon is next week.

    NB Mew2King is now living in Atlanta (Lawrenceville actually.) Evan (Pee Bee and Jay) asked if Jason could come with me to g6, and Calvin already confirmed. So that makes a full car. Sorry for the inconvenience, but you switched from a yes to a maybe, then some else said yes. It is what it is. :/
    We have a match for that wifi smash tournament that bmullins is hosting. When are you free to play?

    Lol I haven't sent one of these kinds of VMs in ages...
    The escape velocity equation doesn't keep us from flying, the actual physics of it does. The equation could disappear and the world wouldn't be any worse off :mad:
    The longest thing I've ever written was 10 pages I think. Took sooooooo long x_x

    Eww, lol. Right now we're multiplying and dividing rational expressions. I hate factoring >_>
    It takes me forever to come up with a sentence when it's something I have nothing to say about. If it's a timed writing I usually use the full half hour and write less than a page.

    I'm alright at math... it's so time consuming though. Doesn't help that I have to show all my work.
    Lol I can't write long things at all. My writing is pretty concise. Really annoying when the teacher takes points off because "too short" ._.

    Time for math homework :<
    Well it only comes as a minigame on mario party 6 and DS, so yeah. xD

    I hate writing essays for school. I hate writing things that are called "essays" in general, actually. I haven't done my homework yet... :/
    Orly lol. It's not really worth your time either... each game lasted like half an hour back when I was at my best and you see blocks everywhere you go xD

    It was alright. Had a giant history test and I had to write 2 paragraphs and an essay for it.
    Not really >_> There was this one game I got really good at though. It was this minigame from Mario Party DS called Block Star, I got to the max score (9999) and some levels past that. There's like nothing on it online though so I can't compare with other people :/
    I don't remember if I ever figured out how to jump. The barrel would come and I'd run backwards.

    Your new house is near your old house? :O
    Donkey Kong... I played that on an arcade machine a couple times when I was little, I was soooooo bad at it lol. I think I got pass the first row once.
    Seriously that's so pointless omg.

    Lol xD I don't think I've lost any games before. Minus that time when my gameboy got lost in an amusement park >_>
    >_> What's the point of playing DDR with controllers?

    Blamin it on your sisters now? :awesome: Nah jk. I don't think any of my games has broken before though xD
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