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  • Only for a short while, though. I was playing Brawl with my brother earlier today. I'm not sure if it's just wifi, but I'm horrible on there now since it's been so long. If you're up for playing, maybe we can play tomorrow. I don't really care how bad I do if we get that chance, I just want some good players to play with.
    Why, thank you!

    And I never would've guessed! Now I'm going to have to keep an eye out for your doppelganger.
    Haha, thanks! I miss my Franzy one already though. As sweet as this pink is, I don't know how long I'll be able to hold out with it.

    Speaking of sweet avatars, yours is pretty amazing.
    Filename: MOTHER Collection 1.zip
    File description: EarthBound/MOTHER Collection 1
    File size: 187.69 MB
    The file you are trying to access is temporarily unavailable.
    Next week sounds a'ight. I have 2 papers due this week. :O

    Also, your signature blew my mind.
    Yeah it will be! If you want, I could pm you a potential timeline idea that I have.

    BTW, could you vm/pm me a list of the Mario games you own/have played? I'll give you mine in a little while.
    not muchhhhh. just studying for my chem lab exam on wednesday. I'm procrastinating T____T;
    I haven't been on for a while :< Been really busy as of late, and probably will be for the next week or so, so yeah :/

    VM convos will have to suffice lol. How have you been, going to transfer yet or is that waiting until the next school year?
    Well, seems like your Mario Forum project has come to completion. Thanks for rallying the troops.
    Thanks. I found a couple tags while searching and there were some effects that I have been experimenting to get and, well, I got em.
    Hrmm...okay cool. Guess I'll stick with Photoshop and Illustrator for now lol. Thanks ^^
    Interesting... so would I be able to take on most projects with just Photoshop and Illustrator? Or are there any other commonly used programs that I should familiarize myself with?

    Man... this whole field is so big. Too much to learn x.x
    Well the only problem i have is i can't save edited pictures. Everytime i try to a pop-up appears saying "Your image should be exported before it can be saved as PNG for the following reasons: PNG plugin can't handle layer offsets, size or opacity" Then right below that it says "Merge visisble layers" Below that it says "The export conversion won't modify your original image" Then there are 4 options, HELP, IGNORE, EXPORT, or CANCEL. I tried export and it did nothing due to the "export conversion won't modify image" thing. I tried ignore and that just makes the window go away and still doesn't let me save the picture.
    Hmm...not really. I just take programs I've heard of and try to learn the basics on how to use them. I'm gonna try some stuff in Illustrator when I get the time.

    What software did you use to make your submission?
    ohhhh. I'm having a bit of trouble with GIMP right now and was hoping u could help me. But turns out you use Photoshop lol. (How did u afford it? O_o)
    Awww thanks ^^ That's good to hear... I don't have a whole lot of confidence in my design abilities yet. It's just something I picked up a few months ago and that I've been messing around with.

    So... design editor, huh? That's pretty sweet... maybe you could show me a few things some time ^^
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