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  • Hey dude, I'm fine thanks :).
    Not much tourneys going on here, so I'm just practising with my Wario and Marth to **** at Zest5 in Holland, but that's the only tourney coming up and it's this month's 30th...:(...
    How's tourneys going on your side of the world, won anything recently ;)?
    The background is like a vector shape starburst effect, I saw a tutorial on it a while back. I also pen tooled grayscale vector shapes over Doc too, cuz to be honest the image quality of the original picture Javon provided was sorta bad, so I was iffy about using it. :| I figured vector layers would look cleaner.

    The pill and the rings are also vector shapes, with some Outer Glow. Lol it's pretty much one big vector sig. I used a small circle brush for the main background effect.

    It's nothing complicated haha. I've been into logos and stuff lately so I went for a sort of 'advertisement' look.
    Psychology huh? I studied a lot of Freudian stuff in High School, but that was mostly in relation to Literary theory (I studied Advanced Literature).

    I want a higher grade as well, but I'd really need to cut down on a lot of the things that take up my free time (smashboards included).

    Also, my name should remind you of Skies of Arcadia since it is in reference to Vyse. lol. I have a copy still sitting on my shelf, though admittedly, I haven't had the time to finish it yet :(
    Haha, not too bad atm, but it's early days yet.

    Programming is going to kill me this semester, but at least my other subjects are a bit easier.

    How about you, you studying?
    What a coincidence I also love my stuff!

    Actually, I'm a fan of your work too! We should start like, an Artist Guild or something in the user groups. You, me, that Spire guy...
    I'm thinking I might say "sorry, but this is a lot of work, and I ask for images, you gave me one and that's obviously not enough for what you want."

    Maybe that's best. I hope (s)he doesn't get mad or something. It looked like a ton of work, though. Palpi's logo is harder than I thought it would be too, haha.

    Regular sigs seem so easy now in comparison.
    Hey Yink, sorry for not gettin back to u earlier on the sig, but i posted somethin in the shop about it.
    Yeeeaahhh, when I first saw that I was like... yeah. I was surprised you didn't just turn it down, lol. I probably would have cuz I'm lazy.

    He was asking for you to find/draw random images of fire and brick walls... and that whole thing won't even fit in SWF's sig space anyhow rofl. I dunno, if you've already started then I guess good luck in finishing, but it sorta seems like too much trouble. :/

    OR MAYBE WE SHOULD COLLAB THIS REQUEST. And make it incredible.
    Actually Goombario was probably the best partner, as long as your enemy/boss was not spiked/allowed Goombario to hit them. Like basically what you could do, for about every boss or enemy if you wanted, was basically you buy a bunch of Stone Caps (or if you have Repel Gel, same principle). You keep Mario invincible/invulnerable for as long as possible, and have Goombario Charge up. Then, when you feel like it, you use Multi Bonk. Most Bosses will be OVERKILLED on that single Multibonk if you land just 5-6 consecutive blows, each doing over 10-20 Damage lol. You can beat any of the harder bosses by doing that, like the Final Form of the Master, Kent C Koopa, Final Bowser, etc. Because almost every enemy solely targeted Mario, even Bosses who rarely had Dual Attacks, there was no or little risk of Goombario being hit and slowing things down. So you just sat there, invincible, growing more powerful as each turn passes lol. Honestly, once you realized this, it made any boss battle in the game once you got the Ultra Stone a joke. Lava Pirahna, Huff N Puff, Crystal King (when he copied himself, you would have to use a Thunder Rage or Fire Flower or Star Storm as Mario, and then on the real King use Goombario's multibonk), you name it. Nothing would be challenging anymore, bosswise, once you got that. I sometimes would do it, but it was more fun to do boss battles "normally"
    Lol yeah the Original one is too legit. I do hate just a few things about the first one:

    1. Not being able to "continue" after you beat Bowser at the end. Even if there wasn't much more to do, I would have loved being sent to Toad Town and given the chance to explore or collect the rest of the badges without having to go all the way back through Bowser's Castle, and down the Star Path if you want to make sure you got everything done.

    2. A few of the chapters felt too short, or a few that were kind of long felt "filler" long. The third one, where you have to beat Tubba Blubba, basically felt like it was only kinda long because his house was so friggen huge, and if you wanted to make sure you got everything you had to travel through it a few times. That and the path to his house IMO was too long. The Mansion part where you work your way to Bow, I think that was pretty good. However, when You gotta travel through Gusty Gulch, and then further and further and then finally you get to his house, it just seems like it drags on unnecessarily long lol.

    I don't mind traveling, or taking some time to get to the "final" spots, but I just wish more happened. Like the path to the Crystal Palace was long, but pretty epic. There was quite a lot of stuff for you to do, puzzles to do, stuff to figure out. Then, inside the Palace, although it takes some time if you want to get everything, you are doing a lot of stuff to get through like moving statues and hitting switches. Third Chapter? NOOOOOPE ENJOY THE GUSTY GULCH BIATCH LOL.

    3. While there were a lot of pretty cool badges (and the concept of badges being cool), I hated how there were a LOT of duplicates of basically useless or nearly useless badges. I can understand there being multiple HP Plus or FP Plus Badges, or even something like Deep Focus, but there were like 2-3 badges for stuff like Dizzy Stomp or Shrink Stomp or something basically worthless lol. I wish for some of those, instead of duplicates, they just had other different badges. Even if they were joke badges like Slowgo rofl.
    Hey Yink, i read ur blog about ur friend. I can't believe that happened. I really want u to know that it wasn't ur fault. U had to watch ur cousin. There was nothing you could do. I also just want to reassure u that ur friend is in a better place now. And one day, you will see her again. I hope u find the strength to overcome ur loss.
    Oh my god, Yink.
    I read your blog, and I just wanted to say I'm very sorry about your friend and for you, and I hope things get better for the families of those lost. :(
    That's terrible news :( So sorry to hear it, Yink. Hope you feel better. And try not to blame yourself, though I know how hard that may be right now.
    Yink, I solved it!

    y'-(5/3)y=1 and y(3)=-6

    First off, I assume that y is a constant (since 1 is a constant). This means that the derivative y' must be equal to zero. Thus, -(5/3)y=1 and the particular solution is y=-3/5.

    The homogeneous function is y'-(5/3)y=0, which means that y=Ce^-(-5/3x) or y=Ce^(5/3x). If I add the particular solution, I get:


    Now I need to use the values I got to solve C.

    We know that y(3)=-6 and we end up with the equation -6=Ce^(5/3*3)-3/5.


    As you can see, C becomes pretty big and ugly but my teacher told me the right answer would be y=e^-5*(-27/5)*e^(5/3x)-3/5. I got it right!
    Tomorrow? Uhhhmmm... yes.

    I have a meeting tomorrow evening at like 7:30-9:30, so I'll be on AIM tomorrow night around then, if not earlier.
    I need to learn how to do math before Friday. D:<

    Well, linear, homogeneous differential equations of the second order containing complex numbers. FFFFFFF I hope I said that correctly bet I didn't though ghghghghgh.... :urg:
    Oh boy...looks lite it's fate haha. I can be his best-best-best-best-best man next to the other God Kais. xD
    I've got nothing for that...^.^;

    That would mean the Ness main...flexes their pecks? I don't know! xD
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