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  • ☆ I didn't think we meet officially as well, lol. Viper is my name I use mostly, JLT4GOV is my gaming group. ^_^ ☆
    hey watsup man? you were in that room w/ Nyke right? sorry i play so much online i sometimes forget the friends of people i play with lol
    Lol, I was wondering why you were just using it back and forth across the stage.

    OMG speaking of lulzy moments, you should have seen my reverse falcon punch triple stage spike KO to SD in a With Anyone FFA. Omg it was so awesome. All three of my opponents were off-stage, one hanging on the ledge, so I jumped off and reversed my paunch so it hit all three of them and stage spiked them, then I died myself. We all just stayed in our halos for like five second cause I guarantee you they were all laughing as hard as I was :laugh:

    Sorry for the freaking essay on your VM list :bee:
    lol i dont care if u play it on youtube it's just my arrangment. I just dislike revealing my secret notes. :p But you asked nicely..... do you have a program that can read midi files and print out the sheet music because that is the format I arranged it for.
    Thanks! But you're a much better player than me, I only won cause of the lolfsmash :laugh:

    Oh, and the guys who joined were Hobs and Slaps, both on SWF. Slaps was the ROB I think.
    um I have the sheet music that I made. But I don't like giving out my arrangments that was one of the harder ones to do.
    Lol, sorry, I'm brawling and trying to check here at the same time. If you can brawl now I'm online. My FC is on my profile.
    btw, after i finish haunting and eating ramen's soul..........
    YOUR NEXT :evil:
    have a nice day:)
    Awww I missed it :( oh well, good luck :)

    If you and Steel host another one of those tourneys let me know and I'll sign up for sure.

    I can brawl anytime tonight so just let me know whenever you're ready, I'll add your FC now.

    whatever ill just ***** at you when august is over and nothing has happened

    i am the king of harrassment and following.

    i am.

    the ultimate troll.
    Good, time to watch some tv then. See you tomorrow. Get ready because after you start playing how I do, you won't want to turn back to your normal brawl shenanigans. <3 Old Snake.
    Don't worry, if a Knub like me can do this, then you'll be a pro at this, lulz.
    Ok, I'll help you get hacks. First question however to get us started here. Do you have homebrew? If not what is the current version of your wii? Mine is 4.0. This is located and your settings thing.

    *Is afraid and confused*

    I'm not very good with typed phonetics but I guess it's pronounced like Cray Sin, with the accent on the Cray part. Sort of. Kinda. Maybe.

    Tomorrow we brawl! Tomorrow's my only day off work in awhile so you'd better be able to brawl, or I'll spam you with useless VMs!
    I wish I could multi-task like that.

    You've never heard of Escape the Fate? OMG. They're amazing. <3
    All at the same time? :o

    Umm, right now I'm listening to It's Just Me by Escape the Fate. :bee:
    Whoa, I was like, just gonna message you and say we should have some WiFi friendlies sometime.

    And yah, Nysyarc is my IRL name backwards. Yah I know, I'm super-creative with usernames.
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