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  • Hahahaha. Yea. We're thinking of using another name like Smash+ Elitist, but JV is never there.
    I'll admit I haven't been to your thread in a while, and should remedy that. But as for AIM, I'm often on at night or something.
    lol true that but mk can **** any of them. but im working on improving my captain falcon for the next tourney here in the valley..
    Snake ***** Fox. Fight him exactly how you fight Falco's, except when he comes down with a dair. Run away and pivot grab.

    Seriously, thats it.
    Aww, I thought I had a new friend! No, I'm just a guy who plays Wolf too much
    The valley is mad good! Who would you consider your top 5? we're trying to get kyle to do crews for fs6

    and your snake is crazyyyy
    Doin' good. I slept from the moment I posted in the HOBO results thread til about 4 PM this afternoon, I was so tired.

    Now I'm just eating my Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner of the day, and relaxing until my body stops aching.

    And yea, Puffball is my Melee tag that I dropped sometime in '07-'08. The admins are just too lazy to change my name...
    No problem, it's a shame she went inactive because we just accepted new members. (KrazyGlue and Faithkeeper).

    We look forward to seeing her do her THANG!
    clutch is when your behind and you pull out the win against all odds when it counts.

    you vs that rob player, clutch.

    hallmark of a good player.

    and yeah.
    what you do to beat razer, is you tickle him during his matches, so he loses.
    true combo
    not c4 i mean your down smash (if it can be called a smash) and someone took out my SD card so maybe they didn't load? and i just changed a few songs like Bramble Blast is on BF and King K. Rool's pirate ship song is on SV and a few others on some stages. and yes your matches were against trela an a marth on norfair. and you're a lot better than i am at brawl :)

    i could try and help you with your codes if you want. just talk to me on AIM. its too hard to try to explain everything about the codes on here than it is in real time. that way i can walk you through it and you can tell me what step you're at and so on. my aim is "kldtjiog" (just jibberish so don't ask haha)
    my wifi is trash btw so i probably couldn't have sent you the replays. sometime it will work sometimes it won't, its just ******** :(
    i really did delete them, sorry bro :( as far as my hacks go i had infinite replays, textures, tags in replays, the new character selection screen, and once you start the game it's already set to 3 stocks 7 minutes and team attack on. and as far as the songs i don't have any outside songs i just used UTD zak's music hack where it moves the songs from stages to other stages. again i'm sorry i deleted those matches. from what i saw though i would suggest more nades and i never saw any land mines which i think you should use.
    ahh don't take it seriously. it was just a joke. if you thought i was serious i apologize. i didn't mean to be a ****. if i really thought you were trash i wouldn't post it like that. i'm not that kind of guy. again i was just jokin around.
    hahaha well unfortunately she wont be anywhere near us this weekend n i dont really wanna take her ID from her since she may need it

    hm......maybe some other time
    lol i do watch it but at Pisoga.com good website as well

    haha na im weird i do japanese language with english subtitles

    and Shlike talked to Courtney today so he can confirm shes real lol
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