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  • nah, items aren't that big of a problem.
    hackers and weight classes are.
    Items appear based on what place you are in, so Nintendo kinda dropped the ball there.
    also, all karts and bikes have the same stats no matter what weight class you used and heavys knock people out of the way.
    so everyone just picks the fastest bike as a heavy character and win games.
    It throws skill out the window, again they dropped the ball.
    Nintendo did deal with the hackers tho.

    but MKDS was like melee. you needed skill to even get 2nd in a race.
    that shiz is the best. I'd play you if I could find my copy.
    I hated double dash with 4 people.
    IDKY maybe when it's somebody handling an item that I'd use but they just randomly carry onto.
    I'd have to tell them what to do with it.
    So like I try not to get anybody else in my kart so I can handle front and back at the same time.
    lol, man I need to practice brawl.
    like all the new freshmen play it, I need to keep my title at school.
    you can take japanese, french, latin, and spanish at my school.
    and the obvious English (somehow) because we live in America and have to take it anyway even though we were born speaking it.
    Okay, time for some pointers:
    First: While DK's back air is pretty key to use throughout a matchup, you don't want to use it all the time. Throw in a nair every so often and mix things up. Sometimes, you may even be able to toss in one of DK's spikes and really get your offense going.

    Second: Use DK's standard jab more often. For a great many people I play on the boards, I find this quick combo useful: jabx2-->tech chase towards the opponent-->usmash. This does depend on your opponent's ability to DI, so it's not always a slam dunk. However, it may become a little less possible under a connection that we had, for example. The connection was barely manageable, but I think you knew that much.

    Third: When you burn the wind up punch, you will immediately lose your jumps and recovery while in the air. So, only pull out the punch when on the ground or very close to it.

    Oh, I also forgot: I can record these matches as needed. When you want to play me again, send a VM and I'll record them and put them up on YT as needed.

    Good friendlies--here's hoping we can do that again. ;)
    None so far, but we haven't gotten around to DK dittos yet, so hold on for just a sec.

    I'm trying to track down a guy who apparently thought he won a tourney match against me, but in actuality didn't. :urg:
    hahahha :laugh: yea....
    actualy, iwant you to play one of my friends!
    hes prolly one of the better smashers that i know!
    he has an account here, but hes not very active....
    wait. you know him. its derio45!
    lol omg that was soo funny the way those 9s kept rolling in. And I HATE Green Greens. I just can't stand it. The only reason I would ever play on it is if A) my opponent picks it, or b) to hear the Fountain of Dreams song (luv that song) :)

    And of course, befriend away! :)
    hahahh well, all i can say is that i seemed to take second almost every single time :laugh:(or at least it seemed like it for me) and it was starting to bug the heck out of me. i needed a win!
    probably. it doesnt take much power for DK to take out jiggs at only 60%. and jiggs isnt that fast, so it definitly wouldnt surpise me
    those were amazing games! thats just karma for what your DK did to my poor Jiggleh :( hahah :laugh:
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