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  • sounds like a plan to me! i added you a couple days or so, i dont know if youve added me yet though.
    we live in the same time zone dont we? Central?

    P.S.: hahah yea it IS about time
    lol look at my blue name! i feel all official now!
    (just thought i would share this speciial moment with you :laugh:)
    Iknorite? You're only like three hours away from me... but I feel you man it bothered me too XD
    lol GGs DB
    I blame it on input delay, didn't seem like anything came out when we wanted to lol XD
    Wll theres bionic sonic, but no one else ive heard of, i also dominate captain falcon, jigglypuff, fox, ice climbers, ike, samus, ness, lucas, andtoon link.
    I have not lol XD
    but I think I'll just stick with this :)

    Christmas is getting close and I don't feel like working with GIMP anymore for a while
    And you're only three hours away from me too XD

    sweet action, we need to brawl soon XD
    Lol me and roxas we like to bite each other's head off in the brawl games when we fight each other. = D I still can't help but laugh when you defeated me with a fruit. Then I was like irl. "WTF? A FRUIT I DIE WITH A APPLE?! XDDDD LOLLL BUAWAHAHAA XDDD" Yeah I was just rolling over laughing a lot couldn't help but enjoy that moment. I felt bad for toon link. XD I hope someone saved that random moment. XD

    However as you can see, I can clearly hold on despite how terrible my damage is. = D
    Since the HoH have been busy, or whatever, I'll let you guys turn in your answers by Monday. Not sure if I'll extend the time for the students as well
    I just noticed you finally have a brawl fc. I've also got mine on my profile. If you want to brawl, just send me a VM (except tomorrow - I'm going to a tourney and don't know how long I'll be gone)
    Gah hate lag. O:... Just kills the fun, but I can go more rough on my marf if I wanted too. I think you got what it takes. Don't hold back. =D
    Make sure you have me added first on your brawl "Friend code" Or else you won't get to brawl me, but I suggest if I'm making the rules I only do 3 stocks and never use clock minutes. XD
    Lol alright. XDDD If I fight crappy because it's late tonight trust me on what I say, but other then that I'll fight my hardest. I also don't use items so I suggest to make sure all items are off. XD I never use long stages cause they are just a waist of time. XD
    sounds good! ill find your fc tommorrow and add it :)
    i think im getting off for the night. peace out, and maybe see ya on brawl tommorrow!(the suspense is killing me :D)
    That's fine =D I'll be around tomorrow I think I'll go to church early for a change tomorrow. >///>....

    But yeah I'll add you in case I don't get you tonight. xD I leave my wii on all night sometimes. x-x
    cool! Actually, it is a bit too late for me to brawl now :( i usually dont brawl so late at night...
    but if you dont have my fc yet, it is 1891-4862-4521, for future referance! maybe we could brawl tommorrow? you MAY get to play with me and some of my other friends from another site i visit daily! they are VERY fun to play with, and never disappoint! :)
    I don't think that will be as much of a problem for me since I seem to start most (if not all) the conversations
    that could be it. maybe distance, what kindof connection you have, what AREA you live in, ect.
    ummm... you know, ive never REALLY known what causes lag :ohwell: sorry im no help there... wish i could help
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