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  • Ya, I gotta do sumthin so I had to go. But fun games. I like going random in FFAs. And I like taunting too, but only with chars that have fun taunts like G&W. :laugh:
    go to youtube, and type in
    "News About Legend Of Zelda For Wii"!!!
    The Videos are made by a guy named Earthbounding :)
    Aww that would have been cool to see some hot Zelda/Sheik action. Too bad you dropped them.

    And speaking of friendlies, wanna have some? I could use a challenge. ;)
    I do a bit better with Marth offline, but Pit is still slightly better. But I'm best with Zelda both ways. She's mah main :)
    That's because Marth is kinda fail on wifi. Lag screws with him more than any other character. I used to second him, but my epic failure with him became truly unattractive, so I picked Pit to second instead.
    Oh, well I have no idea who SKy Angel is, so I'd better change that tag lol.
    Yeah, that's my Pit tag. I have different tags for different characters.

    Yeah that guest thing confused me too. But the tag said Kupo and they used Sonic so all I can think of is SoniKupo. Coupling that with the fact that when I play Kupo, there is always uber lag, I was fairly certain it was Kupo. Probably just bein funny with Guest's name
    lol NP. It was really laggy anyway so I doubt I would have stayed long. Btw was that SoniKupo who joined us (probably the cause of the lag since we lag when we play together)?
    I really am sorry. I just forget. Kidding, we just asked everyone who was near us. Then we wanted 1 more person and I just looked in my phone and Grant was first in my address book. Then we invited DaKota.
    Yes, you have mentioned it quite alot actually. But I am in the part were you leave the water go to the shop, then go in the building.
    For now, I am waiting for my avie to be done then I will change it to a color to match it. I am so excited to! I have been playin TP lately. I am in the City in the Sky.
    hahah the friends i choose. it amazing :laugh:
    hahah yea.... i meant to change it... but.. i kinda ran out of time :laugh: usually when im brawling someone, we communicate aftere every match through that!
    hahah yea. but i TRY to keep in touch with EVERYONE, but half of them dont want to keep in touch with me.... oh well! i saw your post in The Hakuna Matata group. i dont know why, but i got a chuckle out of it! :chuckle:
    ummm... ya know... im not sure! :laugh: but some of them (maybe about 30 of them) were just random friend requests from people ive never talked to, or the people just kindof left the site to never return :(
    but yea, elder sister just made my 60th friend! :bee: i dont know why we werent friends earlier :confused:
    yea i asked him last night, but he never answered me back. he prolly hasent been on :ohwell:
    hey DB, YOU wouldnt happen to have the answers to the OWLS by any chance would you?
    (no offense to you by any means but) i didnt know if you were holding the controller, trying to get out of my way, in those instances to tell you the truth:laugh::laugh:

    yea thatll happen to you though.... :(
    but i actually got pretty used to it! it take a bit of time, but youll be able to play through the lag eventually :p
    hey, i forgot to tell you amazing games earlier today!
    you did really well!
    although i admit, i WAS really disapointted with how my PT did against you :laugh: you picked a good course though. green greens is now my least favorite course(....well, 2nd least favorite! it somes right after Hanenbow)
    well, i think ima get on to brawl now! see ya in a bit
    be prepaired. heh im not that great! even after training for a while, so you still might have a win under your belt after tonight :p
    hahaha well, getting used to wi fi is a bit of a change, but im sure youll do fine!
    i find that after playing wi fi for so long, i can no longer play against computers so well, and when i play against just computers for an extended period of time, i get a heck of a lot worse online!

    well, if you ever did want to host a tourney, id be MORE than happy to help you out with anything, and Sonikupo would help too, ect.
    thanks! lol i didnt know i had a cool status:laugh:
    you dont even need a blue name for yours(and im NOT just sayin that mah friend)
    yea its 6:00 here too.
    if ya want one, you should host a tourney!
    its fun to do, and i would most definitly join it
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