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  • ggs ubermario!
    those were fun!
    but you sure do use a lot of.... arrows, fireballs, ect!:laugh::laugh:
    sure! lets go! ill get on right now!:bee:
    just to be sure, if a coupl friends see me they might want to brawl as well... you dont mind if they join in do ya? if ya do thats no problem either!:)
    Yoshi definitely isn't easy to use. I've tried once and failed miserably, but I believe you're on the right track. That's an interesting combo, Mario and Yoshi.
    I think she was in so much pain, she didn't even know it.

    Carefull when you destroy other people that hard while playing WiFi--you might cause their Wii to freeze up from all the ownage. Luckily mine's used to it.
    Hahah, good games! They were a blast! I got owned hard by Mario's cape. xD

    I rofl'd at that one time you reflected my Charge Beam at point blank, and it looked like my Samus had super armor frames.
    it's ok i have time lol^^
    and yeah we can brawl if you want but i am brawling right nao with another guy so....later^^
    woow it's said that you couldn't record this epic moment :(
    but yeah it will be a mario combo vid only^^
    can i send you my replays and you record them for me(not all it won't be much don't worry^^)
    heey dude
    as you know i am makin' a combo vid and i am looking for some people who can record some stuffs for me(cuz unfortunaly i have no recorder)
    would you mind to record some replays for me if you have a recorder, or a capture card??^^
    yea he was complaining about you as well!! lolol
    now dont take this the wrong way or anything but he was calling you a spammer..... which you DEFINITLY werent, but he just doesnt take a loss too well...... hes actually really good but he was REALLY off his game yesterday so he just kinda resorted to spamming and whatnot.
    but i dont know about you guys but i had a blast! i wouldnt mind if us 3 and flame(hes the fourth person that was playing. i go on this other webiste called www.gamewithabrain.com and ive made A LOT of friends on there) would all play again!!
    yea he has a habot of doing that!!!! he doesnt do it SO often but when he does...... *shudders*

    he actually a really cool person though! he has an account here but unfortunantly he never gets on........
    hey man! me and roacherman are about to brawl if ya wanna join us!! that is, if you get this in time!
    I'll take all of this into consideration.
    Yeah I've heard of dodging the blue shell that way but I've yet to do it once lol.

    Thanks for the tips!
    Yeah haha, those are probably my two best ones, and I rely too much on them at times.

    Tips are always welcome.
    Good games. You are pretty good. I should probably practice a bit on the offline courses if I ever expect to beat you on them lol.
    1. Yes
    2. Up to you
    3. I haven't really tried doing this throughout the whole course, but I boost whenever I can.
    4. 13-6, though I don't recall losing even once... strange.
    My ranking was higher but my sister erased my file.

    FC: 507005 401725

    I can play right now if you wish.
    yeah that was pretty funny:)
    dyou like 1on1 better or ffa?
    we actually planned to 1on1 against you but then zeus showed up:)

    kk, have a nice day:)
    Today works. Pm me with your FC and what time you want to play. Also, I am sending this message at 2:10 pm. What time is it for you?
    Ah crap I never ended up playing you in MKDS. Sorry about that, you still want to play?
    lol yeah you are pretty good^^
    i would love to fight your mario again cuz i killed myself twice < .<
    but still you are good^^
    it was pretty fun^^
    It was your Mario on FD against my Marth. It's not a big deal; they were just friendlies. We should 1v1 sometime, you're good.
    absolutly dude^^ lol falcon pawnch^^
    qwe should do that again

    i lol'd when you spiked zeus^^
    Hahaha, alright here's what happened.

    You were KOing me allllllll the time in the first 5 or so games; you even spiked me at one point. Then I started messing around a little bit with ya. Hyrule temple, believe it or not, was the only accident, lol. Sorry about that one.
    "thusly we all have the same fc"

    thats what i said 4 vms back:/

    lol youre too funny.

    you couldve looked it up on my profile at "about me"
    but while were at it: 5285-0299-4594

    btw judge's back, youll brawl him now too if ya want

    i did say it thaaaat clear: you wanna brawl against GALE14 now?

    suddenly yoo asked who i am so i just answered the question lol:p

    kk, we will add you up^^
    humm just say it outright if you dont want to brawl:/
    yeah i know you too through my lil brother thats why i meantioned him at all.
    we share 1 wii (gale's) and were all sittin here becuz we(me and judge) have the internet access.thusly we all have the same fc
    uhmm oh well i saw you in NNMFA?
    im GALE14'cousin and JUDGE's elder sister?
    has that answered your question?:joyful:
    oh. i just can't help it. Dsmash, its just my setup for a combo or something. i can't find an alternative. oh and thanks btw of the approach.
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