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professor mgw
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  • tomorrow at 1. start at bf like we agreed? i have your cp and you have mine. about to leave the apt for the day and wont be back until late.
    Anything but fd and ps1 would be nice for me haha
    How about we just do Smashville?
    Dinner? You live in Europe? O__o

    ffffffuuuuuuuuuuuu lag is gonna be a *****!
    Let me check the list of cps
    Your's is still delfino?
    Yeah I keep looking to see if you're online too but you never are lol
    I'll keep looking though.
    um, if they full hop the turtle, up air or up-b them, if not, pivot grab them, and when you see them running, get ready to avoid a grab
    lol WTF BEST costum title xDD!

    yeah long time no talk :pP

    u didn't reply to my vm so i thought u were gone or something!!

    school starts for me tomorrow so i'm a lil stressed but otherwise all's good. how about ou?
    i said in the thread that i am currently in the process of moving. My wii is packed up allready. I move tomorrow, but i need to figure out my internet situation and what not.
    Cubone shouldn't be bothering you anymore. You can just report to me next time.
    Haha yeah, that would be fine. I'll have to let you know when I'm free tomorrow(Thursday). I should be okay earlier in the afternoon, but I'll be busy most of the afternoon. But yeah, I'd definitely be able to help.
    ...its actually that i dislike seeing videos of me playing not at my best, or trying my hardest, it also bothered me greatly i wasn't told these would be recorded...i'll keep this in mind from now on though
    i'd still rather not, unless my name isn't shown in the replays and the title does not have my name in it, that way no one can know its me in the videos
    look at dabuz posts, we need to figure out if we're actually gonna upload these or not.
    hey, not sure if you saw my posts in the video upload thread, but look at them and reply to me
    the easiest for me would be to give me your info but i can also put it on megaupload for u to download and upload urself if u want.
    Oh! Sorry about the late response! Welcome back XD There's quite a bit that's developed for Olimar, there's a thread that we're using as a tactical discussion called "Alright guys, we've got **** to do", you could check it out if you'd like! Because there's way too much to go over XD Or if there's anything specific, you could ask as well :)
    Send more replays, and get known in the Olimar discussion. If you can beat dabuz, you're going somewhere with that Oli, even somewhere in your state's Power Rankings...
    Jeebus, nice to have a **** Oli in the LIO :S
    And i have to assume you'd have to be on a computer for that to happen.
    I've never seen dabuz get scraped in an Oli ditto :S
    How on earth did you pull that off?
    btw, for giving you a grade, assuming me and richbrown are both 8s, and fino is a 6, you would be a 4.5

    That's the last time i try to work the Dazzle Recorder while brawling >_<
    Don't think i'm johning. I seriously was. Though u would have won anyway.
    for the running grab, just learn to almost always pivot your grab instead of running with it, for being aggressive, just stop trying to always approach, try to just camp with side b, grabs, and fsmash more
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