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professor mgw
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  • W00t.
    Then whenever you want to brawl I can.
    Idk im free till Sep 7...
    Then school starts... my time is a lil more limited... >.>
    I wouldnt mind brawling you... on one condition though.
    You drop :olimar: <--- that guy.
    Dont say that to me... he started it... (refuses to be bigger person :p )

    Also hello. P.mgw.
    WiiConnect isn't working for me, so unless I can figure it out, I can't send the videos. So I have two alternatives: record them myself with whatever recorder I can find, or wait until the weekend to get back home, use that connection, and then send them.
    That edgeguard that I completely unintentionally did helped me at the beginning, but I guess FO was like "Yeah, no" and hit me hard in return. I wouldn't say FO is a bad stage for Yoshi; DI + monster 2nd jump makes the first stage tolerable when recovering. It just hits hard if the stage flips when Yoshi is in one of the bad spots.

    We had about 9 matches, I think? I saved 5 of them: Samus vs. Ganon, DDD vs. Lucas, Yoshi vs. Wolf, Yoshi vs. Olimar, and Shelda vs. Zelda. I can send them to you as soon as I get your Wii Code and I set WiiConnect24 up.
    It must have been my Zelda hacks, I guess. Changing to the blue texture stopped the lag.

    When we had that "Mains?" tag going on, I only caught the "?", so I thought you were wondering how Lucas was able to Fsmash so far away. My bad XD. But actually, Yoshi is like a second main of mine, so it kind of worked out. I could have had that if Frigate wasn't being mean and flipped me under, lol

    You going to record some of those matches and put them on Youtube? I want my friend to get a load of the Ganon one XD
    Probably right now would work.

    I'll probably cut it short though, I have a lot of reading to get done.
    I've got a ton of GW experience, so would you mind going DDD more? I'm trying to expand on my secondaries too, lol.

    K, I'll send you a line about 3 hours from now.
    You and me are going to play wifi matches sometime before Friday.

    I'll make it happen.
    Alright then uhm i don't wanna go to BF as the starter. so let's strike. Uhm I strike BF and YI first.

    My cp will be Brinstar.

    I have you know that in fact, I WAS raised in the Bronx. Lived there for 13 years.
    That's how I roll. If I have something to say, I'll say it outright.

    But right now, despite the fact that I still have a million things to say, I'm tired. It's past 1 in the morning. So I'm just gonna drop it >_>
    Uh after blatantly and immaturely insulting and disrespecting me? I don't think so.
    Kewlz, sounds like ur busy XD. What resturant/store/place ya work at?

    ..got dam tht sig iz 2 funny lol. Is tht u and ur cat or is that just random guy and pet?

    Oh so I am fighting your friend? I'll message him later I guess. I'll play him within the next few days.

    Work has been alright I guess. Got the day off today.
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