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  • D:

    Fail. Oh well, I'll find you. So in big events like these how do people end up knowing who is who? I figure I might wear a nametag.
    At what time are you going to get to the venue? I'll probably be there since it opens at 9 AM. That way you can give me some Wario practice and you can practice vs Snake. =P
    Hahaha! Well pardon my sayings then good sir ;) I'll try and be more conservative when taking a thread to new erotic heights.
    I would never main MK and DDD. If anything, I would probably main Wario or Luigi. XD

    And I'll do the hitboxes one of these days. Testing the Waft is goingto suck. lol
    Cause you own. I really like your playstyle, it's the way I wanna play. Would like to play you in person so you can help me out with stuff. I wanna try to make it to Apex but the car will probably be full, and cot4 was soo **** costly that it makes me even consider Apex for financial reasons.
    Yo homie, would you ever go to a Canadian tourney?

    And are you going to Genesis?
    Something else that might help me in that matchup is if I could see another Wario play against Lain and maybe try to mimick some of the stuff, but Snaptah and 7F0 never get far enough to face him. Hopefully DMG or you can get some matches against him at WHOBO
    LOL Yah I need to focus 100% next time I face him. I also need to get MUCH better at using the bite. I'm scared to use it sometimes because of its ending delay
    lol I came into the match against Lain with an entire gameplan worth of advice, one chaingrab later....I resorted back to some dumb aggresive playstyle :)
    Link is so much fun though. I also loooooove the look on Snake players faces when I beat them with him. <3 I know he's a terrible character, but I've played him alongside Mario since Smash 64. I do use Falco for that jerk DDD though.
    It may. I don't have enough experience in the match-up to say for sure. That set I had was more of an experiment to me then anything. Someone like HeroMystic or Matador would know. Yeah, everytime I shielded his Fsmash I got a free Dsmash. Though I expected him to start Dair'ing>Bite after a while he didn't do it very much.
    This Wario was the Dair'ing kind. He just kept coming at he from above with Dair, so I'd intercept with Uair, Nair OOS, or shield the entire Dair then his Fsmash and grab him.
    I might be able to finish the meat of my guide today now that I'm done with schoolwork. Matchups will take a bit, would you help me with a few?
    I guess? It was my first time playing the match-up offline. It wasn't so hard it was just..boring..a lot of waiting and attacking OOS.
    dun worry, you and hyli are still staying with us Friday night. Xyro is giving us some extra OOS that need some room, they are gonna pay too.

    co18 is no longer staying in our room.
    this has been my "real" video game tag all along, and plus im tired of people confusing me with Boss
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