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  • Last 2-3 pages of my profile, lol. Not so much Asdioh, TD, and Fast though. They're friends and I knew they were gonna do that. Other guy just got creepy after a while.
    I haven't been doing much testing recently, on account of me being pretty busy nowadays. Of course, did promise I'd finish it, so that's what I'm going to do. I'll get it done eventually. ^^

    As for the vids, I'll watch them later. Youtube sucks on this computer, so I'll have to wait until I use my computer at home.
    I cried when I saw the little lock symbol :(
    see,I would spam him and call him names but that wouldn't be very smart since he is mod lol.

    Yeah i saw most of them at night yesterday, ill comment around 5PM my time. Also i might be at Austin/SA at some point. Can i have your cell number in case i have time to brawl?
    I suppose. Then again, I don't think I've done anything worthwhile enough to even apply.

    Just grab release stuff, but that's the only thing I put effort into.
    Smash lab? Haha, the only reason I would do that is to get my name in a funny blue color. ^^

    As for Wario, I use him occasionally. Not enough to call him a secondary though. Just the stuff I pick up from my brother, who's retired from the game now. >>
    One of these days I'll get it done.

    The only thing I have done for Wario is his grabs. (which are good btw)
    Like I've said... you don't fool me, Monica. I can see clearly now... the rain is gone

    God**** I suck at that.
    I am sometimes! I just *****ed out some people in a thread I had never heard of... I actually don't even remember how I found it. Either way, it had nothing to do with being in the gutter!!! I'm clean! Sometimes... O:)
    Ooooh. Yeah, I just knew the Fogo part. And now the comment that DMG made about being the safest smasher makes sense... Although I was already in the gutter when he started talking about oral so I didn't catch on. :p
    (I wish I had AIM. This would be a whole lot easier...) I think it's funny. At least your famous for something. :)
    :D Aww, I kid. It was just too easy.

    And it's not like you flirted with me anyway! :p Hahaha <3 PX. And your status.
    Aww. That's ok. You can have Santi's with me. :)

    Or mine?............. :p Ahahahaha. Dirty.
    PX,I will be taking a short leave of absence from swf for at least 2 weeks.
    thus I wi be unable to update the wario player listing for a bit.
    I will update it today @ around 4:00 pm east coast while I have comp access but then I gtg.

    AIM has been added, if anyone ever cared to talk to me. ^^

    I'm on occasionally.
    If you input the commands as you describe, you will end up doing an aerial according to the direction inputted on the C-stick immediately after you Z-grab the banana. Instant-throwing literally throws the banana back immediately.
    LOL, I showed Hylian the night before Final Smash V. I can't tell *all* of our secrets, though, so if you want to know more about it, search the Diddy Boards yourself. =P
    Good **** on almost beating Dojo : ) I don't really know where he's from but I do know he got 4th at COT4. Crazy.

    Hopefully the Wario MK matchup will be 50:50 at some point :)
    yeah i saw the broken arrow ones, i really wanted you guys to win. everyone always say i hate broken arrow lol. Sounds badass, sucks that i missed it. I never new when things were coming on. Really really want to see the dojo ones
    I didn't get to see them... i saw the set you guys won on grandfinals though. Did you get any of your matches recorded?
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