Thanks for the message, I will still keep in touch with my fighting style original fighting style with me no worries about that, but yes I am asking you to still train me like before I want to get stronger at the same time, and learn some new tips, and tricks from you. Cause maybe one day I can become even better then before, and get to defeat certain people that I couldn't beat, but wow you go to the tournaments and stuff, that really sounds epic fun. I haven't been to one before, and hopefully if they pay money I would fight just to go and fun, and maybe win. XD
Well as for the video thing, I would love to have your Wii number that way we can share the replay's. I'll give you mines right now since I meant for Rick to have my Wii number as well, but I didn't get the chance to give to him, but I can show you some latest Replay battles I had, and some random moments with my Fox character.
Other then that I'll be glad to deal with whatever goes by, hopefully you don't mind that, but if you ever like to brawl with me I'll be glad to do so, I'm still learning how to buff my marth up. ^_^
So here is my Wii Number :3
3670 2333 1207 5390
That's it right there, I would send that in private, but I don't feel like it. XDDD