I'm still not going to post in the other boards this week but I have programmed my mind to be able to do things don't minds don't do like control rage, sadness, feelings and I can get adrenaline rushes when ever I want, to be able to be wrong and try something new, forgive easily, cange my mind if ever needed, defuse my self during mental breakdowns(I have never been helped by an outside source during a mental break and i've have had many but not any lately), I look from different veiws, and I can change easily how I am(good/bad in a way) I can go from LOL silly to deep talk as in nowww but also I can go from silly to i'll cave your mother F***ing skull in if you do that most of the time people do't know when i've switch modes and they laugh and drop it because i'm not laughing.
But yeah I'm programmed to be better and if logically argee I will change also i'm humble and the most insulting thing you can say to me is i'm a lair.
Also I miss your youtube combo video do you know if anyone will ever take the time to get the music up again?