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Mr. Johan
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  • What's my Gym Leader stance now?
    And would I use my mains?
    Where would you be?
    Alright, but Aibou doesn't record the videos himself. He goes to the Zelda boards and ask for his replays to be recorded.
    If no one is able to upload your replays by your deadline, you could possibly go to the Sonic boards (or w/e character in that replay) and see if they have a video replay thread, or just visit "We Record Your Replays."
    Nah, making the game a challenge is what's fun! Besides, I was too lazy to level up my Pokemon to 70 just for Red.
    I've checked the VM just now, and I would be happy to, albeit I have crap quality compared to Kupo's and I'm unable to until April 30th. However, if no one else is willing, I will. I have a few matches of me that I would like to upload myself anyways, so I can just record them all in one sitting. And yes, now you can just upload the replay files in a SD Card. Also, please note if you would like texture hacks/shield hacks/etc on or off.
    I don't mind but I think you're better off asking someone else, 'cause I might take... Quite a while... As in weeks at most before they'll be on youtube.

    If you don't mind that then yeah, sure.


    Hit the block 50 times, right?

    The N64 had some of the best games for any console (any system, really), IMO.
    The only trainer you really need level 70s for is Lance (and Karen's Umbreon :mad:); level 65 should be fine.

    I'll deal with the Yellow Forest later. I already got the course so it doesn't really matter to me.
    I haven't faced Red yet either. Level 62/63 Pokémon would get creamed.
    I did be the Elite Four again yesterday though.

    Oh and I got a Ganlon Berry from the Pokéwalker. It's pretty useless (+1 Defense when your HP is already so low? meh) but it's AWESOME in that it's a berry I never had before.
    We will get this done lol >:D We have two more days and im good either anytime after 3 my time
    Jigglypuff dies too quickly.

    Also Inhale has, like, no ending lag.

    But Bowser/Dedede isn't too bad for Bowser, it really isn't.
    How do I do better vs. Dedede with Bowser than Jigglypuff? -_- at any rate, that matchup is NOT 80-20 Dedede. Also some sexy Bucket Breaking.
    Samus is kinda like Sonic in that she's really good at racking damage, kinda bad at getting kills, and is great offstage (and recovery-wise). But she lacks the speed, mobility, and setups that Sonic has.

    It's funny, I like playing as Snake, but I don't want to put in the effort to learn how to use him.

    Oh, wanna do a few matches right now? I haven't played in a while.
    Is Shadowfire pretty good?
    Just want to know what sort of a challenge to expect.
    The forums be trollin'

    Cool. I wonder which number?
    Probably not more than 5 lol
    It says everyone's offline except for meeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
    I'm so alone ;_;
    She's a friend of mine from Youtube. She's a really awesome Zelda who goes by the name of MochaMew.

    The match was pretty epic, so I decided to save it and send it around (despite my loss).

    She also plays Snake too <3

    I'd love to see that match though XD
    Well of course. SHing is mainly for spacing and mindgames. The point is to adjust to how your opponent responds when you jump. You can fair/bair if you're in range, you can nair because its so good and beats out a lot of things and can be autocancelled (timing is hella hard though), you can airdodge if you anticipate an attack you can't beat (which you already do :bigthumbu ), or just fast fall and retreat if none of the above is possible. In reality, whilst Zelda doesn't have many options, she can still cover quite a few dilemmas with the few options she has.
    Aw...You missed an epic match then. Seriously, like the best Zelda ditto ever.

    Hmm...Actually fast falled short hops are sometimes useful with Zelda. It can help with spacing and maybe landing some surprise kicks. There was in fact a lot of that in the Zelda ditto I sent you (which I'll have to resend :mad: ) Though not all Zeldas do this. Try it out and see if it works for you
    I sent it at like 8pm (EST Obv). It was a Zelda ditto iirc.

    And not spotdodging is a good thing. It means you're already past (or completely skipped) that auto-defense-reaction phase every Zelda goes through at one point in time. I think I envy you...
    Oh right. I did, and I sent you one in return (for lulz)

    I LOVE your use of Kicks. BUT you over-spotdodge, which is quite normal for a starting Zelda (I still do it myself at times). You'll break the habit as you grow. You also missed some good dtilt opportunities, so work on that. Otherwise nice work. I LOL'ed @ the ending XD.
    hey you, will you check the gym leader tourney group?
    there is a couple of things Aibou and DB brought up that i thought were good, and i forgot, were we intending to add TGK, or did we decide against it?
    FHBHDBHGBDSHV indeed. To be honest, it's the first set of games in that a particular version doesn't jump out at me, screaming "BUY ME"

    I'd be more excited if I wasn't having a miniature Heroic BSOD right now, though.
    Charge Shot/FSmash/DSmash/DTilt are all pretty good KO moves, but if predicted/staled they don't kill until at least 130%. I killed a Squirtle with Screw Attack once. that's some bad DI right there.
    Sonic's Mid/Low tier. Where Bowser is, can go either way.

    Samus is such a stock tank with her fantastic recovery, weight, and floatiness. Is horrible at killing, though. How'd you kill Mr. Game & Watch?

    I just... I can't get past his Waddle Dees and FTilt with G&W, I get close with R.O.B. but I can't do it, and Ganon... well, he should be obvious. I had success against Bunny's Dedede with Jiggly once, so, I'm going with her.
    GOING LOW TIER IN MODRAGE? Why Samus, though?

    Also I'm using Jigglypuff because she's who I use against Dedede (I hate the penguin)
    Just got the 16th today. The GB Sounds are apparently not the original soundtracks, but very close approximations. So it's not _quite_ as good as I had hoped. Still awesome though.

    I had a Chansey swarm on Monday, so I used Thief to get a few Lucky Eggs. Helped with raising my team to level 60.

    Also I maxed out my Coin Case lol. I really like Voltorb Flip, it's just kinda slow at times. Also Mr. Game is creepy. D:
    Pokémon HeartGold is too gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood
    I been having fun with it
    K sorry bout that, i had the database error thing until 8ish (i think?) my time and you werent on :/
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