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Mr. Johan
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  • yeah i saw it but didnt respond cuz i wasnt sure when i could myself :p

    ill go with the 4 oclock, ill try and get on around 5 (thats what it is for me) and contact you
    Sooooooo sorry for not being able to play the match, swf crapped out on me ALL **** WEEK!!! ARRGG!!!!

    Anyways.... When are you good again, I'm extending the deadline due to the problems so the time isnt to much of an issue
    I couldn't get online till minutes ago because of some wierd error with this site, did you have a similar problem? I've tried all day.
    I've come to the conclusion that my Snake is only good on Battlefield since that's the only stage he wins on :urg:

    idk KOopa hopoing looks pretty useful. The guy I watched yesterday landed some cool bair kills with it. I mean that slow arse turtle actually has some mobiliy with it.

    And curse your Sonic for evading the one time I actually attempted to make use of ledgewarping :mad:
    Most patient Sonic Ever Award. I bequeath it to you.

    GGs before. GAWD I'm trying to get the timing right on that Boozer sideB jump thing but I can't do it. I was watching a Boozer vid today and this guy did it like, all match, combining it with aerials and all kinds of cool stuff. I wanna do it toooooo...
    Peach doesnt need any more lag.



    I prefer to only teach dedicated Peach mains, but I guess I could make an exception....maybe.

    Needs more Bair, what else? You tell me.

    Sounds like my n00by 09 Peach.

    What you need to know Peach fer?! You random boi :088: go back to maining Zelda you traitor :mad088:
    Those first two matches had one ******** death apiece. The third was grab release ****. :p

    Super Bowser Endless Wi-fi Tournament For Giggles. All in the Bowser board, all wi-fi, all Bowser dittos.
    lol you're the first to notice. Though I left out the Knight because well... :metaknight: is the Knight XD

    Queen = Zelda/Sheik
    King = Snake (not seen much online)
    Knight = MK
    Bishop = Kirby
    Rook = D3
    Pawn = Everybody Else


    ...OK...let me start with your Zelda by saying that I think now you understand why Zelda players use a lot of smashes. You smashed a lot, which IS NOT a bad thing. Zelda doesn't have that much else that's good for her, so she often resorts to smashing. Though perhaps now you'll lay off on the "U SPAM WID ZELDA" thing?

    And also, in a way, Night was right when he said your Zelda's better than mine. You do some things better than I do. Like landing Kicks and spacing with Fsmash. However, you need to work on comboing with your Dtilt and NOT trying to get a Dtilt lock BELOW 50%. It WON'T work.

    Hm...anything else...not that I can think of...so yeah...that's it.
    Cleaning > Brawl (in importance, not entertainment). Finish first *wags finger at Josh*
    *sigh* such a waste of talent. Spazz had incredible potential to be a real Zelda champ. And with his young age, he had plenty of time to get there...

    Hmmm...I need to fight your Zelda. Not in dittos since those are ********, obv. You game?
    I really wanted to slap myself for asking that...That was outright arrogant of me to ask. *slaps self*

    I'm glad you're taking an interest in Zelda though (finally). Not that she'd be much help to you irl, but still...

    I'd be glad to play your Zelda and stuff. With spazz's apparent hiatus with Brawl, the OTL needs more Zelda than just Ben and I...
    And Zelda? Do you really think your Zelda's better than mine? (not implying that I think otherwise, just asking why she was conveniently left out...)
    I watched our matches (replay) and was astonished at how badly I played. I kept on pulling out random f-smashes and down-smashes and dodges. I had the lead near the end but lost it quickly, kept on spot-dodging instead of pulling out nades and grabbing. Guess that's my weakness X_X Now I realize that I hate playing against you. lol
    Yeah, that episode does bend toward Contest shipping, but I feel that Advanceshipping is strongest in the 9th movie, the epsiode the Bicker the Better, and the Battle Frontier episode where he loses to Brandon (I think it was the time he ended up possesed) where when he cheers about something May says "oh stop it, you're making me blush" even though Ash wasn't talking about or looking at her. lol

    There's just something about Drew that gives me the creeps, even more than Harley, can't put my thumb on it though. >_> Not a bad character, just I dunno . . .

    Also, this is the list of how old I think each of the main characters in Pokemon(as of Season 11):

    Brock: 21

    Odds are you probably have them listed younger, because I'm trying to make it feel like there's some sort of time consistency through the episodes (such as referencing how Ash said it's been a whole year since he visited Viridian in the very long Season 1), although by the end of Gen V I'll probably have to give up trying that, especially since it's already starting to feel too much like they don't age. :ohwell:
    I'm more of an Advanceshipper myself. (Although I think Pearlshipping is a little cute too)

    For whatever reason, Misty just looks too old to me to be hanging with Ash like that (even if the Japanese "dub" claims she's the same age as him. lol), I tend to ship her with Tracy since Season 6 (even before the Pokemon Chronicles episode that the narrator "implied" she was in love with Tracy)

    But to each his own opinion ay? :laugh:

    BTW, is it just me or are a LOT of avatars blank now, including mine?
    If I could go on the xat I would have been there by now lol. I'll be on wifi. CP in tags, and whatever starter ^_^
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