snake dittos eh... I think Snake dittos vs me might not be worth much. Last tourney in adelaide my snake lost to my bro and got 2 stocked by someone else, then in Stigma-B i got ***** in doubles something horrible, ended up going all MK and in singles i lost to a marth with snake who i ended up going 2-0 with lucario >_> I used to think I could be a contender for one of the best snake mains in aus (I still contribute a very large part of his points in the aussie rankings list

) But maybe its time to give him up
Anyway for sure im interested. my main concern, as it was in melb, is transport from the airport, housing, transport to tourney and back to airport. If all that can be easily dealt with I came probably come

(Jei is a living legend btw) However probably not for may, its too close to the exam period in uni this semester.