
I try to help out every character board if I can....
Apparently Ganon's up-b has a weird affect after a certain % on characters, so I'm going to talk to each board about their character matchup and whether they can hit Ganon after reaching that %. (Falco can spike ganon straight from it if Falco is at 90%+....)
I don't really "main" ? but I'm like Azen/Ninjalink. I can use everyone - well. It's one of my blessings, and my curses.
"Jack of all trades" (JOAT) - One who is good at everything.
Notice how it says - good - not - great -

thats my curse....
I'm GOOD at EVERYTHING I do. But no matter how hard I try, I'm never GREAT at anything....
Web design, guitar, video games, graphic design, bass, drums, piano, math, science, etc. ANYTHING you can name, if I tried it, I'd probably be at LEAST decent... but never great :/
Yah, figured it was time to change "moderator" "moderator" to something. lol
er... I ranted

I'm sorry