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  • i didn't go to ZP yesterday. =(

    im going to the next one. jason didn't want to go. but he said he will take me to the next one.

    i will do my best at the next one just for you jimmy!! =3
    You know, just chillaxin' and not hatin' on them ******. Getting that money up.
    Well technically it doesn't suck anymore statistically now that the PC made changes to it in their Pokemon Online server (I bet you you didn't even understand half of this sentence), but yeah, it sucks irl. Psyduck is da bess
    :/ Oh well.

    But man, I already got fully evolved pokes now. And I don't plan on evolving the Psyduck though. The **** *****
    They have that? Oh shi-

    Man, today is really going easy for me. I already got 4 hatched pokemon and I'm waiting for 2 other ones to hatch... I suppose it's really slow on days that they don't have x3.2 multipliers right?
    What's with your Psyduck with glasses btw? Some special event that they had or something?
    Looks like I finally hatched the egg

    It was much MUCH easier than you made it out to be
    On the adoptables site. It says that there's a pokewalker thing to buy in the shop

    Also, man, I love having a birthday in December. I get a whole ****load of crap in that month
    Lucky, I start in 2 days :urg:

    I hate going back. It's the beginning of a new year where you have nothing to look forward to.

    Because all the good **** comes at the end of the year. Summer Vacation, end-of-the-year field trips, etc.


    And my birthday/christmas (they're both in december) just don't cut it. You know what I mean?

    Btw, what's with that pokewalker **** that's in the adoptables thing?
    srsly? Oh wow lol...

    I should go there more often, but meh, I'm a busy guy getting ready for school

    Man, I just got a super size coke from BK and now I feel like death after consuming it all :urg:
    Eh, I gave up on this **** afterwards.

    I'd still love to get the fanfic I was working on back though. Sucks there's no archive for that sort of ****
    It's called memorization i forgot what page that pic was on >.< but it was lol.
    Can't win period. Get some sleep and clean your mirror jimmy...I need to post a pic sometime soon come to think of it >__>
    *comes out of your trash can*
    Now that I'm in a better mood, I'd like to apologize for being short-tempered with you yesterday. :)
    What more can I say.

    Sadly though, the avvy will have to switch. The Atlantic South lost another rising star all too early, so I gotta pay my respects.
    I believe the line for 'rude' was crossed when you pestered me saying that I need to chill out and that my new way of coping with losses is creepy. :)
    Peace! :)
    Oh, hello jimmy. :)
    I'm sorry, it seems you are under the delusion that I have even the slightest interest in hearing your opinion regarding this matter.
    Please leave my VM wall at once.
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