So i'm a senior in High School and i'm taking ENGL 1302.404 to which our entire semester we have to write a twelve page essay, with sixteen sources, MLA (of course) etc etc. The essay requires to write about an exigent issue, to which i chose Affirmative Action.
I would have posted this as a reply in the Debate Hall thread, but apparently not replying to STUPID topics classifies you as inactive. *shrugs*
Anyways i'm sure you know that Affirmative Action also greatly impacts the selection of students who are up for admission into colleges. That's a pretty big thing too. And in the midst of writing my paper (not due yet, just "working" on it) i have come to realize that Affirmative Action is just like reverse discrimination. What i find to be the ironic part, is that it's allowed.
Idk, just word vomitting i guess, but i'm also seeking your help. You obviously seem very passionate about Affirmative Action and the abolishment of it. You as a black man, and myself as a Hispnic (Mexican-American whatev's) entering college. So would it be cool, if every now and than i'd show you what i have so far and you could maybe proof it? Any input would be cool too.