I discovered that Capcom has no Scrimblo franchises.
- Mega Man, as in the Classic series, has many anime influences.
- Ghosts 'n Goblins has too much scary imagery.
- Zack and Wiki is more of a Zelda-style Action-Adventure game than a platformer, despite it's cartoony art style.
- Okami is a Action-Adventure like the previous, but with more emphasis on the Japanese Folklore.
- While Viewtiful Joe has some platforming elements and has silly moments, is more of a side-scrolling beat-em-up with a Tokusatsu theme.
- Capcom's other platformers are rather too """Realistic""" (Bionic Commando) or too """Anime""" (the afomentioned Classic Mega Man and Strider)
Then you have Capcom's more cartoonish games, that aren't platformers (One-Piece Mansion, Don't Pull from Three Wonders, Maximo), or are mascots in outside franchises (Blue Badger, Navirou from Monster Hunter Stories)
They had never made or own a TRUE Mascot Platformer.