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#HBC | ZoZo
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  • *15, goddamnit

    I watched a TED video that mentioned that the experience of learning another language has been proven to increase intelligence, so I figured I might take a crack at one. Also, why not?

    Figured I might start with a west Germanic language, considering that's what classification english is.
    At least English has a fixed Subject->Verb->Object.

    Can't say the same about Dutch, which can switch in the middle of a goddamn sentence.

    (I'm sure I screwed up "Stompzinnig Nederlander en jouw ergerlijke taal.")
    yeah, **** society!

    Work sucks so much dude, you want to stay out of traditional employment for as long as possible. Trust. Sell indie games first.

    Hell, just about every non-English Germanic language looks like someone smothered their face against a keyboard.
    Haha this avatar just makes me smile like no matter what for some reason, it is just so happy.
    Haha thanks! Surprised you like it even though it's not 2D.

    I may end up doing a Catherine avatar soonish, probably after I beat the game one time.
    I'm resolving things on my own. Even though how things turn out will be another story, I'm self-indulgent enough to not get disturbed by something when I've put in the effort to fix it.
    I bestow upon you an almighty task young hero Xonar :hulk:... Find me the correct sign and you will receive many blessings :awesome:
    I was just informed that I'm being evicted in a month. So I don't know what the **** is going to happen, but I've decided to take it in stride and not break down. I did uproot a local street sign, but I placed it back and made sure it was secure.
    Hahaha, I'd be lying if I said that a certain jazzy love polygon anime wasn't an influence... :) But it's just the catalyst, I've been on and off with my music a lot in the last few years, and it really set the spark off to start up again.

    Yeah I went to Japan in the summer of 2008 as an exchange student (only for 3 weeks), and it was ****ing amazing. Was pretty bored with the whole thing by then, but then I went over and it blew my mind. So I've been pretty keen to go back, and now I'm making it happen.

    As for the language, well, it's rated as one of the hardest languages for English speakers to learn, because of the different sentence structure (SOV) and the 2046 kanji you need to learn before you can even start. But I've got a few strategies to assist, going to use my computing skills to help out as well. Got some research projects planned out to refine my methods. Gonna be fun.

    Yeah, the programming in the break is also a major reason (although unstated) for my break. I've been studying CS pretty in depth for 2.5 years, but I haven't even /done/ anything with it. Studied a whole range of different topics, but all I have to show for it is a mark on my transcript. Accumulated oh so many books, white papers, ideas, but haven't had the time to interact with them. Such a waste. So I'm taking the time off to consolidate on my knowledge as well.

    I wrote this just after I took my leave, was about 4 weeks ago. I think it sums up the mood pretty well.
    Very impressive, is it an university program with a degree at the end, or an independant certification? Either way, very cool.

    I just got a ****ty flu. Need to fight it off quick, haven't started studying for exams yet and they start in 5 days. orz.

    Yeah, I feel I definitely need a break. Been in school for literally all my life, and it's time for a change. So I'm taking my year off, going to teach myself Japanese and hopefully go back to Japan. Really keen for that. Going to teach myself the piano as well, and start playing my trumpet again. Music is pretty awesome, and it's sad that I never had the time to sink into it. Also got a few programming projects that I want to play with and tease out. Consolidate my skills that I've gotten from my degree, yeah? :>

    But all in all, it's just about the freedom to do whatever I please, instead of having a schedule dictated to me. I'm pretty sick of routine right now.
    Moving out is always interesting, sounds complicated though. What did you get accepted into?

    Me, I applied for a year's leave off uni, which starts next week after my exams, so I'm pretty excited for that. Right now, I'm pretty ill, which is why I haven't been responding. >.< So yeah.
    Ja, ik bedoelde ook volgend schooljaar. :)

    Dat is dus het geld wat ik niet probeer uit te geven maar ik wel uitgeef :p
    Jouw schuld dat je zo ver woont.
    Awwwww :( Ga je uit huis volgend jaar? Lijkt me wel als ik het zo hoor.

    En nee, zoals ze zeggen, "geld is een schaarsteproduct". Net als tijd. Ik spaar nu al mijn geld voor als ik een tussenjaar naar Frankrijk neem en verder probeer ik mijn geld niet uit te geven MAAR TEVERGEEFS zoals altijd. Ik zal het je zeggen als ik iets bij elkaar kan rapen
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