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  • Neat! I don't usually meet too many from AZ either.
    Maybe if there's a Brawl tourney in town I'll see you there! :bee:
    things are pretty good here as well. i started school recently as well and so far started off the year pretty nicely. i might be coming down with a bit of a cold but, w.e i'm still happy and i haven't gotten sick in like 6 months so it doesn't matter. and its a 3 day weekend for me :)
    hi gatlin, hows life? and btw i like your new avatar, its a lot more happy imo
    Oh I see. I was looking into respecting your wall, not to delete evidence. I suppose I was correct that you have access. Fantastic.

    I like how you included that insulting part. Classy, yet sore.
    [COLLAPSE="Were should I send this?"]
    If you receive an infraction and believe it was unfair or unwarranted, you should first discuss the matter with the moderator who issued the infraction.
    My first lead: the person who informed me.

    then proceed to regurgitate the same insults onto my public wall
    Only 'talk' about unprofessional behavior | Placing words to false actions

    Two Fiery Messages
    My messages were that of concern and disappointment. Feelings that come with them are beside the point. What matters is the content.

    calling other posters idiots and blatantly flaming them
    Creating a metaphor | Again Placing words to action
    If a flame was used, it was not unprecedented.

    Need outside Evaluation of what two Responses and an Inquiry have to do with what a moderator is licensed to handle.

    I deleted my previous message so that what you deem insults are absent. I figured that you have access to them. I'll take this one down by your request.

    Have a nice evening.
    I suppose that following the rules has to do with a bunch of smiley faces. I had no way of knowing your part in all of this as you mentioned, but you being the moderator, I would have liked it if I was given warning before I was disciplined.

    Beyond that, I can't believe I'm reading this.
    Two replies and an inquiry counts as harassment? How in the world did you get this position? Great, now I'm complaining too.

    I've had just about enough of this nonsense.
    Talk about some more unprofessional behavior.

    Is this some kind of joke? Global Rules This is the exact link that you sent me
    its so weird he is crazy honest about talking about it(about furry and me being gay), and in fact he even asked me like what type of people im interested in, it was kinda awkward for me cause i thought he would be weirded out by saying big people but he actually was totally ok with it. and btw hes practically seen more furry stuff then me on the internet, who wouldave known? and i didn't know straight dudes could be furrys as well until now and eh sometimes you don't have a specific type, im mix but some people are just interested in some types
    so i asked matt what type of furry he was yesterday and he awnsered with wolf, dam he woulda been perfect for me ah well
    I wanna poke you and let ya know I read your note pad once and a while, it's nice to read and see you are a better mod than me.

    If you just go with what Uli said, and continue with the same ruling you had on the Special cup one, where you just continue with the rest of the cup, I'll be happy to supply the results for Flower Cup and will completely and utterly forgive/forget all of this and hold nothing against you.

    EDIT: In fact, Ill give you all you need right here, now you dont have to do any work at all:

    Take one (the one that wasnt counted)

    1. [FiM]B[]x - 15
    2. [xXx]BSP - 12
    3. [FiM]Timmy - 10
    4. [SWF]Aria♪ - 8
    5. [WeG]Tl2tl - 7
    6. [FiM]ZzShy - 6
    7. [xXx]Kirby - 5
    8. [WeG] Cam - 4
    9. [xXx]Shök - 3
    10. [WeG]Uli - 2
    11. [SWF]☆Áir - 1
    12. [SWF]Gatln - 0

    Take Two (the old one)


    1. [SWF]Aria♪ - 15
    2. [xXx]BSP - 12
    3. [FiM]B[]x - 10
    4. [xXx]Shök - 8
    5. [FiM]ZzShy - 7
    6. [xXx]Kirby - 6
    7. [FiM]Timmy - 5
    8. [SWF]Gatln - 4
    9. [WeG]Tl2tl - 3
    10. [WeG]Uli - 2
    11. [SWF]☆Áir - 1
    12. [WeG] Cam - 0

    So basically, the changes would be:

    Final = -7
    BSP = 0
    Box = +5
    Shok = -5
    Zz = -1
    Kirby = -1
    Timmy = +5
    Gatlin = -4
    Link = +4
    Uli = 0
    Air = 0
    Cam = +4

    And for teams:

    SWF = -11
    xXx = -6
    FiM = +9
    WeG = +8

    Which would make results:

    Individual Results:

    1. Shok (172)
    2. Aria♪ (127)
    3. B[]x (123)
    4. Uli (105)
    5. Air (97)
    5. BSP (97)
    7. Gatlin (95)
    8. Z'zgashi (92)
    9. Timmy (83)
    10. GreenKirby (72)
    11. Tl2tl (54)
    12. Cam (52)

    Team Results:

    Team xXx (Shok, Kirby, BSP) - 341
    Team SWF (Aria♪, Gatlin, Air) - 319
    Team FiM (B[]x, Timmy, Z'zgashi) - 298
    Team WeG (Uli, Tl2tl, Cam) - 211[/COLLAPSE]
    btw, i'm not going to be so private anymore, i'm already in those social groups ;D. and btw you can call me by my real name if you want. but you gota guess it first haha, i'll give you a hint if you can't guess it, but it might be obvious
    I didn't have internet when you left to see you off then. So I hope you're having a good time and enjoying yourself. I'm not jealous in the least though ;).
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