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  • Heh. Melee is much more fun than that. But I guess it's better for you to stick with Brawl anyways.
    yeah sorry man, been tryin to focus on school more, on Friday I'll be free because its the last day b4 christmas break.

    Practice using it offline. Adjusting to lag is difficult I know. I still have problems adjusting

    But yea, get your Fair use nailed as it's a huge part of Peach's game
    I would, I got in a nice big fight with her once. and it's best to apologize to her, and works things out.
    GG's :) The lag wasn't as bad as I thought it'd be...although there were some very nasty lag spikes D:

    Nice Peach you got there :) You use Turnips a lot. Turnips are freat but there times when I punished you for it. Use your Fair! I only saw it about 3 or 4 times in all those matches we had. Use it - it's one of Peach's best aerial. You can't afford to save your Fair in Peach dittos anyway ;)

    Keep up the good work :)
    it wasn't my doing Meno did it and posted it on the peach chatroom, so i just copied it from there lol. ask him he knows how.
    lol april is the best month tho. its like not hot, not cold, kinda warm, kinda chilly, breezey, rainy, i love it.

    but yea wuts up man, arent u supposed to be at school?
    Well she's nice, smart, and very cute with long brown hair, and she like to cook and bake deserts, and love to play video games and brawl. :) She the sweetest girl I know, but she's in Texas now. :( I missed her so much, she always call me a big lovable teddybear. :) Heehee!
    I'm so sorry buddy that I scared you, i'm not like that anymore though. It's was the students fault for messing with me in the first place, and all the teachers agree too. And hey most people hit me with chairs and that long ruler or a desk or something, or if somebody messes with my family, friends, or Amber i'm going all out! And specially Amber if something happen to my sugarbear, they gonna wish they haven't lay a hand on her!
    Yeah. Step on it's tail and it hates you for life. xD

    If you've played melee at a competitive level as long as I have, it's mucho slow.
    Well people in school called me a monster back than, because I get in alot of fights. And I had no choice they all wanna fight for no reason so they end up being hurt or end up in the hospital. And i'm not a bad guy really i'm a gentle giant, and if somebody try to fight me or talking junk about my family they gonna get in big trouble. And lucky you haven't met me back than I was crazy like I fight anybody that are mean or bullies or a thief, and they try to escape i'll hunt them down and pound them to the ground. And one time I caught a thief stealing my bookbag, so I grabed him and knock him to the wall while holding him and I was aiming for his face and he dodge it and my hand was busted just dripping blood and I almost cracked a stone wall.
    Well, it's cute because they're lazy. I have a friend who's kitty sleeps completely spread out on the floor. It's adorable.

    I play Melee, so I know how important every frame is. Brawl's just so slow as it is, I don't notice. =P
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