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  • Ehhhwuuut? Why haven't I been invited to your Olimar group? You should have been there a couple months ago when I still posted in the Oli Boards!
    kinda yes and kinda no, it looks fine at a glance but stare at it long enough and you see the spaces that make it kinda look like cut and paste lol
    I've been in the sixes since I was 12, no big. Of course, I stopped growing when I turned 18. Most people do.
    Hah. You must be robust on the web, and in real life most importantly. If you show vulnerability, people will attempt to walk all over you. Of course, being 6'2" with a mean face qualifies you as "Someone-You-Shouldn't-Mess-Around-With-Guy". lol
    Well, it was for me. I will tell you that. lol. People thought I was a fraud at first. It was hilarious. Your name is unique, but the way you put it together can somewhat be generic with the number at the end and all words being put together. But I assure there is no other Elem Master Zeph out there. :laugh:
    Hey, when I first joined the thread, I kept wondering that I can do to be someone unique in the crowd. All I did was try to find something nobody else did. So I did stuff like add animated GIFs to movesets, and I just made an AMV for my original Subspace Emissary story. It won't take much to be noticed, you just can't be noobish or fragile. That is why I changed my account. Gryphon was SUCH a generic name. I hated it. It is also a different spelling from my last name. lol
    There lies a limitation. I normally avoid making a moveset from characters that are so underrated that they have no eye-catching visuals. But you can make up for that. Check out my Doctor Cid moveset and look at the subtitle images. You could do something like that.
    Yeah. But just use examples and try to do something to impress the judges. They are always looking for something unique.
    You just don't give up do you.

    Well, at least you've given me something to do now. I'm going to do everything in my power to get you banned. Good job!
    =( Everyone on these boards has something in common, and that something is our love of smash. =)
    'cause i'm not christian lol. I've decided to just stick with my tradition chinese beliefs. =)
    Umm you could, but the judges give some reviews that may crush your world if you feel it is your best work. How about you PM me what you have so far. I am considered an elite in making movesets. I would know what would be needed to make it cooler. It isnt cheating, but everyone wil be there to help. Ivan has already been done in MYM 2.0, so if it isnt as good or not better, then everyone will ignore or just give negativity.
    Noctis from Final Fantasy Versus 13. It hasnt been released, and it will be awhile before it will. He's name was just announced recently
    There was a great Isaac moveset in 3.0, actually.

    Even if you can't compete with it, you can atleast be inspired by it.

    Hell, you don't have to compete with it. Choose a different Golden Sun character... Felix is really popular, but I'ld prefer to see someone less over-rated, like Mia, or whatever her name is... or perhaps the mind-reading kid....

    It's been a while since I've played that game....
    Nothing much.. just Final Exam week, got my class ring today, stuff like that.

    I haven't seen you post in the contest... whats the matter?
    Noooooooooo, you've misunderstood me.

    She told me I was stalking her earlier, and I was saying that she was stalking me XD

    Sorry, I can see how that confused you.
    k, I sent it, if it doesn't come & says the "message failed" again, this is jiffed.
    =o, if your good at melee thats a terrible question to ask. brawl is just so plain and simple, its too easy i cant stand it, i just played it in the beginning becuase it was the new game out, but its just terrible
    oh thats cool, you gotta be a senior to leave campus in my school, but i know the security so im just like wat up and i leave lol. so you play melee or brawl?
    (brawl is wack btw)
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