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  • You're a nice guy, El, but even nice guys are detested or ignored by others. In this case, it isn't even worth it, because this is the interweb. I try not to meddle in others' affairs, which is easy since I normally have no interest in them. lol.


    But anyway, put it behind you because you are much better than that.
    Girls are annoying, in a way. thats why i focus on games. Crap, the tourney...uh, new Avatar!! and sig.
    Just relax. Everyone has situations where they feel too demoralized to come back. Well, It hasn't happened to me yet. lol. heartz had it happen to her two times by other females here, though she fought back ten-fold. I never laughed so hard in my life. XD

    One question doesn't make you a stalker, logically. But others have their OWN opinions. Also take note that people could be in a bad mood. I promise you that she is constantly questioned by people she doesn't know. She has ALOT of friends, I doubt she even has room for more. This is what happens when you become popular. Of course, any old newcomer would accept anyone as their friend. Don't let this bother you.
    I saw them. I know Chaco, at least from heartz. He is close to Bunny, so of course if something is bothering her, he will protect her or w/e it is called. But as I said, she is bothered by random people JUST for being a girl, and that can be extremely annoying. I can't exactly call his approach justified, but I understand what he is saying. Not everyone can be your friend, even on the internet. I'm really sorry that this happened, El.
    Well, it was hard to see.

    Well, I can see why. For one, she is a girl. Of course, females are more likely to be more cautious and cryptic over the web, for obvious reasons. She may have felt violated in some sort of way. Bunny is favored by many here like heartz was, so she somewhat has "body guards". What exactly did you say to her? And who were cussing you out?
    Oh gosh. Please do not use that color again. XD

    She is Heartz' best friend. The first person she ever met here. I hear they are equally skilled in Smash, which is true because heartz is very good.
    i dont want to go. it will just be a repeat of last time or be worse than that.
    I just checked. its in Falls Church, Virginia. And even if it was in the same house, Dad got fed up with me and said no more tournies.
    we cant go to their house again. Chu is having another tourney, but its in Falls Church, Virginia. plus my dad got fed up with my depressed attitude. why is everyone on my case? its not my fault its like this.
    haha no lol

    You didn't see the" :D" after? <.<;....

    It was a joke refferring to when you said that you know everything about every character since you main all of them. XD
    What do you mean what do I mean?XD

    The last thing I said seemed clear enough to me. You'll have to point out what you didn't get I guess... :/
    Yeah I see that now. Odd. But sorry for mis-labeling you. Hope I didn't make myself look stupid. (Which I did...^^;)
    I didn't threaten you, just told you not to annoy her, and yes I read the posts. You continued after she ignored you. Plus reporting me, only really goes back to Bunny. In which I'm just trying to keep people from annoying her. Do you know the crap she gets? If not, I'd watch around for it. She really has a lot of SWF and AiB stalkers. And you just seemed to come off like they always do. I'm used to knocking away her stalkers and do it all the time. So sorry if you're not one.
    Aww you're no fun at all. Well, whenever you want to play a few rounds with me,let me know. And I apologize if I sounded malicious or mean as that wasn't my intent. Well maybe it was, a little bit, in the beggining. And I apologize for that.

    Though Christ wants his followers to be the light of this world,until we're mature enough to not be stumbling blocks for others,it's best just to show who we are through action rather than words.

    Sure,we can be friends if you want. But don't make any big claims without evidence to back them up! :D
    I've known her for a long time, and talking to her currently. She's not your friend trust me. Believe me. I wouldn't push her. And just because she added you, doesn't mean she's your friend.

    And who am I? I'm your friendly neighborhood Spider-Karp.
    o_o...I knew you'd say that. I pointed that out first. As long as what you please isn't involving her. So, I'll leave you alone now. But remember, being a mod isn't that grea.t ;O
    ...Are you dumb, dude? I'm starting to believe so. Leave Bunny alone. She asked you to, so do it. Don't start that, oh your not my boss ****. I don't wanna hear it. Don't bother her anymore. You hear me? I mean really, don't do it. Or I'm gonna **** your ear with things you don't wanna hear. Plus, I'm good friends with a few mods. ^___^ Have a good day stalker #78578.
    I didn't say that, there are a few perks and I do like it alot, but there is a bit more work in it then you are thinking.
    1) You don't just try to be a mod, like I said help out report posts when you see them, learn what is ok for each fourm (different fourms do things slightly different)
    2) It sounds like you spend most of your time on SWF talking to buddies so don't force yourself to spend more time watching or being some where you don't wanta. I mod the Pit boards that is where I spend a huge part of my time at when im on SWF so its not really a problem for me to mod it. but if I were the mod for the pool room (a place where I spend almost no time) it would take more time and be a bit harder for me to stay on top of things.
    3) Why do you wanta be a mod so bad anyway?
    Haha man no worries. You'll get up there.

    Did you train a lot? I am hearing people don't even train for tournaments and still win...that's why I might not come back. You heard about this lol?
    Who said anything about morning? I certainly didn't :/

    I'll be around sometime tomorrow night. I look forward to it. :chuckle:
    Alright then, I'm Super_Sonic8677. Also known as Vash or Kenpachi depending on where or when we've met. My main is Sonic and only Sonic. I've known God all my life,and sometimes suffered for what I believe is right.

    I didn't come out of the blue. Kawaii Bunny is a friend of mine.

    That was just one of the numerous examples I could have used. Since your conversation with Aehgur was closest,that's the one I picked.

    Now that I've told you about me,why don't you tell me about yourself? (:
    "I am not a stalker, she wouldn't tell me why she kept bothering me in a thread. Then plus she answered my friend request, I tried to change the subject but she is too stupid. Mind the fact I hate her, I'm trying to be nice and she's just weird and mean."

    "She just getting on my nerves, I don't hate her. Why am I a stalker to you guys, what did I do to make you think that?"

    Do you see it now? ^

    Your coversation with aeghrur was simply for the most part trying to enforce beliefs onto an other,rather than giving him anything as far as evidence or fact goes. The Bible may be factual to you. In fact the things in the Bible that are implied or expressed as fact I also accept as fact. But to someone who does not accept the Bible as anything more than fiction,it is useless to debate with.

    As a fellow Christian and someone with a little personal experience with this sorta thing I'm trying to help you to see that even though what you're trying to accomplish isn't wrong, you're going about it the wrong way and have no where near enough knowledge to say what needs to be said. And because of this you aren't helping your cause,you're hurting it and possibly pushing people away from God.

    She said you were annoying and I'd have to agree. You main every character? And know them inside and out huh?

    How about a SONIC ditto? :chuckle: I'll be available sometime tommorrow. If you know EVERYTHING about Sonic inside and out you should do perfectly fine against me.:chuckle:
    "I am not a stalker, she wouldn't tell me why she kept bothering me in a thread. Then plus she answered my friend request, I tried to change the subject but she is too stupid. Mind the fact I hate her, I'm trying to be nice and she's just weird and mean."

    "She just getting on my nerves, I don't hate her. Why am I a stalker to you guys, what did I do to make you think that?"

    I have a hard time seeing you as 16 dude. You seriously need to grow up. If you're going to be a witness for Christianity than you need to get your facts straight. And actually get some facts to begin with. Otherwise,you only embarress yourself and make God's image even worse than it all ready is. You aren't going to change anyone. Leave that to God.

    And as far as Kawaii Bunny goes, whatever you were trying to do,you ruined it....

    Figure out what you believe and what you can and can't prove. And don't contradict yourself. ;)
    Hah actaully it's pretty good. If I started training I could probably be a top Kirby...but I lack dedication and patience...but who knows!
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