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  • You should apply for the Tournament Directors group. You can get the title by running online tournaments.
    Someone just joined, if he doesn't let you in then I'll just quit so we can brawl =D
    yea, but aryman, will probably needs to finish up, but in that case, us 4 will finish our matches and also other ppl if necessary o-o
    I can play but it'll be late. like, around 7pm eastern time. which is around what time it is right now. so it wouldn't be any earlier. I have to work.
    that would work out great for me, but keep in mind i have school and won't be available till like 3:30pm east if its alright
    haha, well idk, I kinda want to finish it soon, but I`ll be back at 7:00. it`s okay if we can finish tomorrow. *has school o-o* cept I won`t be on like 4- 9 Pm PST on weekdays XD
    Samusbrawler thanks for helping me out.
    If it doesn't work ill probaly will be sad ; (
    but its oke.
    i hope i can play my matches tommorow
    i am going now.
    So that means i get disqaulified because i am going to sleep.
    Will it be possible if i face Barge first and then go to sleep so i can face my other opponent tommorow.
    I dont want to get DQ cause i really want that prize and i know i can win it ; ( what time this tourney end cause then i will set up a alarm so i can wake up and play lawl !
    Does that mean that u have to DQ me?
    because i am trying to stay up, but i can't for much longer ; ( school etc.
    Its 11.17 in the evening
    and i have school tommorow so i wont be able to stay very long
    Alright Samus I lost man, I am having a lot of bad luck these days. Which is why I quit a lot, to answer Shadow's questions. I lost to him because he got lucky. Imma take a break from brawl the rest of the week k? :)
    Ok if you have it soon then the sign up will be open earlier.
    Your rank is going to soar if you keep winning my tourneys. lulz
    Thats 1.6 points for you.
    GGs with Reo and 1 v 1 battles.
    I need you to give me a theme by the end of the day or I'll make a other theme.
    This will be for week 11.
    GG's last night I loved the pokemon trainer vs yoshi on pokemon stadium 2. It was fun.

    Your yoshi is real good, however you overuse down B I think.
    I love squirtle. I really need to work on my charizard though >_>

    Btw; Don't you love my bthrow to bthrow chain grab on my ice climbers? I was surprised I pulled off 4 strings, with the lag and all.

    Also: I can't brawl istudying atm. I'll try to brawl him soon.
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