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  • I want Melee Falco back, his shine always lead to triple distilled and purified ****.
    True, but tbh, the entire roster needs to be moved up the tier list if you catch my drift lol. I think the developers really put loads of effort into balancing the characters, until Sakurai thought he'd just tweak his little Meta Knight. Still, every character has some things going for them in Brawl, so I think there should be equal positions introduced on the tier list.
    I don't understand why Wolf isn't higher in the tier list. His game effectively revolves around 4 moves. Laser, Reflector, FSmash, USmash. You'd think that's retarted and predictable, but it works lol. I used him yesterday for the first as a response to some blatant overzealous spam, and his constant Fsmashing's effectiveness made me laugh and so he grew on me. Still hideous though...
    Peach would probably take top spot. She's unique, and you abuse her talents well.
    Lucas was really good as well, although I have trouble with the Earthbound kids in general so I'm not sure how accurate it would be for me to judge him. I haven't seen your Luigi recently but he's probably your 2nd best. Yoshi's great as well though, it's just I'm used to Orion's, so it takes an ultimate beast of a Yoshi to impress me now lol. XD
    When I said thinking it I meant the spurt lol....
    I'd still say Falco's my most consistent performer. I'm just looking for a secondary, and I've practically been playing half the cast and getting so much mixed feedback about who I'm best with that I dunno who to choose as secondaries, or even mains.
    Well I did better as Fox than Falco... I dunno, either you're much better, or my Brawl game is going haywire. Still think the former is more likely, it's just one of those sudden spurts I suppose (no innuendo intended XD Now you're thinking it...)
    Hey GG's. You're definitely a lot better than when I faced you like a week or 2 ago. You're leaving me trailing man... :urg:
    Check Group Memberships under User CP. If you've been approved, it should give you the option to identify as a Tournament Director.
    Everyone can glide toss, some have better ones than others.
    It's just kind of hard to do it, and yeah, Im at school right now, but I can get on in about 9 hours
    Whats an easy way to glide toss using the default control? I know how to do it but it takes too much effort.
    Yup, it's kind of surprising really. Especially your peach.
    I think I have to be a little more offensive, I rush into things too much.
    YOu've gotten a lot better, its surprising. I'm surprised you placed high in those 2 tournaments. I get wiped out ALWAYS In the first round because they always place me against people who are really good and use characters that have the advantage against IC'S.
    I usually get put against Aryman, glyph, owndizzler (his gnw is insane) or royal.
    I swear, if I meet one more Yoshi or Earthbound boy... why is it that every day everbody only uses like 2 characters on me?! :'( Those 2 are all I've fought today. =O
    Lol ok good games. Quite funny how I kept phantasming through the platform?! =S
    UH, YEAH, I CAN'T PLAY PAST 10:00 pm east, so idk how this will work...
    Yay! I'll be on in a minute. Get ready for half the cast of brawl to come at you. >__>
    Hey, I'm sure you're really sick of brawl right now, but if you're not, care for some matches? ^_^
    Helix wont make it in 2 hours cause his time diffrence, and if i win from dabuz i will play Helix as well.
    and if i lose Helix can fight Dabuz, cause i dont wanna go sleep at midnight again ; (
    So can i please play Dabuz
    hey i have to be going to school in 15 min.
    In how many hours will the tournament continue?
    Well, considering I've been absent the entire day (sadly), I'm probably disqualified. I really wasn't planning for today to be so hectic, but I guess what needs to be done needs to be done. Sorry I didn't even play anyone once.
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